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Webutation - Website Reputation Community against fraud and badware

AAA Math SEO Tool for Search Engine Optimization Analysis SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Analysis Tool This SEO Analysis Tool is to help you analyze and measure the ranking potential of your web pages. It doesn't only analyze the Meta Tags of your pages, rather it tries to use the same spider technology as the search engine spiders themselves. We also made available a Firefox SEO extension which you can use to test your pages with just a single click. Did you already use our SEO tool and you have questions or you need some extra help to improve your site's performance and achieve higher rankings? SEO Analysis Tool Features Disclaimer Please note that this SEO tool is not a 100% accurate representation of search engine algorithms and should not be used as your sole tool for search engine optimization. Nobody knows the exact algorithms that the search engines use! There are many other ranking factors such as inbound links, outbound links, user data, content quality and more.

Flashcards: The world's largest online library of test everything — 100+ tools in one! Choose the tools with that you want to test the given adress: CSS and HTML validators SEO tools Social services Web proxies Network tools Text tools Image tools (works only with Image URLs) Miscellaneous tools Free technology teacher training videos Broken Links mit Link Sleuth erfassen Geschrieben von: Christian Holm Kategorie: Server 56843 Zugriffe. 904 Bewertungen, Durchschnitt 1.72 URLs auf eigenen oder fremden Sites können mit der Zeit durch Contentänderung oder Restrukturierung der Site ungültig werden. Dann erhält man beim Anklicken meist den 404 Fehler. Daß das Überprüfen der einzelnen Links bei umfangreichen Websites eine unnötige Tortur ist, brauche ich Ihnen nicht zu beweisen. Dafür gibt es spiderähnliche Software, die solche Aufgaben per Konpfdruck und ohne viel mühsames Zutun erledigen. Unter den vielen Angeboten von Broken-Links Reportern befinden sich auch einige, die kostenlos sind. Link Sleuth läßt sich leicht konfigurieren, läuft auf jeder Windows Plattform, unterstützt SSL verschlüsselte Seiten, ist unter gewissen Einschränkungen auch für FTPs und Gopher Seiten geeignet, erkennt auch Redirects und man hat die Möglichkeit als broken Links markierte URLs später noch einmal zu überprüfen, ohne die gesamte Seite noch einmal testen zu müssen. Link Sleuth

55 SEO Productivity Tools We Use at Single Grain Looking for a new tool that will help you get the most out of your SEO campaigns? Consider any of the following programs that we use at Single Grain in order to maximize the efficiency of our SEO activities and our general productivity: Tool #1 – Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool Although the free Keyword Research Tool offered by Google’s Adwords doesn’t offer as many features as standalone SEO programs offer, this resource is a great option for checking general search, competition, and CPC metrics on the fly. Tool #2 – Google Trends With Google’s new freshness update in effect, picking up on and capturing breaking news stories and trends is a must for SEO. Tool #3 – Buzzfeed Another site we use to identify the hot trends within our industry in order to rank highly for QDF (query deserving freshness) SERPs is Buzzfeed, a popular news aggregation site that covers a wide variety of niches. Tool #4 – Google Insights for Search Tool #5 – Google Related Searches Tool #6 – Google Correlate

What Is In Your Enterprise SEO Toolkit? Enterprise SEO ain’t like the others. As I’ve said before, simply saying “I’m an enterprise SEO!!!” doesn’t make you one. You need different tools, and different skills, and a whole different level of diplomatic kung-fu. I lack diplomatic-fu. And skills are always open to debate. Rank Tracking For the record, I do not support rank tracking as a success metric. Advanced Web Ranking. Authority Labs. SEOMOZ Campaign Tracking. Raven Tools. BrightEdge. Share of voice analysis in Brightedge Link Tracking This is one of the few areas where I recommend having multiple tools. Majestic SEO continues to be an industry standard, with a great API, and a huge dataset. SEOMOZ is the other standard. ahrefs is the new kid on the block. The ahrefs new links report Raven Tools will keep popping up on the list. Statistical Analysis If you think links and rankings are enough for you to do, keep your resume handy. Microsoft Excel is universally accepted and used. SAS is the only other ‘pro’ tool I’ve used. Hey!

This web site could be used as promotional tool. Maybe? Also, an eye needs to be kept on it in case someone decides to slender you... by _sergiu_ Jan 17
