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People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do
A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way. Members of Professor Dr. Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. “When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bio-energy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. Stay centered and grounded. Be in a state of non-resistance.

Trauerportal: Leben mit Tod und Trauer Echte Gefühle oder Krokodilstränen? Immer wieder löst der Tod eines einzelnen oder mehrerer Menschen spontane öffentliche Trauerbekundungen aus. Menschen pilgern zu hunderten oder zu tausenden an bestimmte Orte, um dort für einen Prominenten oder für namenlose Katastrophenopfer Blumen niederzulegen und Kerzen anzuzünden. 21 Brilliant British People Problems British people are well known for being educated and well mannered, easy-going people. But this list will certainly make you laugh at the reality of their “problems”, which seem nothing more than excessive politeness. We could all use a British touch in our lives. Five social media charity campaigns you need to know about | Voluntary Sector... Movember have been hugely successful when it comes to social media. In 2013 their campaign gathered 1.2m social media mentions. Photograph: Newspix / Rex Features Since the #nomakeupselfie campaign raised £8m for Cancer Research, charities have been asking how they can replicate its success. Movember Founded in 2003 to fundraise for men's health through sponsored moustache growing, Movember has built a community based on shared humour. Action on Hearing Loss Photograph: John Lewis/PA Last year Action on Hearing Loss convinced John Lewis to add subtitles to its Christmas TV advert, just by asking on Twitter. #nomakeupselfie Holly Willoughby's #NoMakeUpSelfie. The #nomakeupselfie campaign, which began with people posting images of themselves without make up on social networks, wasn't started by Cancer Research but their social media team quickly got involved and asked people to donate via text. UNICEF- Likes Don't Save Lives Rethink- #FindMike What do these campaigns have in common?

Die spirituelle Beziehung - eine Anleitung Was ist eine spirituelle Beziehung? Wie kann Beziehung gelingen? Darf Liebe weh tun? Wie können wir durch Beziehungen heilen? Spirituelle Beziehungen - die einzigen Beziehungen, die es gibt Du bist wahrscheinlich nicht mit einer Bedienungsanleitung für spirituelle Beziehungen aufgewachsen - der einzigen Art von Beziehung, die du in den heutigen Energien des Erwachens überhaupt haben kannst. Du musst spirituelle Beziehungen nicht suchen. Der Hauptzweck der spirituellen Beziehung ist, Dinge an die Oberfläche zu bringen, all das, was du mit dir selbst vereinbart hast, in diesem Leben zu bearbeiten - damit es dich auf deinem Weg weiterbringt. Wenn du glaubst „wenn es wirklich Liebe ist, dann darf es nicht wehtun"... Spirituelle Beziehungen - Spiegel unserer Beziehung zur Quelle In jeder Beziehung bearbeitest du in Wirklichkeit tiefe Intimitäts-Themen zwischen dir, dem Licht und der Quelle - das ist, warum wir hier sind. Die vier Regeln der spirituellen Beziehung 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .

Hair Raising: A Spiritual Journey By Paula Lightening Woman Johnstone Hair is the physical manifestation of our thoughts and an extension of ourselves. So pure and sacred are the thoughts of Our Mother, the Earth, that Her hair grows long and fragrant. The Sweet Grasses found growing around the World represent the hair of Our Mother, the Earth. As Native People walk the Sacred Path of the Creator God, Our Hair, the physical extension of our thoughts, allows for our direction along the Path of Life. In many countries around the World, Holy men and Holy women are recognized by the length and glory of their hair. Hairstyles like seasons change for public, private and ceremonial occasions. Everyone is given Straight or Curly hair, depending on the Creator's discretion. Native Children are taught from a young age how to groom and care for themselves, their immediate and extended family. As Children are raised up, so too is the spiritual level of teaching raised, to elevate their Spirits. They are also taught combing rites.

Hijab: A Male Perspective | Al-Madina Institute Blog "There are men among the believers who honored their pledge to God: some of them have fulfilled it by death, and some are still waiting. They have not changed in the least." (Qur’an 33:23) There is no doubt that, as of late, many Muslim women have decided to remove their head-scarves, despite a consensus among scholars that hijab is required. In a profound noble prophetic narration, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) gives us an understanding of communal modesty and chastity which places the greater (but not exclusive) responsibility upon men. The first half of the Prophet’s statement (God bless him and grant him peace) is general, whereas the second half of the narration is directed specifically at men. The fact of the matter is that we live in a hyper-sexualized world obsessed with appearances, and this presents severe challenges upon the Muslim spiritual psyche. Being a male does not make you a man. And success is from God.

Der Schmerz und die Freude, den großen Traum zu fühlen Was tun, wenn man eine Vision einer besseren Welt spürt, aber sie sich nicht zu verwirklichen scheint? Wie umgehen mit diesem großen Traum, der so nah und doch so fern ist? Aufwachen zum großen Traum Viele Menschen sehnen sich nach einem großen Wandel, sie spüren, wie anders das Leben auf diesem Planeten aussehen könnte, wie viel größer das Potenzial der Menschheit ist. Und sobald einem der eigentliche Wahnsinn unseres kollektiven Handelns bewusst geworden ist, sobald seine selbstzerstörerische, oft lebensverachtende Natur sich offenbart hat, erkennt man vor allem noch etwas Anderes: Dass es völlig unnötig ist. Wir könnten Armut und Hunger auf der Welt sofort beenden, wir könnten die Zerstörung des Planeten stoppen und wirklich im Einklang mit der Natur leben, wir könnten Schluss machen mit einer Arbeitswelt, die Menschen in die Verzweiflung und Depression treibt. Der Schatten des Traumes Sobald man einmal wirklich gefühlt hat, was möglich wäre, ist es beinahe zum Verrücktwerden.

Popes Tortured Thousands Of Women Burned Alive ~ Malleus Maleficarum -WHAT THEY DONT TEACH YOU IN SCHOOL | Strange (Before It's News) When I watched the movie “The Da Vinci Code” when Tom Hanks went to the English mansion, he was talking to the older man about history, and they showed this book below, then I spent hours and hours learning this… Such a horrible crime against women healers….You could make a lifetime study of it… I’m adding this post to Before Its News, as to many of you, it may be the first time you heard of it…. Women were the healers and the men that killed them were the Popes, while the government took over their land from fraud and lies. Why or why isnt this taught in schools? The European Witch Hunts The Malleus Maleficarum was the manual of how to torture women and burn them at the stakes during the middle ages; written by 3 Swiss – Heinrich Kramer, Jacobus Sprenger and Johannes Nider. It was a swiss idea, and started just after the founding of Switzerland by the Templars on august 1st in 1291. Further Reading: Keith Thomas; Religion and the Decline of Magic; Penguin Books; 1971

25 Ways to Improve Online Content It is said that an enormous amount of poor-quality content is floating all over this Internet. This type of content, none short of boring and complete staleness, becomes a nuisance to consumers. You might be working and sweating hard to create the best content, but your ideas are still common and non-creative in nature. No matter how hard you try on your own, the performance is still at its lowest. With low performance comes not so many positive results. To improve and to rise out of this predicament, you will need think outside the box and acquire greater ideas from different sources for content creation. Their online content ranges from informative videos all the way to engaging text within their published articles. Twenty-five techniques have been listed and briefly described in this article on creative methods to improve your content and get the most out of it. #1 – Add Creative Images Select a number of creative images from your sources. #2 – Add Facts & Quotes #3 – Conduct Interviews

Microsoft Word - Bin - Atheist_TA1995_3.pdf Buddhism Vaults : Psychoactive Plants in Tantric Buddhism The authors wish to thank Professor David B. Gray and Professor Geoffrey Samuel for their encouragement and many helpful suggestions. Since the beginning of modern discourse about psychedelics in American intellectual culture, seminal authors have noted parallels between psychedelic experiences and contemplative practices of Asia. In his 1954 essay The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley likened his experience of mescaline to the insights precipitated by yoga and meditation. Author R. Gordon Wasson went further, arguing that some spiritual disciplines of India may be intended to evoke an experience that was originally entheogenic in nature.1 By the late 1960s, counterculture rhetoric strongly associated psychedelics and Eastern mysticism. Psychedelic experience and Eastern meditation have become so intertwined in Western culture that their roots are difficult to disentangle. Tantric Buddhism The term "tantra" refers to a great many religious practices and beliefs. Why Look to Tantra?

This Video Will Make You Never Want To Eat Lobster Again Image Credit: Flickr / KaiChanVong By: Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution. It’s the age of information, and the internet has become an excellent tool for sharing and coming together to spread awareness to begin taking necessary action towards global change. PETA’s groundbreaking investigation of mass crustacean slaughter recorded animals who were ripped apart and boiled alive. Lobsters and crabs feel pain. Lobsters are like us in many ways; they have a long childhood and an awkward adolescence. Around 2.3 million lobsters and countless crabs will be killed at this slaughterhouse this year alone. Animals are conscious, and that’s something that is obvious if you’ve ever been around them. I understand that the consumption of animals has taken place throughout human history, but back when the human race was driven by spirit, not ego, animals were killed only out of necessity. This video is extremely graphic, in some cases it shows the reaction after the animal is torn apart. Take Action Here

Lebenslösungen: Buch Christa Heidecke Was würde die Liebe jetzt tun? – mit Kommentaren von Jesus Sananda – Ein Buch über seelischen Mißbrauch von Kindern, über Liebe und Angst und eine Entscheidungshilfe für alle Lebensbereiche Seelischer Mißbrauch in den frühen Kindheitsjahren führt dazu, daß wir unbewußt von Ängsten gesteuert werden. Jetzt im Buchhandel: Gebundene Ausgabe, ISBN 978-3-83912-302-7, 368 Seiten, 38,90 € Paperback, ISBN 978-3-83912-381-2, 368 Seiten: 26,90 € bei Amazon bestellen Buchrückseitentext: Fast alle von uns haben seelischen Mißbrauch erlebt, der ungelöst unser Leben bis weit ins Erwachsenen­alter beeinträchtigt. Dieses Buch bietet einfache und kostenlose Lösungen an, die nicht ganz neu sind, dafür aktueller denn je: indem es herausfordernde Ansichten vorstellt, die uns selbst und unsere bedürftigen Gesellschaften revolutionieren können - die Auflösung unserer Ängste durch die konsequente Hinwendung zur Liebe. - Christa Heidecke - Was würde die Liebe jetzt tun? Was würde die Liebe jetzt tun?

Seeker After Truth » Alan Watts: What to tell children about God There was never a time when the world began, because it goes round and round like a circle, and there is no place on a circle where it begins. Look at my watch, which tells the time; it goes round, and so the world repeats itself again and again. But just as the hour-hand of the watch goes up to twelve and down to six, so, too, there is day and night, waking and sleeping, living and dying, summer and winter. In the same way, there are times when the world is, and times when it isn’t, for if the world went on and on without rest forever and ever, it would get horribly tired of itself. God also likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside God, He has no one but himself to play with. Now when God plays hide and pretends that He is you and I, He does it so well that it takes Him a long time to remember where and how He hid Himself. Of course, you must remember that God isn’t shaped like a person.

This article does not connect the science of energy transfer in plants to "energies" transfer in humans. They are entirely different phenomena. In short, it's wishful bunk. by ocadd Mar 14
