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Memiary, the weightless pocket diary

Memiary, the weightless pocket diary

100+ More Ways to Organize Your Life Last year we featured over 100 web applications to organize every aspect of your life, from your belongings to your social calendar, and more. Since then, many have been significantly improved and lots of new apps have been released. From basic to do lists to event planning, fitness, educational organizers, and more, here are 100 new applications to get you even more organized. Have a favorite? Organize Your Stuff LivingSocial - Organize your interests (restaurants, video games, books, TV shows, etc.) and share them with others. - Online tools to help you move. BookBump - Complete book organization, including in-depth management tools, instant bibliographies, and organized book lists. GuruLib - Home library organization application. allmythings - Secure home inventory software that offers both free and paid plans. WhatYah! PutPlace - Organize, store and backup all your digital stuff in one place. Organize Your Shopping iStorez - Create your own personal mall to simplify your shopping.

Los finales de películas mas sorprendentes El Secreto de tus Ojos Regresando a 1999 (donde está contada la historia) y tratando de sacarle sentido al caso, Esposito va a visitar a Morales, quien se mudó en 1975 a una casa aislada en las afueras de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Durante la visita, ambos discuten varios de los eventos que ocurrieron durante y después del caso, pero Morales se descontrola después de que Esposito le pregunta cómo hizo para sobrellevar la muerte de su mujer, y más aún la injusticia con la que finalizó su causa. Porque después de enterarse Esposito de que Gómez había terminado como guardaespaldas de Isabel Perón, a éste no se lo volvió a ver. Morales le cuenta a Esposito que él ya se había encargado de secuestrar a Gómez y de tirotearlo en el baúl de su auto.

Back to Basics: Projects - Stepcase Lifehack One of the things that is so hard to grasp about “next actions” or “tasks” is that they are single actions – buy something, call someone, go somewhere, look something up. In and of themselves, they have no end goal other than their own immediate completion. People don’t think like that way, for the most part, and it is the challenge of productivity experts like David Allen or Stephen Covey to lead their students to do so. The first thing a newly-arrived student of productivity wants to put on his or her list is “write novel” or “write grant proposal” or “acquire Acme Co.” or “sue Google” or “save marriage” – big, huge undertakings that can’t just be “done”. You need a plan, you need resources that you probably don’t have immediate access to, you need coordination with other people, and you need time. These big undertakings are projects — “bundles” of actions devoted towards the achievement of some goal. But brushing my teeth is not a project. Heavy stuff for a project, yes?

101 Lugares increíbles - The Unsurpassable Productivity List: A Handy Guide to Getting Im Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. And now, for the list to surpass all lists. Well, it might not be all that but I hope this list of my best productivity articles will be of some use to you. :) I’ve gathered together some of my best posts on productivity, ZTD and GTD, to help guide you if you’re having trouble getting work done. A bit of Zen Habits history for those of you who are new to this blog: ZH started as a productivity/GTD blog, but very quickly expanded beyond that scope to include simplicity, organization, happiness, family, finance, health and fitness articles, among others. My Favorites GTD Resources Simple Productivity And More

50 Businesses You Can Start In Your Spare Time - Stepcase Lifeha Most people want a few more dollars in their wallets. But between an employer and family, the time most of us can devote to a second job is severely limited. Running a small side business can provide a few more options: you don’t have to show up at a set time and you can use skills you already have. Not all will be perfect for everyone, of course, and I’m sure that you’ll have a few ideas of your own after reading this list. Selling collectibles — From antique books to teddy bears, there are plenty of opportunities to buy and sell collectibles. There are plenty of offers that claim to provide you with the opportunity to make thousands of dollars a week.

Spacejock Software A Pattern Language for Productivity Entries Tagged as 'A Pattern Language for Productivity' A Pattern Language for Productivity — Downloadable Version · 7 Comments While I was in the middle of reordering, revising and adding sections to the Pattern Language for Productivity series for a downloadable version, one of my more saintly readers, D.L. Fuller, preempted me and sent in PDF and RTF versions, which I’m making available now. [Read more →] Tags: A Pattern Language for Productivity

Quicken Starter Edition Review 2009 - TopTenREVIEWS Overall Rating Quicken Deluxe nearly has it all; it is the most the most comprehensive personal finance software available. This program allows you to collect all your bills, credit card statements and expenses in one convenient location. You can track the money going in and out of your bank account as bills are paid and received. Quicken Deluxe is very similar to the Starter software, but the Deluxe version incorporates many more features, including a personal investing and goal setting feature. Quicken Deluxe can access information from almost twice as many banks as the Starter program. The Deluxe version has many similar features, but there are more financial institutions available so you can monitor more information. The Deluxe version of the Quicken product will help you plan even further ahead than the Starter version. There are other outstanding tax management features before you export them to the TurboTax program.

take the tour • Goals Goals are a tool to concentrate your effort and move you in a direction. Set goals in each of your life's areas, along with the timelines you are committed to accomplish them by. "We are what and where we are because we first imagined it." - Donald Curtis • Projects Action plans that map to one of your goals. • Tasks and Next Actions Break out each project into specific tasks (actionable items), and decide what the next action is going to be. • Contexts Context is where or how a task is accomplished. • Checklists Use checklists for your repeating/recurring tasks, things that you must handle weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc as well as action items that may be tied to a specific month (e.g. wax car every April and November). You can tie them to your goals. • Schedules Schedules are tools for organizing your daily activities, with exact timings. • Calendar Use the included calendar to keep note of and remember your "set-in-stone" activities, that need to be done at certain dates.

Budgets Get Real - personal money management software

每天只能記下五件事情,你只要在當天結束時花上一分鐘的時間,就可以把今天的事情紀錄下來,作為生活紀錄、備忘錄,甚至是安排明天的計畫、或是待辦事項。值得一提的是Memiary相當注重用戶的隱私,註冊帳號甚至無須輸入Email信箱,也不會有公開的頁面,你所寫的內容就只有自己才看得到。 Memiary也支援Twitter, iPhone應用程式等功能,如果不想繼續使用,使用者也能夠快速匯出以前的日誌。註冊帳號剛才提到過Memiary不用輸入Email信箱就能註冊,也就是說你將能在這裡保有非常好的隱私。進入Memiary首頁後,直接把你要使用的帳號輸入對話框,然後按下”Sign up / Sign in”就可以了。如果你要使用Email註冊也可以,往後如果忘記密碼時就能透過Email方式來找回密碼。 by laoxiuwu Aug 2
