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What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler The Hero Archetype in Literature, Religion, and Popular Culture: (along with a useful PowerPoint presentation teachers can download at this URL: )Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (users embark on their own hero's journey): American Masters Lesson from PBS for Teachers on George Lucas, the Power of Myth, and the Hero's Journey: an interactive approach to the Hero's Journey: of course, information about Joseph Campbell's works on the subject, on the Joseph Campbell Foundation site:The Hero With A Thousand Faces Hero's Journey (semi-biographical film):

Will a woman ever play in the major leagues? Mo’ne Davis, the 13-year-old Little League dynamo with a 70-mph pitch heard ’round the world — at least, until her team, the Taney Dragons, were eliminated from the finals on Thursday — was repeatedly asked what she wants to be when she grows up. Her answer: point guard for the WNBA. “Imagine a 13-year-old boy who’s as good as she is, who’s gotten the recognition that she has, saying he’s not interested in going into baseball,” says Jennifer Ring, author of “Stolen Bases: Why American Girls Don’t Play Baseball,” who’s dismayed that the now nationally known teen athlete doesn’t see Major League Baseball as an option or even a dream. Modal Trigger Mo’ne Davis became the first girl to win a Little League World Series game, even scoring the cover of Sports Illustrated.Photo: Sports Illustrated “That the first Little Leaguer on the cover of Sports Illustrated is an African-American girl is amazing. Davis has no obligation to keep on pitching, obviously. Sure. “It’s a really old argument.

Robinson Crusoe PDF by Daniel Defoe - PDF Books Free The Robinson Crusoe PDF link is available here. It is one of the oldest novels of the English language. Its publication date is April 25, 1719. This is a superb story of the human spirit and struggle to survive in hard situations. He gained a lot of profit in his first business voyage. He faced loneliness, lack of proper food and hard weather for twenty eight years. The author of Robinson Crusoe PDF has used excellent terminology in the novel. Download links of Robinson Crusoe PDF The links of this outstanding public domain book have been given below. PDF Kindle epub Some readers still want to read in paperback.

Percentage of Bachelor's degrees conferred to women, by major (1970-2012) One oft-cited problem with Computer Science is its glaring gender disparity: In a given Computer Science class, men will outnumber women as much as 8 to 2 (20% women). This stands in stark contrast to most other college majors, which have women outnumbering men 3 to 2 on average (60% women). This observation made me wonder: Are other STEM majors suffering the same gender disparity? To get at that question, I checked into the NCES 2013 Digest of Education Statistics and looked at the gender breakdown from 1970-2012 for every major they report on. I charted the data below to offer a bird’s eye view of the trends. You can download the cleaned data set here. Edit: For a perspective on the gender gap in female-dominated majors, please look here. Today’s trends The woman-dominated majors of today are unsurprising to anyone who has attended a large university in the U.S This ET gender gap has severe consequences. Historical trends Going back to Computer Science, we see a rather sad story unfold.

From the Top at Carnegie Hall . Season 2 Episodes Watch From the Top at Carnegie Hall Online Season 2 Episode 1 - Rhythm and Strings A hypnotic performance on the marimba by sixteen-year old Joshua Jones of Chicago, Illinois kicks off Season Two of From the Top at Carnegie Hall. Episode 2 - Family Ties Eleven-year old Daniel Song, fifteen-year old Caeli Smith, and sixteen-year old Matthew Lipman are featured in this episode of From the Top at Carnegie Hall. Episode 3 - Meeting Our Heroes Fourteen-year old Travis Johnson, seventeen-year old Jingchen Sun, and twelve-year old MacKenzie Melemend are featured on this episode of From the Top at Carnegie Hall. Episode 4 - From C to Shining Sea This week, From the Top at Carnegie Hall showcases young performers from all across the country including 11-year old cellist Lev Mamuya, 18-year old French horn player Eliodoro Vallecillo, and the Chicagoland-area Ridere String Quartet. Episode 5 - Musical Traditions Episode 6 - Style and Substance Episode 7 - Singing, Strumming, and Skating © 2008.

OCWW | Vol 39, Issue 1 | Features STEM Major Choice and the Gender Pay Gap By Andresse St. Rose, research associate, AAUW A college education remains the most reliable path to economic mobility and security for millions of Americans. As women’s college enrollment continues to grow, so does the public’s perception that women are now on equal footing with men. Women are especially underrepresented in most science, technology, engineering and mathematics majors (or STEM, as these fields are commonly called). Gender Segregation in College Majors and the Workplace Gender differences in the choice of college major are quite dramatic. After graduation, gender segregation in college major choice is reflected in gender segregation in the workforce, with significant economic consequences for women. Graph 1. Source: Hill, C., C. The economic advantages of majoring in STEM fields appear immediately after graduation. Table 1. Source: AAUW. Why Women Don’t Major in STEM Recommendations for Colleges and Universities Conclusion References

Annoyed When People Talk About White Male Privilege Or Whatever? Think They're Trying To Guilt You? The term "privilege" is loaded for some people. I get it — it can cause feelings of guilt over something that isn't a favor you asked for. But what I LOVE about this series of posters from the University of San Francisco is showing that what's necessary isn't guilt, but simply awareness. We didn't make the world this way, but we don't have to sit back and just be passive beneficiaries of inherent inequities, either. First, let's all agree that feelings of guilt aren't productive. Click image to Zoom When we get to the root of the privilege concept, here's what it is. There's the privilege of never having to think twice about doing something requiring unfettered physical mobility. (Lone Mountain is a USF building atop a large hill with lots and lots of stairs.) There are the built-in perks of being part of a religious cultural norm. Feeling like you were born in the right body comes with some benefits that others don't get to enjoy. Here is what Dr.

Ce site m'a permis de faire mes recherches pour mon oral d'anglais. Je travaille sur les organisations qui s'engagent pour l'égalité des sexes. C'est le site officiel de l'organisation : il est fiable. by stephels Apr 7
