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Simulates a digital SLR camera - SLR Photography Demystified

Simulates a digital SLR camera - SLR Photography Demystified
Lighting Lighting is the single biggest determinant of how your camera needs to be set. With only a few exceptions, you can never have too much light. Use this slider to experiment with different indoor and outdoor lighting conditions. Distance Use this slider to simulate how close or far you are in relation to the subject. Focal length Moving this slider is the same as zooming in and out with your lens. Mode The exposure modes of an SLR let you control one setting while the camera automatically adjusts the others. ISO refers to how sensitive the “film” will be to the incoming light when the picture is snapped. Aperture Aperture, or f-stop, refers to how big the hole will be for the light to pass through when the shutter is open and the picture is snapped. Shutter speed Shutter speed is how long the shutter needs to be open, allowing light into the camera, to properly expose the image. Happy simulating!

Digital Cameras & Digital Photography | PhotoRadar Introduction - Cleaning Digital Cameras - D-SLR Sensor Cleaning. Web Design Library — One-stop Web Design Resource Picturenaut Overview Picturenaut 3 with a completely redesigned interface. Pan anywhere with left mouse button, zoom with mouse wheel. Make better HDR images. You want the accuracy of HDRShop, with all the low-level control to squeeze out the maximum on image quality. Picturenaut is for you. Picturenaut was born in the German photo community. Fast. Picturenaut's consistent multi-threaded architecture makes it the fastest tone mapper in the world. Photoreceptor on a 32 Megapixel pano in realtime.

Photography Forum & Digital Photography Forum Learn Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Digital Photography | NAPP Picturenaut Overview Picturenaut 3 with a completely redesigned interface. Pan anywhere with left mouse button, zoom with mouse wheel. Make better HDR images. You want the accuracy of HDRShop, with all the low-level control to squeeze out the maximum on image quality. Picturenaut is for you. Picturenaut was born in the German photo community. Fast. Picturenaut's consistent multi-threaded architecture makes it the fastest tone mapper in the world. Photoreceptor on a 32 Megapixel pano in realtime.

12 Extremely Helpful Photo Editing App Cheat Sheets | Resources Resources by Bill Jones 10inShare When working in any photo manipulation package, and especially when first starting out, it is very important to develop good habits. One habit you need to develop early is the use of shortcut keys instead of menu buttons. This will dramatically increase speed once you practice and get use to it.To help in your quest for increased productivity here is a list of some of the best cheat sheets you can find for Photoshop, PS Lightroom, PS Elements, Apeture, and Gimp. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Keyboard Shortcuts Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keyboard Shortcuts Photoshop Lasso Tool Cheatsheet Adobe Brush Tool Cheat Sheet Adobe Pen Tool Cheat Sheet Photoshop Elements 7 For Dummies Cheet Sheet Photoshop Toolbox Reference Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Cheat Sheets Photoshop Black and White Cheat Sheet Apple Aperture Cheat Sheets Gimp Quick Reference Card Photoshop Secret Shortcuts from Web Designer Wall If you have any other cheat sheets you would like to share please leave a comment below.
