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Useful links for web developer by Sonal Patel

Useful links for web developer by Sonal Patel

RSS Creation - How to create RSS Feeds Refdesk - Best Source for Facts on the Net - reference facts Sacred Cow Dung: All Things Web 2.0 - "THE LIST" « QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Bad Code is Good Business" | Sacred Cow Dung Home | High-Performance Social Networking - Part II: The Natural Life-Cycle of a Personal Network » March 10, 2006 All Things Web 2.0 - "THE LIST" The most current listings are now available as a continuously updated Open Directory at “All Things Web 2.0 – The Directory” — cgm (08/16/06) Last night I was talking with Bob Stumpel who runs the Web 2.0 Group on OpenBC. Everything Web 2.0 by Bob Stumpel, et al 360yahoo - Blogging. [ The italicized entries are ones which I added or “fixed” — cgm ] Related Links Posted by cmayaud at 02:06 PM | Permalink| Comments (145) Tagging | Digg This | Posted to COMtent | DIRECTORIES | LISTS | SOFTWARE IT | Web 2.0 Hi, I just wanted to respond to the category that is posted under. In fact, Vyew is a free, web-based collaboration site that provides a feature-rich meeting room with real-time, whiteboard functionality. Thanks, Fred Posted by: Fred Han at March 16, 2006 06:46 PM

10 Tips for Budding Web Programmers and Designers - Chrys Bader - Tales of an Entrepreneur September 25th, 2007 1. Use Firefox This is the most important platform you have at your fingertips. Since the birth of Firefox, there have been a few extensions developed that are a MUST HAVE if you want to speed up development and learn faster. Web Developer Extension by Chris Pederick. This extension has many useful tools, though most of them have been trumped by FireBug (which I will talk about next), some are still useful. Resize the browser window Quickly and easily resize the browser to 800x600, 1024x768, or any other size you want. Firebug Extension by Joe HewittOften at the office we ask the question, "Remember life before Firebug?". Inspect the DOM (Document Object Model) Click 'Inspect' and hover over elements of the DOM to see where that element is in the HTML code and what CSS styles it has. 2. Being cross-browser compatible is very important. Once again, check your Google Analytics to see what browsers your visitors are using. 3. Be tasteful. 4. 1. $( '#myDiv p' ).toggle();

85+ Free Killer Resources Every Designer Should Know What makes a web-designer a great web-designer? Guts and information – and bit of talent. All designers have to defeat the same monsters. Inspiration blocks;Lack of material, like and unvectorized logo;Poor quality images or their non-existence;Low or no budget;Unhelpful clients; May I continue? Well the good news is that you just need courage to persist and the light of information to scare those monsters away. You got the courage. Here I’ll give the info that could take you ages to find by yourself or another designer to tell (maybe because of lack of time or selfishness). Images It is 3 AM; you are pretty tired, your stomach can’t bear another dose of caffeine and you still need that Pretty Business type picture to use in your project, but you don’t have the budget to afford a stock image from gettyimage. Now you will spend until 4AM trying to decide which photo to use. More great sites : Wikimedia imagesearch in 64 categories. Fonts

Escaping the Box Model -- - Imagine, Design, Develop, Create the Web tagged CSS by Jon Not knowing how padding, borders and margins interact with each other across the various browsers is a guarantee that you are going to struggle with CSS layouts. Having a good understanding of the box model will save you hours of figuring out why your layout keeps breaking. Even better, knowing how to break out of the box model will allow you to create layouts that were never possible before. Note: This is a concept based tutorial so don’t expect to learn much syntax. What is the Box Model The CSS box model consists of four different elements. Content The content area is the space that a rendered element uses. Padding Padding is the layer immediately surrounding the content. Border Border has many of the same attributes as padding. Margin Margins make up the outer most layer in the box model. Collapsing Margins Margins have the attribute of collapsing when they touch other margins. Breaking Out Here are the basics of how to extend an element outside of the box. Diagram b

50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory - Psdtuts+ 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More

Top 25 Free Icon Resources for Web Designers :Speckyboy Design Magazine Please note that this post is fairly old, for the latest free icons you should browse the Free Icons category. 1. Fam Fam Fam ( 2. Brand Spanking New ( 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Fast Icons ( 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. and the rest… 300 Images From 1800 Sites I started gathering little, iconesque web images for myself so that I could compare, contrast, and study the techniques used by graphic artists on the web like Ben Sky. My initial pool of images looked so interesting that I decided to continue methodically hunting and capturing the icons for a public display piece. The purpose of this document is not to copy the intellectual property of others, but rather as a jumping-off point for your own unique web graphic projects. It's for Brainstorming, if you will. I roughly estimate that for every six web sites I scoured, I was able to acquire one graphic image. I visited only Fortune 1000 company sites, major online retailers, well known blogs, top advertising, publishing, and design agencies, technology and software industry leaders, and the very largest online news publishers. — Ro London Arrows Pictured below are some of the exceptions to the rule. Posts Comments Mail Bullets Print Carts And Bags GUESS?

Viewable with Any Browser: Accessible Site Design Guide Below are some useful tips and links that can help to make your site accessible by all browsers, and better in general. This is not meant to be a complete guide to HTML, just a look at web design from an accessibility point of view. I have tried whenever possible to provide links to sites with more indepth information than what is here- please let me know of any sites that would enhance the usefulness of any of the sections below, or if I have missed any important topics in accessibility. Remember when reading this page that the advice provided is as general and thorough as possible to make it the most useful to the most readers. When enhancing the accesibility of your site, make sure to consider any special needs of your site, as well as the intended audience and available time and skill. The more you do to make your site accessible, the better, but if you can't follow all the recommendations, at least do what you can to follow those that make sense to your needs. Contents Key Terms

Before & After, How to design cool stuff 35 (Really) Incredible Free Icon Sets - Smashing Magazine Advertisement When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. The result: hundreds and hundreds of sets available almost everywhere, usually not that well executed and often duplicated from other sets. However, there are indeed free high-quality icon sets. Below we present 35 incredible free icon sets which you can use for your web designs or your desktop to spice up your posts with some nice illustrations or enrich your desktop with outstanding dock icons. You might want to take a look at the following articles we’ve presented earlier: Free Icons For Your Web Designs Mammoth Icons 4 freeware icons inspired by prehistoric Mammoths.

53 Steps to follow if you want to become Freelance Web Designer/Developer (60+ Resources) :Speckyboy Design Magazine In recent months I have been setting myself up as a Freelance Web designer/Developer, if I told you it was a rocky road I wouldn’t be exaggerating . If I had followed the check-list I have compiled below it would have made my life that little bit easier and stress free. But, like most things, entering into a new chapter can make you feel blindfolded and you stumble about trying to find the answers. Hopefully this list will help you. But the truth of the matter is I have completed my transition, I am a Freelance Web Designer and couldn’t be happier. Please note that this post is fairly old and some of the points and resources may no longer be relevant. 53 Steps to becoming a Freelancer Web Designer/Developer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Essential Further Reading

Label Placement in Forms By Matteo Penzo Published: July 12, 2006 “We were able to subject Luke’s theories to usability testing and enrich them through the power of numeric data.” In using eyetracking to evaluate the usability of search forms for my previous article for UXmatters, “Evaluating the Usability of Search Forms Using Eyetracking: A Practical Approach,” we discovered much interesting data. Please note that our ad-hoc test setup didn’t resemble real-world conditions. We based our test setup on Luke Wroblewski’s article “Web Application Form Design.” Luke provided valuable insights and feedback during both our test preparation and results analysis. During the process of building the forms that we would test, we tried to respect Luke’s suggestions regarding the relationship between label placement and formatting and the type of form content—well-known data versus unfamiliar data that requires thought. Test 1: Left-Aligned Labels to the Left of Input Fields Test 3: Left-Aligned Labels Above Input Fields
