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Science Toys

Science Toys

MAKE HOMEMADE SCIENCE TOYS AND PROJECTS Mysterious, Kinetic, Noisy, Do-It-Yourself Science Projects that Entice Scientific Investigation All science toys and projects: *are accessible (so cheap to make that nobody is excluded because of cost, and they don't require special skills, tools, materials, or work facilities beyond a kitchen). SCIENCE TOYS ARE INTERNATIONAL! K-6 Toy Science General Energy and toys - from South Australia Science Teachers Association. A classroom unit in which children investigate different energy sources to develop their understanding of the concepts of force, energy and transfers of energy. Paper Aeroplanes Paper Airplanes - from Ken Blackburn, with folding instructions, teacher's resource book and elements of aerodynamics Alex's paper airplanes - instructions for creating and flying a range of paper aeroplanes, gliders and helicopters The best paper airplane in the world - instructions to create 'The best paper airplane in the world' Joseph Palmer's Paper Airplanes - instructions to create various paper planes Kool Paper Airplanes - instructions to create various paper planes Spinning Blimp - from the Exploratorium. Machines Classroom Activity: Be Inventive! Science Toys Science Toys - Science toys you can make with your kids; using common household materials, that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles Making Kites Magnets

MAGIC PROPELLER STICK I don't care if my ancestors were playing with this folk toy a century ago. It is as magical today. And it will be just as fascinating to future generations even if we harness nuclear fusion for power and interplanetary travel becomes routine. That's what "classic" means: timeless, immortal. If you haven't crossed paths with a magic propeller stick (also known as a whimmy-doodle in Appalachia), you're in for a treat. You hold the stick in one hand and rub bumps on it with another. There is some cool science going on here. Traditionally, people have whittled notches into a wooden stick with a pocket knife to create the bumps-- not a very safe elementary project. why the propeller stick spins I used to have a bicycle that would shake itself apart, literally. Bolts holding on things like fenders would loosen themselves mysteriously and fall off. I sort of figured it had something to do with vibration, but I didn't really intuitively get it. It wasn't until I worked out how the propeller stick works that I understood why my bike was shaking apart. What I discovered was that both the prop stick and loosening bolts work like hula-hoops! Now try to imagine that your body is the the wire of your propeller stick, and the hula-hoop is the propeller. If you could use time-lapse photography to show the motion of the wire at the end of the propeller stick, I believe you would see a circular vibration such as the illustration on the right. Let's test the idea. Now take a pencil, put the eraser end through the cardboard, and move your hand in a fast, circular motion. I'd like to know how this project goes for you. contact me

Welcome to Participatory Politics Foundation For Teachers Pratham Scholarship Program In most states, the Std IV/V examination is a milestone as it is the first time that elementary school children are examined formally. However, as revealed by ASER results, many of these children are still struggling with elementary reading and arithmetic and therefore require additional support. The government of Maharashtra conducts a centralized merit exam for children in Stds IV and VII which test their aptitude in language, math and analytical skills.This exam has been made mandatory for all Std IV and VII students since 2005. Today, the program is running in several cities of Maharashtra and in Delhi.

Formative vs Summative Assessment - Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation Formative assessment The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments: help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need workhelp faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately Formative assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value. Examples of formative assessments include asking students to: draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topicsubmit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lectureturn in a research proposal for early feedback Summative assessment The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. a midterm exama final projecta papera senior recital

Problem of gender differences on physics assessments remains unsolved In a new synthesis of past work, researchers found that women consistently score lower than men on common assessments of conceptual understanding of physics. However, when examining the factors that may account for these differences (such as student background and test-taking strategies), no clear pattern emerged. Thus, despite previous claims that the causes of this gender gap have been pinpointed, the problem remains unsolved and poorly understood. This has critical importance for science education reform. Many changes have been made in college science instruction in the past decades. "These tests have been very important in the history of physics education reform," said Dr. But several studies had also reported that women's scores on these tests are typically lower than men's. The authors combined results from 26 previous studies of several common physics concept inventories, covering 12 different institutions.
