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Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning

Ramsey Musallam: 3 rules to spark learning

What a great motivational video! I firmly believe those three rules are the key to real instruction. by quijote17 Nov 13

"Students' questions are the seeds of real learning" yes I completely agree! Each questions is taking the content to different levels and, suddenly we realize that we have given a great lesson! Great rules to illustrate how we can achieve learning. by quijote17 Nov 12

Musallam, Ramsey. 3 Rules to Spark Learning. TED Talk

A 7 minute video about the importance of engaging learners through cultivating curiosity. Students questions can be your most valuable tool in teaching your class. Student questions are the seeds to real learning. He speaks to 3 guidelines he has built into every lesson within his classroom: Curiosity comes first (questions), embrace the messiness of trial and error, practice reflection (revision). Ted Talks prove to be reliable resources to engage thinking and reflection on best practices. These 3 rules could be used within any content of our curriculum. Cultivating inquiry creates life-long learners. by maryannebs Apr 3
