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A meditative technique which will help you to feel more vibrant -

A meditative technique which will help you to feel more vibrant -

6/15/10 Tiny Wisdom: On Starting Anew “No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” -Buddha One of the greatest misconceptions in life is that we are somehow powerless to let go of what’s behind us. That we have to carry regret, shame, or disappointment, and that is has to dictate how today will unfold, at least on some level. It doesn’t. You can either dwell and stay stuck, or let go and feel free. Photo here Announcement: Opps! The 5 Things I’d Tell My 21 Year Old Entrepreneurial Self | 12 years ago I set out on my first foray into the world of entrepreneurship. The company was called (we later changed the name to the equally obtuse and while it wasn’t a huge success by dot com era standards we did sell it for a tidy profit. But looking back I’m shocked at how little I knew about entrepreneurship. As I’m sure any entrepreneur would love to do, I’d give anything to step back in time 12 years and have a chat with my 21 year old self. And while I can’t do that I do love to share lessons with as many young entrepreneurs as I can. I’ve spoken a bunch at colleges and other organizations for young entrepreneurs. #1 – Take as much risk as you can as early in life as you can. I’m not talking stupid risks. #2 – Nail the fundamentals. Take some of that time and use it to build skills that will make you more effective and productive the rest of your life. #3 – Surround yourself with people who expect you to succeed in a big way. I’m lucky. Fantastic.

25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self reflection helps us maintain a conscious awareness of where we’ve been and where we intend to go. If you would like to maximize the benefits of self reflection, our new sister site, Thought Questions, is for you. Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers. Here’s a sample of 25 recent thought questions posted on the site: Thought Questions is updated daily. Title photo by: Oberazzi For all other photo credits please refer to Related 6 Questions that Will Save Your Relationships When you don't ask sincere questions and talk it out, there's a lot of important stuff that ends up never getting said. May 21, 2014 In "Life" July 24, 2008

5 Ways To Hack Your Brain Into Awesomeness Much of the brain is still mysterious to modern science, possibly because modern science itself is using brains to analyze it. There are probably secrets the brain simply doesn't want us to know. But by no means should that stop us from tinkering around in there, using somewhat questionable and possibly dangerous techniques to make our brains do what we want. We can't vouch for any of these, either their effectiveness or safety. #5. So you just picked up the night shift at your local McDonald's, you have class every morning at 8am and you have no idea how you're going to make it through the day without looking like a guy straight out of Dawn of the Dead, minus the blood... hopefully. "SLEEEEEEEEEP... uh... What if we told you there was a way to sleep for little more than two hours a day, and still feel more refreshed than taking a 12-hour siesta on a bed made entirely out of baby kitten fur? Holy Shit! We're pretty sure Kramer did this once on Seinfeld. How Does It Work? #4. #3. 1. 2. 3. Smile Into Your Organs: | Rejuvenation Lounge “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks” Charles Gordy I love the idea that smiling is used as a healing and meditation practice by many ancient cultures. Taoists believe that holding a smile on your face and directing it inwards towards your organs and inner body, is the key to good health and longevity. Traditional Balinese healers know that a smile washes away bad energy and recommend smiling meditation as a simple way to calm the mind and bring health to the soul. The inspirational Thich Nhat Hanh has always encouraged us to smile as part of our daily practice for a more peaceful world, and as an essential ingredient in any walking meditation. Photo by stuck in customs: How to smile on the inside: I was first introduced to the Taoist exercise called the “inner smile” about 15 years ago. Each week we were guided to smile on our face, really feel the smiling energy and then imagine ( in our minds eye ) sending the smiling energy into each of our organs. .

Top 10 Most Famous Thought Experiments Thought experiments are mental concepts or hypotheses, often resembling riddles, which are used by philosophers and scientists as simple ways of illuminating what are usually very dense ideas. Most often, they’re used in more abstract fields like philosophy and theoretical physics, where physical experiments aren’t possible. They serve as some hearty food for thought, but given their complex subject matter, it’s not unusual for even the thought experiment itself to be nearly incomprehensible. With this in mind, here are ten of the most famous thought experiments, along with explanations of the philosophical, scientific, and ethical ideas they work to explain: 10. One of the most well known thought experiments in the field of ethics is the “Trolley Problem,” which goes something like this: a madman has tied five innocent people to a trolley track. What it Means: 9. 8. 7. In truth, no one really knows for sure. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Before You Know What Kindness Really Is, by Naomi Shihab Nye ddailygood Thanks for the opportunity to respond to this kind article and the many other words on kindness from charity focus and daily good. I have a long file about kindness and I believe it is made me a bit kinder since I began keeping the file motivated by charity focus. This Talmud says: "Kindness is the highest form of wisdom." To paraphrase Gandhi, there is no way to kindness, kindness is the way. I hope the following isn’t too long but I had so many great quotes on kindness that I had trouble selecting. Most of these quotes came from charity focus and daily good. ddailygood Thanks for the opportunity to respond to this kind article and the many other words on kindness from charity focus and daily good. Warm and kind regards, Conrad P Pritscher Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. - Author Unknown Aldous Huxley Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind. Hide full comment.

9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better | zen habits “Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist monk Post written by Leo Babauta. Are you simply moving through your day, without fully living? I did this for many years. But today isn’t preparation for tomorrow. Fully live today by being mindful. You don’t need to do all of these, but give a few of them a try to see if they make your day better. Mindfulness Rituals Ritual isn’t about doing a routine mindlessly. Here are a few of my favorites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. These rituals aren’t the only time you should be mindful, but they’re great reminders. 5 Steps Toward Regaining Consciousness How is consciousness the bedrock of personal development? What are the key steps toward regaining consciousness of our lives? In this article, I attempt to answer these important but often difficult questions. I then share 5 fundamentals on Regaining Consciousness, as laid out by psychology blogger Sam Spurlin. These fundamentals aim to cultivate a higher state of awareness toward key areas of our life, such as our values, health, work, thinking, and relationships. Consciousness is the bedrock of your personal development. Consciousness is more than just a passing thought, feeling, memory, or imagination, but the underlying awareness that permeates every experience you’ll ever have. In order to define consciousness, it helps to first think of it as a spectrum of awareness. On one end of the spectrum, there are lower levels of consciousness, including being distracted, lazy or bored. 5 Steps Toward Regaining Consciousness Find your values. Take control of your health. Doing work that matters.

Lojong Lojong (Tib. བློ་སྦྱོང་,Wylie: blo sbyong) is a mind training practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition based on a set of aphorisms formulated in Tibet in the 12th century by Geshe Chekhawa. The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes. The fifty-nine or so slogans that form the root text of the mind training practice are designed as a set of antidotes to undesired mental habits that cause suffering. They contain both methods to expand one's viewpoint towards absolute bodhicitta, such as "Find the consciousness you had before you were born" and "Treat everything you perceive as a dream", and methods for relating to the world in a more constructive way with relative bodhicitta, such as "Be grateful to everyone" and "When everything goes wrong, treat disaster as a way to wake up." History of the practice[edit] Atiśa journeyed to Sumatra and studied with Dharmarakṣita for twelve years. Geshe Chekhawa is claimed to have cured leprosy with mind training. 1. 2.
