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10 Web trends to watch in 2010

10 Web trends to watch in 2010
Mashable's Pete Cashmore says real-time communication, Internet TV and social gaming will be big in 2010. Mashable's Pete Cashmore lists his 10 Web trends that we'll be talking about next year Sparked by Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed, the real-time communications trend will grow The cloud-computing movement will see a major leap forward in the first half of 2010 2010 will be the breakthrough year of the much-anticipated mobile payments market Editor's note: Pete Cashmore is founder and CEO of Mashable, a popular blog about social media. He is writing a weekly column about social networking and tech for (CNN) -- As 2009 draws to a close, the Web's attention turns to the year ahead. What can we expect of the online realm in 2010? While Web innovation is unpredictable, some clear trends are becoming apparent. Real-time ramps up Sparked by Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed, the real-time trend has been to the latter part of 2009 what "Web 2.0" was to 2007. Augmented reality

Top Internet Trends of 2000-2009: E-commerce Over the past decade, and eBay have continued to dominate the online retail market in the United States. However, there have been signs that more social and distributed forms of online shopping are gaining traction. eBay, in particular, is beginning to lose ground. In this post, we review the past decade of e-commerce and the key trends. How Social Media Actually Improves Your Productivity At Work Tweet it. Update your status. Blog it. Add it to your LinkedIn status. Like it. Tag it. Micro Persuasion: The Digital Curator in Your Future The Clip Report: An eBook on the Future of Media In the early 1990s when I began my career in PR there were clip reports. These were physical books that contained press clips. It seems downright archaic now but that’s how I learned about the press - by cutting, pasting up and photocopying clippings. My fascination with the media never abated.

30 Top Blogs For Social Media Updates Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers.

10 Social Media Marketing Examples You Can Actually Use Earlier this month, I had the honor of delivering the keynote address to the Outdoor Industry Association's annual leadership conference. It's where folks like Patagonia, North Face, Timberland and more gather to talk about the latest trends impacting their business. I had done a panel the year prior on the basics of social media marketing, and the feedback was positive so they asked to me to speak to the whole group this year. What I think is lacking in so many social media marketing presentations today are actual examples that get you thinking, so I shared 10 with the group. And since the meeting is not all big brands (like any industry they have suppliers, consultants and more), I tried to mix up the budget ranges, B2B and B2C and the range of tactics so that everyone had a better chance of hearing something that would get them thinking. And the "gratuitous toolbox shot" is to remind you that this is not a formula that you rinse and repeat.

The End Of Hand Crafted Content Old media loves nothing quite so much as writing about their own impending death. And we always enjoy adding our own two cents – the AP not knowing what YouTube is, the NYTimes guys reading TechCrunch every day, etc. Speaking broadly, I like what Reuters, Rupert Murdoch and Eric Schmidt are saying: the industry is in crisis, and the daring innovators will prevail. Personally, I still think the best way forward for the best journalists, if not the brands they currently work for, is to leave those brands and do their own thing. But as one of the innovators in the last go round, I think there’s a much bigger problem lurking on the horizon than a bunch of blogs and aggregators disrupting old media business models that needed disrupting anyway. Top Web Design Bookmarks of 2009 I read a lot of design-related articles & blogs online – I mean, really, what else can you do when you live in Edmonton, which was the coldest place in North America on Dec 13 at -58C with windchill? Anyway, I’m constantly bookmarking items I think might be useful for me as a designer in the future – some I never end up using, but some I definitely do! This year, I found some great articles on web usability (always good to be able to effectively communicate why you made a particular design choice to a client), WordPress and jQuery, as well as a few others. Here are my Top Web Design Bookmarks of 2009, with thanks to everyone in the design community who keeps openly sharing their knowledge. Perfect Full-Page Background Image

5 Design Trends That Small Businesses Can Use in 2011 This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. In the past 12 months, we've seen a lot of changes in the world of web design. Growing popularity in the mobile device space — including smartphones and tablets like the iPad — have refined the way many users access and interact with content. Likewise, the formal adoption of web standards like HTML5, web fonts and CSS3 by browser makers means that more and more users are now able to take advantage of the latest and greatest features on the web. It's often tough for small businesses to stay up on the latest web design trends because of the cost involved with redesigns and the necessity of being accessible by a broad range of users. 1.

2010 Predictions Every year the ReadWriteWeb team tries its hand at predicting the future. Looking back at our 2009 predictions, we got some wrong (I predicted that Facebook would sign up to OpenSocial) but others turned out to be on the money. I correctly guessed that the usual suspects would remain unacquired in '09 - Digg, Twitter, Technorati - but that FriendFeed would get bought. OK, so I guessed that Google would be the buyer.

How Online Reading Habits Have Changed Over 2010 One of the more subtle trends of 2010 has been the way that our reading habits have changed, due to a convergence of other Web trends: mobile apps, real-time Web (mostly Twitter), and social networking as a way to track news (mostly Facebook). In the previous era of the Web, the so-called Web 2.0, RSS Readers and start pages were all the rage. Over 2010, though, more people used tools like Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper, Flipboard, LazyWeb, Feedly and TweetDeck, to track news. 7 Growing Social Bookmarking Sites Worth Exploration When you think of social bookmarking, big names like Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious likely come to mind first. But are these the only ones you should focus on? Depending on your niche or industry, you may find that channeling all of your energy into broad social bookmarking networks that cover almost every topic imaginable may not benefit you. Instead of targeting networks that only have a percentage of users interested in your topic, why not find a network whose members and visitors are 100% interested in your niche? The following are popular niche social bookmarking networks for bloggers, business professionals, developers and designers.

8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs I wrote this arti­cle for Smash­ing Mag­a­zine and it was pub­lished last Fri­day on their site. I’m re-publishing it here for your read­ing plea­sure. Enjoy. Today’s top stories The network is seeing significant growth in emerging countries such as China, India, Brazil and Mexico and now operates across 226 countries covering 322 separate industries. “There are huge opportunities for professionals in all countries to establish business partnerships and generate new business opportunities both locally and internationally,” said Dan Serfaty, CEO Viadeo. “There will be 500 million professionals on social networks by 2015 and Viadeo is well placed to take advantage of the huge growth expected in developing economies such as China and India. We are providing a platform for local business development but also for engaging in cross-border partnerships and trade and that is a valuable proposition.”
