10 Amazing Homemade Soap Recipes Would you like to learn how to make your own soap? There are so many different methods of soap making and there are so many different soap recipes you can make that it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. Homemade soap can be a luxurious treat for yourself, or a special, thoughtful gift for friends and family. You can make up big batches and have a huge selection of homemade gifts ready to give to friends and family for the holidays. In this blog post, I want to share ten amazing recipes for making your own soaps at home. Simply click the links to see step-by-step photos and tutorials for each soap. How To Make Pure Coconut Oil Soap – This wonderful coconut oil soap requires just three ingredients, it has an amazing lather and can even be adapted to make laundry detergent! How To Make Herby Citrus Soap – This is a beautiful soap packed full of rosemary and lemon zest for a herby citrusy scent. How To Make Shampoo Bar Soap – This soap is a little different. Click Here To Download It Now
24 Best Poems to Teach in Middle School and High School It can be hard to know which poems will spur your middle and high schoolers into deep, meaningful discussion and which will leave them, ahem, yawning. So we asked experienced teachers to share their favorites—the punch-in-the-gut poems that always get a reaction, even from teens. Here's what they had to say. 1. Snow by David Berman Captures a narrative in miniature with a creative structure. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. What are your favorite poems to teach?
CARDBOARD BOX OFFICE | A world of film, a house of stuff. English news and easy articles for students of English Unusual stairs Unique and creative designs of stairs from around the world. Not all of them are beautiful and practical, some of you will like, others – no, but they are unusual and interesting. Att anpassa språket - vad innebär det? - Mia Smith En utveckling av engelskan på högstadiet är att man lägger alltmer fokus på anpassningen av språket. Vem talar vi med? Vem skriver vi texten för? Hur talar vi när vi talar med olika personer? I kursplanen i engelska ser det ut så här: I muntlig och skriftlig interaktion i olika sammanhang kan eleven uttrycka sig enkelt och begripligt samt i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation. (Kunskapskrav för E i år 9 i engelska) När jag talar med eleverna om detta brukar jag ta upp extrema hälsningen. Ett annat sätt att påvisa stilen är att använda så kallade clines, gradvisa skalor. Det jag vill påvisa är vad eleverna redan kan. Ofta hamnar jag i slutändan av året i läget att några elever har lite mer att visa, lite mer att ge som de inte lyckats få fram under året. Det här upplägget brukar få eleverna att visa sina bästa sidor. Kanske är det här ett upplägg som fler lärare vill använda nu under sista veckorna på terminen?
Dieta confuziei dr Oz sa slabesti si sa iti micsorezi abdomenul | Diete de Slabire Recomandate de Dr Oz Aceasta dieta a confuziei dr Oz este una revolutionara pentru ca functioneaza intr-un fel nemaivazut. Nu se refera doar la pierderea in greutate, ci si la remodelarea corpului si schimbarea modului in care arata hainele pe acesta. In doar sase saptamani, o persoana poate slabi pana la zece kilograme si doua marimi la haine. Cum functioneaza dieta confuziei dr Oz pentru slabire Se bazeaza pe confuzia dietei. Principiul este modelat dupa o strategie similara in exercitii numita confuzia muschilor, folosita pentru a ajuta la patrunderea in platourile de crestere a muschilor. Acelasi lucru apare si in dieta confuziei dr Oz. Prin varierea tipurilor si cantitatilor de mancare consumate, vei preveni incetinirea metabolismului si vei insela corpul facandu-l sa arda mai multe calorii. Dietaconfuziei dr Oz de slabire este impartita in sase faze Primul produs Recomandat de Dr Oz, ORIGINAL si foarte bun la slabire la ora actuala este Cetona de Zmeura.
Grade 7 Paragraph – The Canswedian English Teacher “Scaffold learning” – one of those hot button words in teaching. I got on the scaffold-their-learning train with this assignment which builds each year in högstadiet. The irony is though… that in Grade 8 when you say, “Do you remember how I taught you how to write a paragraph in Grade 7?” you will be met with a sea of blank and confused faces. I teach them first how to write a paragraph in 7, then in 8 they write a three paragraph essay on their hero, then in 9 they write a five paragraph essay on the change in character in About A Boy. A lot of you might argue my way of teaching a paragraph, but please feel free to do it in whatever way you are comfortable with. Personally, I teach it in parts, and really focus on the formatting, and feedback process. I do this because I found it so hard to write an essay when I got into high school – and it wasn’t until a teacher explained that it was like a math formula (just plug in the sentences in the right spot) that I finally got the hang of it.
Escape Into Life teatru radiofonic Vegetable Juicing Recipes Do you have a great juicing recipe? One that has helped you increase energy or eliminate pain, or one that you simply enjoy for the mouth-watering flavor? Share it here so we can all reap the health benefits of it and savor the deliciousness! Please include the ingredients and preparation instructions to be sure beginners can achieve the same results when recreating your recipe. Click below to see recipes other visitors have shared... Rainbow Sherbet Juice Looks just like Rainbow Sherbet as each fruit/vegetable comes through the juicer. Amazing Sherbet Lemonade Run through juicer: 4 apples 1 lemon Job done, pour over crushed ice. Purple Weight Loss Cruiser The Purple weight Loss Cruiser is basically the same juice as the regular weight loss cruiser except it has beet root added. Weight Loss Cruiser This Weight Loss Cruiser satiates, is chocked full of minerals, and is great for shedding unwanted pounds. Godzilla Sweet Green I was very impressed with this Sweet Green recipe. Kale Away Liver Detox
50 Beautiful and Effective Package Designs When choosing one product over another, the design of the packaging probably influences your decision far more than you realize. Effective packaging design breaks away from the standard rules and conventions that we are accustomed to, giving the product a unique edge to stand out from the rest. The packaging should appeal to your target market. It’s also vital to ensure that you’re conveying the necessary information about the contents and quality of the product, while triggering the desired emotion in your customer. Here are 50 beautifully designed packages that you can draw inspiration from.
Be Organic Markenanpassung und Designentwicklung für Geberit in China Farb- und Dekorentwicklung Zur Markteinführung des modularen WC-Spülsystems Monolith, wollte Geberit ihr bestehendes Portfolio mit Farben jenseits des existierenden schwarz und weiss anreichern - mit Farben und grafischen Dekoren, die dem chinesischen Verbraucher gefallen. Verschiedene Research-Verfahren, inklusive einer gründlichen Markenanalyse, Mapping der Wettbewerber und Definition der Zielgruppen wurden begleitet von einer globalen Farbtrend-Analyse mit dem Fokus auf: Historie, Kultur, Wirtschaft, Inneneinrichtung und Mode. Als Ergebnis unserer Recherche wurden verschiedene Trend-Themen im Bad identifiziert, indem sowohl Farben, als auch Materialien und Oberflächen systematisch zugeordnet wurden. Die finale Farbauswahl begründete sich auf dem Verständnis der Trends, der Herstellbarkeit und der spezifischen Farbnuancen, die sich leicht auf die verschiedenen Produktlinien umsetzen ließen.