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Why Businesses Outsource their Marketing (aside from obvious reasons)

Why Businesses Outsource their Marketing (aside from obvious reasons)

The “Customer Service Element” in B2B Telemarketing Just because clients in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector are business professionals doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be treated as ‘customers’. In fact, they sometimes need more attention and nurturing than regular consumers. Lead generation in B2C is quite simple: you present a product or service, make sure it caters to the needs of your target market, add a little advertising magic, and you’re done. But with B2B, you may still need to meet the requirements of your business prospects. Wear your customer service “badge” Some experts recommend using a “business language” when talking to B2B prospects. Of course, there are fundamental customer service rules, which need not be elaborated: Introduce yourself first and brand your callAddress the other party appropriatelyListen attentively and never interruptSay your “please”s and “thank you”s

The Callbox Multi-Channel Marketing Approach | Our strength does not reside in any single tool we use, but rather, in our multi-channel sales lead generation platform leveraging a unique combination of call center, email, online, mobile, social media and other services. Using these tools separately, the results we got were in the "OK" range. But since we know, and you know, that you can do much better than just OK, we decided do things quite differently from our competitors, and the results were much better. To us, there is no better example of a "whole greater than the sum of its parts". Here's what you can do using Callbox's integrated marketing strategy: Reach out to prospects with the right message at the right time. Proof of the strength of our approach is our growth over the years and that of our clients who keep coming back for our services.

Drive for Sales: B2B Telemarketing Tips That Help Close the Deal | The usual pieces of advice such as “make your call more personal” and “listen actively” sometimes don’t count. No matter how telemarketers do it, circumstance often demand for a higher level of strategy to be able to convert prospect into a lead and eventually close the deal over the phone. One of the obstacles of B2B telemarketing is how to effectively convince people that there’s an opportunity and that the prospect needs what you’re offering for them to eventually commit to a scheduled phone call, a face-to-face appointment or even a newsletter subscription. To achieve this, telemarketers need the right skills and the ability to do the following: Confidence over the phoneGood communication skills and minimal fillers such as “uhm” and “ah”Become more conversational and not rehearsedHandle objections properlyProbe and know what questions to ask to identify if there’s a needEmpathize with the prospectBe optimistic Related: Teach Sales Reps to Sound More Natural Over the Phone

Why are Marketing Infographics cool? Of course by ‘cool’ we mean ‘intellectually enlightening’ and ‘visually fascinating’ at the same time. A few years ago, people would rely on infographics to gain insight on the most important information out there, not only in the realm of business but also in everyday life. Now, not only do people crave for information from infographics, they also seem to have become more enthusiastic about creating them. Naturally, for lead generation marketers, it’s a matter of building thought leadership status and generating traffic. But what exactly makes infographics so effective? Majority of people are visual learners It’s also the reason why Facebook posts with images are more likely to generate likes and responses. Infographics highlight the bottom line You don’t see a lot of text on infographics. People just love sharing infographics We rarely see lousy infographics. Your brand has infographics = your brand must be wise Face it: you also learn a lot by creating infographics

The Role of Color Psychology in Marketing In building a brand, the visual impact of a business logo or website design is as important as the value of the product or service being offered. And one important aspect of that imagery is the color. In building a brand, the visual impact of a business logo or website design is as important as the value of the product or service being offered. For some marketers, a color is just something that could be picked off the top of the head and doesn’t really signify something. Brandon Gaille, CEO of the internet marketing company, which specializes in SEO, social media, reputation management, video production, and web design, shared his thoughts on how colors can influence people to support (or not support) a brand: From How Do Colors Affect Us Mentally? Think about the psychological effects of colors before using them. Schemes, Contrasts, and Choosing Colors When designing a webpage, contrast is very important.

Call-to-Invite Telemarketing Yet, after all the preparations, there is always a potential for disaster – poor turnout. How do you get potential customers to show up and turn your tradeshow or seminar into an excellent lead generation and appointment setting opportunity? In our experience, it’s knowing what motivates people and building their excitement through effective call-to-invite campaign. We run call to invite campaign through telemarketing, targeting participants with precision, and call to follow-up to convert leads to customers. These are the reasons why outbound telemarketing is hands down the best tool for marketing your events: Phone invitation is more personal.Outbound calling is flexible; it allows you to rework your approach during a conversation whereas email gives you only one shot at a copy.Event telemarketing results are easy to measure. Our event telemarketing process is quite straightforward. Talk to us and learn how to achieve that record turnout on your next event.”

Top 3 Obstacles to Effective Multi-channel Marketing in the IT Industry | IT Sales Leads Marketing That integrated marketing is currently the best approach to IT lead generation is beyond question. However, there are certain factors that could keep you from effectively implementing an integrated or multi-channel marketing approach into your IT lead generation platform. According to the 2013 Quarterly Digital Intelligence Briefing conducted by Econsultancy and Adobe last November 2013, the top 3 main obstacles to effective integrated marketing are: Organizational StructureCompany CultureDisparate Data Resources The results are not surprising. Another factor which makes it difficult to effectively implement a multi-channel B2B lead generation campaign is company culture. Lastly, differing results, opinions, and feedback about the effectiveness of combining various tools gives marketers another reason to doubt their decision to shift to multi-channel marketing.

GUIDE Coaching – Bringing the best out of a B2B Telemarketer | Telemarketers possess both the pride and pressure of the company they’re representing, that is why they need to be continually developed and coached. This is most notable in outsourced telemarketing and lead generation services companies wherein their agent workforce is the product itself. These firms usually have a dedicate team leader, quality assurance analyst, and sales coach to make sure the standards of the company – as well as that of the clients – are met. But how does one really coach a telemarketer, knowing that each one is as unique as the other? Monique Honaman, a partner at ISHR Group, shares in an article about how they created a coaching model called G.U.I.D.E. which stands for: Ground – This step embodies the essence of engagement. Understand – In this step, you and your coachee gain mutual clarity on her intentions and vision, either for the short-term or long-term.

Marketing Appointment Setting | Just another WordPress site Generate Sales Leads Even In A Tough Economy Let us face it, generating a lot of qualified sales leads is a big challenge, especially in today's economic slump. Lead generation is just one of the many things that have been affected by a weak market. Although, if we look at it from a different perspective, it is just another day in the office. Marketers are constantly faced with the challenge of looking for more B2B leads. No matter what obstacles there may be, they must always put their very best at it. Be independent - if you keep on depending on someone else to do the job for you, then you will not get any chance to succeed. There is nothing to be worried about in this tough economic times. Belinda Summers works as a professional consultant.
