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Ideas for Startups

Ideas for Startups
October 2005 (This essay is derived from a talk at the 2005 Startup School.) How do you get good ideas for startups? That's probably the number one question people ask me. I'd like to reply with another question: why do people think it's hard to come up with ideas for startups? That might seem a stupid thing to ask. Well, maybe not. I think this is often the case. I also have a theory about why people think this. If coming up with an idea for a startup equals coming up with a million dollar idea, then of course it's going to seem hard. Actually, startup ideas are not million dollar ideas, and here's an experiment you can try to prove it: just try to sell one. Questions The fact is, most startups end up nothing like the initial idea. The initial idea is just a starting point-- not a blueprint, but a question. There's a real difference, because an assertion provokes objections in a way a question doesn't. A question doesn't seem so challenging. Upwind Doodling What happens in that shower? Notes

how I saved $100 million on the web How to Start a Business without Money Several decades ago, before I got interested in starting businesses, I met a friend who went from being penniless to becoming quite wealthy in a breathtakingly short amount of time. I asked him what the secret of getting rich was. He said that you should find something that interests you and become an expert. For some reason, he became interested in turquoise and went from knowing nothing to becoming quite knowledgeable about the gem, the various sources, the market, and the players. When I started my first business, which was an ice cream company, I had no money, I had no business experience, and I had absolutely no idea how to make ice cream. What drove the growth of my business was the growth of my knowledge of ice cream. When you start a business, what must lead the way should be your own interest in or love for whatever it is you want to do. Besides, money is overrated. But I am also a practical man who like fast-growing businesses.

5 ways to start a company (without quitting your day job) - May Almost everyone stuck in a cubicle dreams of starting his own business. Here are 5 ways to use your current gig to launch a new venture. (Business 2.0 Magazine) - If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you've always wanted to launch your own startup. According to our research, roughly half of all Business 2.0 readers dream of founding their own companies. Odds are, however, that you're still working for someone else. Maybe it's because you're afraid to give up that steady paycheck. So we set out to see if we could help. Still, working for a corporation affords access to several things that are vital to a fledgling company: money, customers, market research, personnel. All of them, however, learned to look at salaried life as a springboard rather than a prison. Here are five ways to get started. 1. Gregory Moore financed his big idea one paycheck at a time. The Monday after he left TeraHealth in March 2001, his new company, Harbor Healthcare, was open for business. 2. 3. 4. 5.

This I Believe! - Tom Peter&#039;s 60 TIBs <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Issue 2 | This I Believe! - Tom's 60 TIBs By Tom PetersPublished Aug. 25, 2004 1:22 a.m. Tom Peters is back with more Big Ideas for your job, your company, and your life. The marketing and strategy guru holds forth on why audacity matters, why women are the future of leadership, and why diversity is crucial to business success. Download About Tom Peters | Fortune calls Tom Peters the Ur-guru of management and compares him to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman and H.L. View 7 other manifestos by this author Request Processed How to Win With Google AdWords Most businesses want a cost-effective way to bring in more customers. The challenge is to find prospects who are thinking about your products at the exact time that you reach them. With the advent of Google AdWords, it’s possible to target prospects at the very moment they’re thinking about buying your products or services. If someone runs a Google search on digital cameras, they only see ads for digital cameras. Read on to learn how to maximize your success with Google AdWords. What is Google AdWords? Open up a Web browser and go to the Google website. As participants in what is actually automated auction, each of these advertisers (or Sponsors) is bidding for the keyword "coffee". Find your Niche Often, many companies compete for popular keywords (e.g., coffee). Our coffee roaster would probably want to try the keyword coffee, and watch it like a hawk as it could result in many low quality clicks (not many conversions to leads or sales). Getting Started Sign Up for Google AdWords Your Bid

Aspiring Towards Auto-Pilot: Automate Your Business Marketing [F Many owners of Web design firms wonder how they can spend less time marketing their work so that they can focus on delighting clients. They often ask: One answer to the above questions is to develop automatic marketing systems that do your marketing for you while you do other things. When your marketing is effective, and runs on autopilot, you enjoy a number of benefits: In the world of marketing, the word "automatic" is part of a continuum. There are two ends to the spectrum: As we begin to talk about specific examples, I’ll use a four-point rating system to help you navigate between 100% automated marketing tactics and those that fall towards the hybrid side of the spectrum. Ideally, you want as much of your marketing as possible to be of the "set and forget" variety. Many owners of professional service firms, Web designers included, are looking for a silver bullet. The myth of a fully automated marketing system is another silver bullet that some owners assume, or hope, exists.

How to Run a Meeting Like Google How We Got Started - Fortune Small Business Start my subscription for the U.S. edition of FORTUNE to receive the number of issues I've selected. I'll also receive all the automatic renewal features described below. (What's this?) Print a copy of this form for your records. By ordering, you agree to these End User License Agreements. Welcome to the Automatic Renewal Program – Where You're in Control! iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Customer Service can be reached at or 1-866-784-9817. FORTUNE publishes 2 double issues. In the U.S., your first issue will mail 4-8 weeks from receipt of order. Subscribers: If the Post Office alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. Plus sales tax where applicable. Terms of Service. To learn more about our information practices, please read our Privacy Policy.

The BBC&#039;s Fifteen Web Principles We developed these as part of the BBC2.0 project. I’ve been meaning to publish them for a while since they were signed off by the BBC board. They’re perpetually draft. 1. Build web products that meet audience needs: anticipate needs not yet fully articulated by audiences, then meet them with products that set new standards. (nicked from Google) 2.

Web design and SEO in Canberra Australia How I built a Web 2.0, User-Generated Content, Citizen Journalis Because of Truemors, I’ve learned a lot about launching a company in these “Web 2.0” times. Here’s quick overview “by the numbers.” 0. I wrote 0 business plans for it. The plan is simple: Get a site launched in a few months, see if people like it, and sell ads and sponsorships (or not). 0. I recently saw a presentation called Meet Henry and loved it, so I asked its creators, Ethos3 Communications, to help me create a presentation based on these experiences. As part of the growing world of Truemors, there are two Truemors add-ons to announce: Trickler is a standalone application that provides a ticker-tape interface to Truemors. Here’s the bottom line: Whether Truemors succeeds or not, I learned a helluva lot. For not a whole lot of money and time you can get something out there and see if it works. I end with a truism (as opposed to truemor): There’s only one way to find out if your idea will succeed, and that’s to try it, so go for it. PS: We’d love to have a few more “truemorists.”

49 ways to build your brand using online marketing Building a brand from scratch is not an easy thing to do, especially if you are in a market that is very competitive. How does one start to rise above the noise to distinguish themselves as a heavy hitter? What techniques and tricks can you use to reach your brand awareness goals? Below I have outlined some of the most effective ways to build your brand using online marketing techniques. Video Marketing: 1. 2. 3. 4.Purchase pre-roll or post-roll ads on videos. 5. Conversational Marketing 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pay Per Click 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Social Media Marketing 19. 20. 21. 22. Email Marketing 23. 24. 25. 26. Mobile Search Marketing 27. 28. 29. Search Engine Optimization 30. 31. 32. 33 Develop quality internal linking structure. 34. 35. 36. Affiliate Marketing 37. 38. 39. 40. Banner Advertising 41. 42. 43. 44. Application Marketing 45. Contextual Advertising 46. 47. On to offline Marketing 48. Be Sociable, Share! – Joe Whyte

Semantic Web: Difficulties with the Classic Approach Summary: The original vision of the semantic web as a layer on top of the current web, annotated in a way that computers can "understand," is certainly grandiose and intriguing. Yet, for the past decade it has been a kind of academic exercise rather than a practical technology. This article explores why; and what we can do about it. Update: Part 2 is available now Top-Down: A New Approach to the Semantic Web The semantic web is a vision pioneered by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, in which information is expressed in a language understood by computers. The purpose of the semantic web is to enable computers to "understand" semantics the way humans do. For example, in a New York Times article, written earlier this year, John Markoff discussed a scenario where you would be able to ask a computer to find you a low budget vacation, keeping in mind that you have a 3 year old child. But while the vision of a semantic web is powerful, it has been a over a decade in making. Classic Semantic Web Review 1.

The Road to the Semantic Web Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. John Markoff's recent article in NY Times has generated an interesting discussion about Web 3.0 being the long-promised Semantic Web. For instance, a short post on Fred Wilson's blog had a lot of lengthy comments attempting to define Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Some people think that the Semantic Web is about AI, some claim that it is more about semantics, while others say that it is about data annotation. All agree however, that we will all be wonderfully more productive and simply happier when it arrives. What is the Semantic Web? The Wikipedia defines the Semantic Web as a project that intends to create a universal medium for information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning (semantics) on the World Wide Web. In order for computers to be able to solve problems like this one, the information on the web needs to be annotated with descriptions and relationships. Microformats Semantic Web is Personalized Web
