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Social Media Life Cycle » Social Media Center

Social Media Life Cycle » Social Media Center

10 Sentences that Can Change Your Life The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are some sentences that can give us power to go on. We have sorted out 10 powerful sentences that can change your life for the better. #1 “People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.” #2 “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” #3 “You learn more from failure than from success; don’t let it stop you. #4 “The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later” #5 “Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.” #6 “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.” #7 “If you accept your limitations you go beyond them.” #8 “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. #10 “Comfort is the enemy of achievement.”

Introduction XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive charts and graphs from XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds. XML provides flexible data generation, and Flash provides the best graphic quality. Features: Quick generation of charts and graphs from static or dynamic data (any scripting language) Full updates and data streaming without reloading the web page. Testimonials I just wanted to pass along how well your script worked for our stock performance page. Good work! This is amazing software. Just want to thank you for this wonderful upgrade. I purchased your product a couple days ago and first had time to sit down and work with it this morning. Wow, you are the best! Thanks for your great script. THIS ROCKS!

Quelle stratégie social-média du Community Manager pour générer du trafic en local Dans le prolongement de mes articles visant à guider le Community Manager dans l’atteinte d’objectifs marketing précis, je vous propose aujourd’hui d’aborder la génération de trafic en local. Que votre entreprise soit petite ou grande, celle-ci aura parfois intérêt à inciter les internautes membres de sa communauté (ou non) à venir la rencontrer dans ses locaux. A cette occasion, le lien créé entre la marque et ses clients/prospects pourra alors s’intensifier par des échanges plus « humains ». Tout au long de cet article, je tenterai de répondre aux questions suivantes : 1) Comment donner envie aux internautes de se déplacer dans vos locaux ? 2) Comment intégrer l’évènementiel au sein de sa stratégie éditoriale ? 1) Réflexion stratégique Dans cette première partie, je vais tenter de cerner l’ensemble des points à prendre en compte pour comprendre dans quelle mesure une marque ou entreprise peut espérer générer du trafic au sein de ses locaux. Les objectifs de la génération de trafic en local

Buyers Guide for Social Media Managment Software | TrustRadius Rave Reviews from Social Media Experts “The Social Media Management Software buyers guide and infographic from TrustRadius really simplifies the complex landscape of Social Media Management tools available to an enterprise.” Rishi Dave Executive Director, Digital Marketing, Dell “This is an excellent resource. The direct insights from end-users is a refreshing and sorely needed way to look at the Social Media Management landscape and understand what each software vendor can and cannot do across the seven use cases identified in the report. Beth Kanter Co-Author, Measuring the Networked Nonprofit “TrustRadius is a great tool to help identify which social media management tools are best for your needs.” Brendan Gahan Forbes 30 under 30's Brightest Minds in Marketing & Advertising, 2012 Your Opinion Counts Your peers are listening.

Watch_Dogs WeAreData In the video game Watch_Dogs, the city of Chicago is run by a Central Operating System (CTOS). This system uses data to manage the entire city and to solve complex problems,such as traffic,crime, power distribution and more... This is not fiction anymore. Smart cities are real, it’s happening now. Huge amounts of data are collected and managed every day in our modern cities, and this data is available to anyone. Watch_Dogs WeareData is the first website to gather publicly available data about Paris, London and Berlin, in one location. What you will discover here are only facts and reality. Watch_Dogs WeareData gathers available geolocated data in a non-exhaustive way: we only display the information for which we have been given the authorization by the sources.

Barometre Idaos 2014 : Des Médias Sociaux au Social Business - Vole... Email Marketing's 10 Most Important Questions, Answered 5.7K Flares 5.7K Flares × Of the many email statistics that blow my mind, I think this one wows me the most: Email reaches three times more people than Twitter and Facebook combined. That’s a lot of people! (3.6 billion or so.) Clearly email marketing deserves your time and attention. 1. Often, when I’m browsing the web, I’ll come across a blog with a stunning newsletter subscription form, boasting thousands of subscribers. Big subscriber numbers are something we all want, so it’s good to know there are many smart ways of going about growing a list. But first, let me start with one way NOT to grow: Purchasing email addresses. Buying email addresses is frowned upon by most major email service providers (e.g., Mailchimp, which won’t let you even add a purchased list). Instead of buying subscribers, try earning them through quality content and asking permission. Create an offer Any piece of quality content will do. Use subscription forms Make great partnerships 2. 3. 4. 5. Conversions

Graph Theory Tutorials Chris K. Caldwell (C) 1995 This is the home page for a series of short interactive tutorials introducing the basic concepts of graph theory. Most of the pages of this tutorial require that you pass a quiz before continuing to the next page. Introduction to Graph Theory (6 pages) Starting with three motivating problems, this tutorial introduces the definition of graph along with the related terms: vertex (or node), edge (or arc), loop, degree, adjacent, path, circuit, planar, connected and component. Euler Circuits and Paths Beginning with the Königsberg bridge problem we introduce the Euler paths. Coloring Problems (6 pages) How many colors does it take to color a map so that no two countries that share a common border have the same color? Adjacency Matrices (Not yet available.) How do we represent a graph on a computer? Related Resources for these Tutorials: Other Graph Theory Resources on the Internet: Chris Caldwell

Faut-il continuer à être présent sur Facebook via une page ? Il n’a jamais coûté aussi cher pour aussi peu de visibilité de se lancer aujourd’hui sur Facebook. Avec une portée naturelle des messages postés par les pages qui est désormais à 7% en moyenne (alors qu’elle était encore à 15% il y a 18 mois), avec ce chiffre qui va continuer à baisser ces prochains mois malgré tous vos efforts pour optimiser vos lignes éditoriales et vos taux d’engagement, la question à se poser est faut-il continuer à jouer le jeu de Facebook ? J’ai abordé rapidement ce point en janvier dernier lorsque je parlais dans La fin du Community Management 1.0 de “la fin de l’illusion Facebook comme terre promise du marketing communautaire” et je vous propose de creuser cette question.. Pourtant, certaines entreprises continuent à se poser la question ou à voir en Facebook, l’Eldorado du Marketing Digital. Bien souvent, la réponses apparaissent très clairement que Facebook n’est pas la priorité des démarches à mener, ou en tout cas pas sous la forme d’une page.
