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Nueva pubble herramienta gratuita Añade Q & A en tiempo real a cualquier sitio web An interesting web tool just popped into the ol’ guest post area of Edudemic. It’s called Pubble (reminds me of the Flintstones, no?) and it’s a simple way to add a real-time question-and-answer area to your website.Great for admissions offices, teachers who need to have a back-and-forth between themselves and their classroom (virtual or in-person), and basically anyone with a website. So if you’ve got a blog or website, you could consider adding a ‘Forum’ or ‘Questions’ area using the Pubble tool. It looks to be simple enough to setup, according to the website. I tried it out myself on a test page here on Edudemic and it worked quite well. I got a few questions (get it? Pubble is a Q&A layer that sits on top of every page, blog, Facebook page, mobile app to enable visitors to ask questions and find answers. Think of it this way – the FAQ pages of today are the equivalent of using a static HTML page to write your blog. Lots of universities are using this today.

» 10 usages alternatifs de WordPress   RU3 :: Tentatives d'intelligence collective :: Luc Legay WordPress est certainement la plus populaire des plates-formes de blog. Facile à utiliser, gratuit, personnalisable et sans cesse enrichi par des milliers de plugins, WordPress est devenu la référence en matière de système de publication. Mais pour la plupart d’entre-nous, WordPress reste encore un simple moteur de blog open source. Pourtant au fil des développements, magnifiquement gérés par Automattic, WordPress est devenu bien plus qu’un simple blog. En associant des plug-in spécifiques et des thèmes adaptés WordPress peut couvrir en effet des usages totalement différents. En voici quelques exemples qui vous permettront peut-être de découvrir la face caché de WordPress ! Cet article est une adaptation libre d’un article orginal « 10 alternatives uses for WordPress » écrit par Tom Walker. 1. Le plugin GetShopped intègre les solutions PayPal, Google Checkout et d’autres types caddies populaires. Le design est personnalisable selon les produits que vous vendez. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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C'est quoi Foursquare : tentative de présentation en 51 slides Getting Started With bbPress Advertisement Forums have been around forever, so it should come as no surprise that several plugins for the popular publishing platform WordPress provide this feature, as well as support for integrating other forum software. One project, however, has a special place in the WordPress community, and that is bbPress. This is the software created by WordPress founder, Matt Mullenweg, as a lightweight system for the support forums. In true open-source fashion, the bbPress project was born (at, of course) as a lightweight standalone alternative for forums. The problem is that the project never really kept up the pace; and while the WordPress community wanted to use it, and bbPress saw some promising spurts of development, it never really caught up to the alternatives. The Facebook-inspired community plugin BuddyPress changed all that. Before we move on, we need to clear up some nomenclature: Yes, it’s all a bit messy. Getting bbPress Up And Running Well, not quite. (al)

21 intuitivos ejemplos de formularios de contacto Un sitio web debe tener una sección donde los usuarios puedan contactar con el administrador del sitio, lo que normalmente se llama una página de contacto. Da igual que seas un diseñador, vendedor de cebollas o pintor, es muy importante que los usuarios puedan mantenerse en contacto contigo, de manera rápida y cómoda, evitándoles obstáculos. De este modo, al igual que es importante tener una sección de contacto también es muy recomendable darle personalidad, para demostrar tu imagen de marca y fidelizar a los usuarios. Por ello, en este artículo, gracias a WDL podrás ver una gran cantidad de bonitos ejemplos de formularios de contacto, mostrando desde los coloridos a los minimalistas, pasando por los sofisticados frente a los que están llenos de opciones, etc… Seguro que muchos de ellos aumentarán tu inspiración. Etch SoftFacade 84.Paris Neopolitan Clothing Online Department The Prince ink Company Josies Bathrooms Mud Antilop Apostrophe Copywriters 83-Bits Sputnik Creative Rozmowa Beta Takaki Truf

Create a Compelling Resume Online With WordPress | Jon DiPietro is Domesticating IT Do you stand out? Here’s a news flash – the economy is a little rough these days. With the unemployment rate creeping up, it’s a time when you need to be clear about what you can bring to a prospective employer or client and, above all, to stand out from the competition. Fortunately, it’s cheaper and easier than ever to make yourself “present with authority.” One of my new year’s resolutions was to get my online identity sorted out, which means making the most of the available tools and delivering a consistent message. After taking inventory of the various professional sites to which I belong (e.g. What Are the Benefits? If you think about your career as a product that you’re selling, wouldn’t it make perfect sense to have a web site? More and more, clients and employers are performing online searches to learn more about the people with which they are considering to engage. Laying the Groundwork The first decision is your domain name. Turn the Page Now it’s time to set up the pages. Update

WordPress Theme Frameworks Why use WPHub? Find your perfect theme now » WordPress is the engine that powers over 20% of the InternetFor those of you not good at math, that's 1 in 5 websites on the Internet which are powered by WordPress. Our WordPress Themes help you customize your WordPress site like never before.Know what you are getting thanks to our detailed reviewsThanks to WPHub's comprehensive reviews you won't be left in the dark. From fully responsive themes, to a built in framework, to SEO options, you will know what you are getting with WPHub.WPHub is here to help with all your WordPress needsNot only do we have great WordPress templates, but we can help with hosting, plugins, services, tutorials, and news & information too. So, if you need a WordPress expert, we are here for you! Start browsing over 681 of the best Wordpress Themes Around! WPHub has the most complete reviews of any website on the Internet.

5 Plugins de Wordpress para gestionar blogs con varios autores No todos los blogs son escritos por una sola persona. Hay algunos donde se trabaja con todo un equipo de editores, colaboradores y autores que crean contenido y lo publican en el blog. Para los que usamos WordPress, por suerte contamos con algunos plugins que pueden simplificarnos la vida al gestionar todo este contenido. Hoy presentaremos 5 plugins para WordPress que nos apoyarán en la gestión de contenido facilitando la comunicación de mensajes, las revisiones de artículos y el estatus de los mismos. Peter’s Collaboration Emails De los mejores plugins que hay cuando se trata de organizar un equipo para publicar contenido. Peter’s Post Notes Nuevamente Peter, el desarrollador, nos comparte otro plugin de gestión de múltiples editores en un blog, con una función bastante simple pero muy útil: dejar notar a los autores. Editorial Calendar WP Documents Revisions Content Audit Si tienen alguna experiencia con alguna de ellos, sería bueno con lo que preguntaban Términos relacionados:

How to Build a Custom Wordpress Theme from Scratch If you’re confident with your CSS and HTML, it’s not hard at all to step up to the challenge of building a custom WordPress theme. This overview shows the process of how my latest custom WordPress theme was built from design concept through to completed theme. See how the static design is split up into the various WordPress theme files, and discover how the simple PHP snippets can add that dynamic functionality of a blog. The theme I'm working on is named Sticky. The main feature of the design is its sticky sidebar (hence the name Sticky!) With the post focusing on the production of the theme, I won't go into too many details on how the design was built, but you can see from the Photoshop previews that it uses a 16 column grid with 24px baseline; a fairly muted colour palette of a beige and grey, with a dark red as a highlighting colour for links; typography is set to serif font throughout for that touch of class! Each of these files then contains a series of PHP template tags.
