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Free People Finder and Company Search

Free People Finder and Company Search - Home Wordlists &amp; Password Profiling with CRUNCH, WyD, &amp; CUPP Today I am going to show you how to use three (3) different tools in Linux (Backtrack 5) for creating targeted wordlists to help speed up and increase the chance of success for your dictionary attacks. I will be covering the use of CRUNCH for pure wordlist generation, and then I will cover the use of WyD and CUPP which use password profiling techniques to create targeted wordlists to narrow your attacks. I will provide the written walk through here with a video at the end. CRUNCH is a wordlist generator based on the user specified character set. You will need to download and extract using the following methods: COMMAND: tar -zxvf crunch-3.0.1.tgz COMMAND: cd crunch-3.0.1/ COMMAND: make && make install Basic syntax of CRUNCH looks like this (See MAN Pages for details): ./ crunch <min-len><max-len> [-f /path/to/charset.lst charset-name] [-o wordlist.txt] [-t [FIXED]@@@@] [-s startblock] [-c number] Breakdown of Syntax: o min-len = minimum length string to start at (REQUIRED) o -t *^ssw@rd% Thanks,
