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Procedural Audio Generator for Unity3D

Procedural Audio Generator for Unity3D

NOTA EXPLICATIVA Vista de Proyecto connect to the sql database Well, the question is still pretty unclear - but here's how to connect to an MS SQL Database: In the editor and standalones, this approach should be working fine ... I'm not sure if it also works with Web players - but even if it should work, I'd definitely not recommend letting Web players connect to your database (unless you got everything in a local network). I also wouldn't let any clients connect directly to a database unless you have a secure environment. You need System.Data.dll from the folder (I think under Frameworks). You need to make sure that the SQL Server listens to TCP connections (not a default setting). I got this up and running easily with code from the Mono project (modified somewhat, but not toooo significantly): procedureName also could be an SQL statement. Ah, and I think you can't use the IP-address in the connection string (you need to use a name that can be resolved via DNS). Hope that helps ...

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