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Datos y estadísticas gratis, recopilación de datos, análisis, visualización y opciones para compartir - GoogleTouring Open Source GIS Formas interesantes de usar Google Maps Ya he comentado varias aplicaciones que usan Google Maps para mostrar diversos tipos de información. Os dejo hoy con algunos mashups que he encontrado en realmente originales, útiles o, simplemente, curiosos. Para Calcular la distancia entre dos puntos Tan sencillo como informar en los dos puntos deseados y obtener la distancia en km y millas. Para mostrar las antípodas de cualquier punto Basta seleccionar en un mapa un punto para que en el segundo nos muestre el opuesto dentro de nuestro planeta, siguiendo una línea recta que pase por el centro del globo. Para ver el destino siguiendo una linea recta Marcamos en el punto de origen y la dirección y nos muestra la linea que recorreríamos si andaramos en línea recta. Para saber dónde se mueven los negocios en el mundo En tenemos un original mapa con los puntos clave del mundo de los negocios en el planeta. Para conocer las ciudades con más riesgos de terremotos

Free and Open Source GIS Software Which software is for me? Even though most open-source software is freely distributed, your time is limited. So which software should you try first? That depends on what you want to accomplish, the kind of free software you want to deploy and the environment in which you work. The Free GIS FAQ listed below can help you identify the characteristics that are important to you. The FAQ is followed by an annotated list of free, open-source software. -- Sara Yurman - 20 Nov 2004 Free GIS FAQ Enterprise GIS Is there an open source, enterprise level spatial database available? Yes. What if I want to keep running ArcSDE, or Oracle Spatial? Certainly. Open Source Concerns What is free and open source software and why would I want it? This question is not specific to GIS, and there are lots of places to explore it. Does this stuff actually work? In general, yes. Pick something widely used in organizations like yours.Look at the activity on the mailing list. How do I get support? Computing Environment Yes.

Map Maker Google Map Maker officially closed on March 31, 2017, and many of its features are being integrated into Google Maps. Since 2008, the Google Map Maker community has edited and moderated millions of features to improve the Google Maps experience. To make it easier for all Google Maps users to contribute changes to the map, we’ve started to graduate functionality from Map Maker to Google Maps on both desktop and mobile. Key editing features currently available in Google Maps include: We’ll continue to add new editing features within Google Maps on an ongoing basis. To keep contributing your local knowledge to Google Maps and engage with a passionate community of likeminded individuals, we invite you to join the Local Guides program where you can do things like: Earn points Unlock rewards for submitting edits and other information Get early access to new Google Map features.

GIS Links Google Cube: Because you’re dying to play a game about Google Maps Ever wanted to lead a ball through a maze and learn about Google Maps at the same time? Me too. Google has released its Google Cube game, to be played once and forgotten. It’s fun to play for novice gamers (see: me) or someone looking to kill some time, but at its core, it’s a promotional vehicle. You go through eight different levels: Manhattan, San Francisco, Paris, London, Tokyo, Las Vegas, the Mall of America, and a mix-match of all the different cities combined. You can access the game through The game was originally suspected to be for Google’s social network, Google+. Though the game itself is fairly lackluster, the promo video for it is actually pretty cool and involves a real, large cube turned by people in white gloves. hat tip Fusible Don't let cyber attacks kill your game!

How to Create a Google Map with Addresses of your Google Contacts Learn how to create a Google Map using postal addresses of your contacts that are available inside Google Contacts. Create a Map of your Google Contacts If you have been using Google Contacts (or any other address book*) to store the postal addresses of your friends and colleagues, you can easily create an online Google Map with all these address or even view them inside Google Earth. Here are the steps: Make a copy of this Google Sheet in your own Google Docs account. From the Google Contacts menu in the sheet, choose Initialize and authorize the script (see source code) to access your Google Contacts. Go to your mailbox and download the KML file to the desktop. Alternatively, you can upload the KML file to the web and copy-paste the URL of the KML file into the Google Maps Search box as shown below (see a sample map). Also see: Google Maps Address Lookup [*] If you aren’t using Google Contacts, you can still use the script.

MapsData | Data visualization and custom maps Sign up How to use Mapsdata Attribution Import My Data View Search Maps Export Tweets Select Column Clear Map London Underground Usage-2011 Entry & Exit Mininum value = 0Maximum value = 84.12 Sign up to save your data Sign up Already registered? Sign in to Mapsdata Sign in Forgot Password | Sign up Forgotten Password ?
