background preloader Achord: A Variant of the Chord Lookup Service for Use in Censorship Resistant Peer-to-Peer Publishing Systems Steven Hazel and Brandon, The revision of this paper which was presented at IPTPS'02 is available here in postscript and pdf. Abstract Any peer-to-peer publishing system must provide a mechanism for efficiently locating published documents. 1. The provable performance and correctness of Chord make it an attractive option for distributed lookup. Providing censorship resistance requires careful design of every component in the architecture of a peer-to-peer system. Property 1 It must be possible to insert data into the system without revealing the identity of the inserter, so that attacking those who insert information will not be a viable means of censoring that information. Property 2 It must be possible to retrieve data from the system without revealing the identity of the recipient, so that attacking those who request information will not be a viable means of censoring that information. 2. The fundamental operation in Chord is find_successor.

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TechNet: The Cable Guy - April 2003: IPv6 Features in the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP By The Cable Guy Updated: August 5, 2004 Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking is a developer platform that you can use to create peer-to-peer applications for computers running Windows XP. Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking is provided with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). For computers running Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1), you can obtain and install the Advanced Networking Pack for Windows XP, a free download that provides the components to run Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking applications. For more information, see Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking. The Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking platform runs exclusively over IPv6. IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)Computers using Windows Peer-to-Peer Networking must be protected from malicious users that are using IPv6 traffic in the same way that ICF in Windows XP protects computers from malicious users that are using IPv4 traffic. On This Page IPv6 Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) Teredo For More Information Teredo Teredo host-specific relay

NAT Check The Socialized.Net Project Reviews - Kenosis and the World Free Web Four years ago, I wrote an article for freshmeat called "The World Free Web" in which I described a way to make Web content available in a distributed and anonymous way via Freenet. Back then, I expected, as did many others, that Freenet was on the verge of completion, and all that remained was to think of interesting new applications to write on this new platform. Now, for the record, I still have high hopes for Freenet and am still a contributor to the Freenet Foundation. Two years ago, Malcolm Handley and I started the Dasein Software Partnership in order to create new peer-to-peer tools and applications for the Free Software world. So we decided that we would need to create a new system, designed from the ground up for simplicity, stability, and scalability. Kenosis is a fully-distributed peer-to-peer RPC system built on top of XMLRPC. Some background on Kademlia Kademlia is an excellent distributed hashtable algorithm developed at NYU. Back to Kenosis For legacy BitTorrent clients:

