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Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the Classroom
Printable Version “Flipping the classroom” has become something of a buzzword in the last several years, driven in part by high profile publications in The New York Times (Fitzpatrick, 2012); The Chronicle of Higher Education (Berrett, 2012); and Science (Mazur, 2009); In essence, “flipping the classroom” means that students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos, and then use class time to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge, perhaps through problem-solving, discussion, or debates. Bloom's Taxonomy (Revised)In terms of Bloom’s revised taxonomy (2001), this means that students are doing the lower levels of cognitive work (gaining knowledge and comprehension) outside of class, and focusing on the higher forms of cognitive work (application, analysis, synthesis, and/or evaluation) in class, where they have the support of their peers and instructor. What is it? What is it? Flipped Classroom Inverted Classroom Peer Instruction Related:  Intercultural education (lower secondary students)

Flipped classroom empowers students : Schools Think of most any classroom, from primary to high school and through college and you’ll likely picture one thing: neat rows of desks facing the same direction. Maybe instead of desks there are tables, but the seating grid system likely persists. This arrangement has been a cornerstone of learning environments for 100s of years, and yet, when else is life so neatly arranged? One Chadron Primary School classroom is shaking up the status quo by offering an array of seating options, and empowering students to choose where to sit day to day and sometimes assignment to assignment. Libby Uhing’s classroom has the feel of second grade, a white board, colorful decor, big bold words, and stacks of books. “Sometimes at this age we don’t give kids enough credit for what they can make work when we give them the power to choose,” Uhing said. Some versions of flipped classrooms involve allowing students a choice in directing a class’s curriculum—but that’s more for the high school level.

Flip Your Classroom How flipping works for you Save time; stop repeating yourself Record re-usable video lessons, so you don't have to do it again next year. Let students take control of their learning Not all students learn at the same pace. Spend more time with students Build stronger student-teacher relationships, and promote higher level thinking. Other teachers are doing it, you can too Stacey Roshan found that the traditional classroom model wasn't cutting it for her AP students, so she flipped her class. Watch Stacey's Story Crystal Kirch started using videos as instructional tools in her class but soon realized the real value of flipping lectures was being able to spend more face-to-face time with students. Read Crystal's Story Tools You Can Use

Instructional Resources | K-12 Education Solutions | Pearson Student-Centered Learning Environments Pearson and the Flipped Learning Network™ join forces to offer a blended course for educators who are or want to flip their classes. Based on the pioneering work of Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams the Foundations of Flipped Learning course is available to help your district personalize training so educators can make a seamless transition to Flipped Learning at any grade level or for any subject. Pearson Professional Development can help educators implement the flipped learning model What others are saying " Three years ago we decided to flip our entire high school.

Flipped-Learning Toolkit: 5 Steps for Formative Assessment Editor's Note: This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, Managing Director of and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network. If you flip your class, you might be able to rid yourself of the bane of many teachers: grading papers late at night. Since the flipped classroom model moves teachers away from the "front of the room," they have more time to interact with students and implement a wide variety of instructional strategies -- including formative assessment. 5 Steps to Check for Mastery One formative assessment strategy has the side benefit of not taking papers home to grade. 1. Assign students work to complete based on one specific objective. 2. Students are told to solve either the even or the odd problems, or perhaps some other combination. 3. Once a student has completed his work, he asks the teacher to complete a check for mastery. They get it. 4. 5. Watch this video clip of Aaron's classroom in action. Flexibility, Efficiency, and Accountability

What is the Flipped Classroom? | Center for Teaching and Learning CTL is partnering with ITS to help implement the new Canvas LMS, creating the Canvas Training Center, a new online resource. more on Canvas... CTL administers a number of grant opportunities to develop and nurture promising innovations in undergraduate and graduate education. more on CIG... OnRamps is a blended-learning initiative that offers rigorous coursework and cross-disciplinary skill building to prepare high school and community college students for university-level success. more on OnRamps...

Teaching in a Flipped Classroom Teaching in a Flipped Classroom What is the "flipped classroom" and how is it impacting teaching and learning? This week's newsletter explores how creative educators are making class time focused and engaging with "flipped" or "reverse" teaching, where students learn the content at home via videos and podcasts and then apply it in class. The Flip: Why I Love It, How I Use It Tina Barseghian explains her success in using flipped teaching methods in "bite-sized chunks" to help students develop inquiry learning skills and scaffold their knowledge. The Flipped Classroom Read instructional designer Chris Faulkner's concerns about the flipped classroom model. The Flipped Class: Myths Vs. The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Jackie Gerstein provides a conceptual framework for the implementation of the flipped classroom model with an emphasis on experiential, hands-on learning activities. Why I Flipped My Classroom (YouTube video; 2 min.15 sec.) Kay Lehmann and Lisa Chamberlin

3 Tips to Make Flipped Classrooms Effective 3 Tips to Make Flipped Classrooms Effective Flipped classrooms have become a concept in today’s education environment. One can see the impact that flipped classrooms are posing on classroom learning and teacher-student relationship. Today’s classroom is focussed towards learning rather than giving out information. You will find that teachers are no longer central to the classroom environment. Flipped classrooms have given the onus of information dissemination and learning to students. To make flipped classrooms effective, students and teachers will need to understand the importance of inclusive learning and interactive environment. Difficult Things Dealt in Schools Flipped classrooms make learning impactful and deep because the difficult subjects or things are taken care of the teachers at schools. Removing Misconceptions Flipped classrooms are created with the idea of removing all sorts of miconceptions that the student may have regarding certain concepts. Ask Questions Before the Class

Flip teaching Flip teaching or a flipped classroom is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing. This is also known as backwards classroom, flipped classroom, reverse teaching, and the Thayer Method."[1][2][3] Traditional vs flipped teaching[edit] The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school, while listening to lectures and taking tests in class. "My AP Calculus class was a really anxious environment, it was weird trying to get through way too much material with not enough time. In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher[5][6] or third parties. Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work. Math[edit]

Brame, C., (2013). Flipping the classroom. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved Friday, July 10, 2015 from by am11445 Jul 10
