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Mimosa (Jurema) Vault : DMT for the Masses

NOTE: Before performing any extraction procedure, it is always a good idea to read the entire description of the process from start to finish. Please see the Addendum at the end of this tek for additional tips, refinements, and clarifications regarding to the processes described. Also see the related article Keep that Mimosa Mud? by J. Cocktoasten. Disclaimer Performing this procedure is illegal in most countries. The intent of this tek is to simplify the extraction procedure as much as possible, so that the average person can complete it in a kitchen in one evening. Materials Process 1) Snap the Mimosa tenuiflora root-bark into small pieces and run it through the coffee grinder or blender at high speed. 2) Combine the lye and the water in the mixing jar. 3) Add the powdered root-bark into the lye/water solution in your mixing jar. 4) Now add to the mixing jar 1 ml of naphtha for each 15 ml of water used to create the lye solution. Recrystallization Addendum by Noman and Entropymancer Notes

T+L's Photography Tips - Carry On Travel + Leisure photo editor Whitney Lawson evaluates five snapshots from finalists of our monthly photo contest and explains why they work. This shot of Prague is set apart by its aerial perspective, which makes the people and buildings look almost like toys. Most European cities have churches or clock towers that you can climb for a couple of euros—it’s the easiest way to capture the streets below from a unique vantage point. The shooter used a center spot filter to focus on the middle of a London stairwell. A storm over the Gulf of Mexico in Sanibel, Florida, provided the wonderfully dramatic light in the image here. The Grand Canyon is a familiar icon, but the light dusting of snow at the top of the canyon adds an otherworldly quality. I love this glimpse of a girl in Israel lost in thought. From top: photos by Choong Weethiam, Harry Dillon, Jim Mandeville, Lenny Konieczski, and Jessica Granger

Culture Vaults : Resonant Frequencies and the Human Brain One of the great revelations of 20th century science is that all existence can be broken down into simple wave functions. Every photon, energy emission, and elementary particle rings with its own unique wave signature. When we see a color, we are actually seeing a distinct frequency of visible light. When we hear a sound, our eardrums are actually being vibrated by subtle waves in the air molecules around us. Even the neurochemical processes of human consciousness ­ our very thoughts ­ ring with their own distinct wave patterns. By studying the way that waves interact with other waves, researchers have found that even low-powered oscillations can have enormous effects on standing waves, physical structures, and even the human brain. Tesla first realized the massive potential of resonant waves in 1898 when he performed a simple experiment with an electromechanical oscillator the size of an alarm clock. "The principle cannot fail," Tesla would say. Monroe's Big Discovery The Neural Radio

Mimosa tenuiflora Mimosa tenuiflora, syn. Mimosa hostilis (Jurema, Tepezcohuite) is a perennial tree or shrub native to the northeastern region of Brazil (Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia) and found as far north as southern Mexico (Oaxaca and coast of Chiapas).[3] It is most often found in lower altitudes, but it can be found as high as 1000 m.[3] Description[edit] The fern-like branches have leaves that are Mimosa like, finely pinnate, growing to 5 cm long. Small Mimosa tenuiflora stem and roots The tree's bark is dark brown to gray. The tree's wood is dark reddish brown with a yellow center. Mimosa tenuiflora does very well after a forest fire, or other major ecological disturbance.[7] It is a prolific pioneer plant.[7] It drops its leaves on the ground, continuously forming a thin layer of mulch and eventually humus. Medicinal uses[edit] Mimosa tenuiflora root bark Mimosa tenuiflora Other uses[edit] Mimosa tenuiflora syn. Chemistry[edit] Entheogenic uses[edit] Mimosa tenuiflora' syn.

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