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Snowflakes and Snow Crystal

Snowflakes and Snow Crystal

Chapter3: Luie 3. Luie I had originally gone to the University of California at Berkeley, in 1964, to become a nuclear physicist. The cutting edge of nuclear physics was a subfield called "elementary particle physics," the study of the "elementary" bundles of energy from which everything else in the Universe is constructed. One afternoon as I walked into an office shared by graduate-student teaching assistants (TAs), my friend Calvin Farwell was telling the other TAs about a new project just being started by Professor Luis Alvarez. I was entranced. When I walked into the Physics 4A laboratory the next fall to have a meeting with the other TAs, there was a tall, blond, athletic-looking man wearing a sports coat sitting at one of the laboratory benches. I attended a few of his lectures to the huge class of about 300 students, and found his presentations very lively and interesting if not totally organized. I finally got my courage up, and after one class I asked him about his balloon project.

Météo89 - Offensive hivernale vers le 20 Novembre ? Modèle GFS, Mercredi 20 Novembre 2013 © Météociel Toute reproduction interdite © Copyright 2013 - Utilisation non-optimale avec Internet Explorer Ce flux continental va nous amener vers un mercure globalement en-dessous des normales saisonnières. Les températures l'après-midi auront du mal à dépasser les 5 degrés, et le matin les gelées seront généralisées, avec parfois jusqu'à -3 degrés en Puisaye ou dans le Tonnerrois. Concernant le risque de neige, celui-ci n'est pas nul, même en plaine ! En effet dans les premiers jours il pourrait s'agir d'un froid plutôt sec, mais il semble qu'ensuite des averses neigeuses jusqu'à très basse altitude puisse concerner notre région. Si cette petite période de froid fin Novembre est plutôt fiable, à très longue échéance les scénarios divergent, certains modèles voyant le retour de températures un peu plus douces. Clément MEIRONE Offensive hivernale vers le 20 Novembre ?

Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam on USTREAM: The Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam is provided through the generosity of private landowners with support from an all Watch without ads Ustream © Search Log in / Sign up With Facebook (faster) Log in or sign up with Facebook See what your friends like and watch, get awesome recommendations Instant login, no passwords or With email or username Forgot your password? Don’t have an account? Go live! Find more broadcasts Expand Video Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam Follow Following Unfollow 2,974 followers Watch without ads Flag this content Please select your reason for flagging this video as inappropriate from the dropdown below. If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of one or authorized to act under any exclusive right under copyright, please do not flag this content but instead report alleged copyright violations on our DMCA notice form. Cancel or Remove ads Create Highlight Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam Pets, Animals - Birds 2,974 followers 1,969,475 views Follow Following Unfollow The new Humboldt Bay Eagle Cam systems were purchased through generous donations from our viewers. Comments Load more... English

test Physics inside a Microwave Oven. By Maarten Rutgers Microwave ovens are designed to cook food and NOT to do scientific experiments. We do not recommend that you try anything described here yourself. Normally, when food (water) is in the microwave, the radiation is continually absorbed, keeping the overall radiation levels low. Now that you have been warned, lets start with the fun. I gratefully acknowledge Harold Whitt and Carl Acampado who helped develop these demos so they worked reliably in front of a large crowd. We will explore various bits of physics by sticking usual and unusual objects into a microwave oven. We will be sticking the following things in the microwave: For most of these we have photos and video, and will hopefully add some more later. The light bulb: We fill a drinking glass half full of water and place a light bulb in the glass, metal parts submerged in the water. Why? We have observed that the bulb can burn out after 10 seconds or more. Thanks to Mark Wexler.

ParcduMorvan : #grosflocons #neige en #Morvan... Exploring Weather Hurricanes Tornadoes Thunderstorms Floods Winter Storms Forecasting NASA Finds Direct Proof of Dark Mat Erica Hupp Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1237 Steve Roy Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. 256-544-6535 Megan Watzke Chandra X-ray Center, Cambridge, Mass. 617-496-7998 Aug. 21, 2006 RELEASE : 06-297 NASA Finds Direct Proof of Dark Matter Dark matter and normal matter have been wrenched apart by the tremendous collision of two large clusters of galaxies. "This is the most energetic cosmic event, besides the Big Bang, which we know about," said team member Maxim Markevitch of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. These observations provide the strongest evidence yet that most of the matter in the universe is dark. "A universe that's dominated by dark stuff seems preposterous, so we wanted to test whether there were any basic flaws in our thinking," said Doug Clowe of the University of Arizona at Tucson, and leader of the study. The team was granted more than 100 hours on the Chandra telescope to observe the galaxy cluster 1E0657-56. - end -

MonCoursPhoto : Est-ce qu'il neige chez vous... DR. RICHARD P. FEYNMAN Physicists always have a habit of taking the simplest example of any phenomenon and calling it "physics," leaving the more complicated examples to become the concern of other fields... "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts. " "I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong." "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool." "If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... "We cannot define anything precisely! "...far more marvelous is the truth than any artists of the past imagined it. (On pseudoscience) "...there is one feature I notice that is generally missing in 'cargo cult science'... "I'd hate to die twice.

BourgogneLive : Meursault sous 10 cm de #neige... N Bodies | Cosmic Variance This will be familiar to anyone who reads John Baez’s This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics, but I can’t help but show these lovely exact solutions to the gravitational N-body problem. This one is beautiful in its simplicity: twenty-one point masses moving around in a figure-8. The N-body problem is one of the most famous, and easily stated, problems in mathematical physics: find exact solutions to point masses moving under their mutual Newtonian gravitational forces (i.e. the inverse-square law). For N=2 the complete set of solutions is straightforward and has been known for a long time — each body moves in a conic section (circle, ellipse, parabola or hyperbola) around the center of mass. But let N=3 and chaos breaks loose, quite literally. But as his essay was being prepared for publication in Acta Mathematica, a couple of tiny problems were pointed out by Edvard Phragmen, a Swedish mathematician who was an assistant editor at the journal. But the story doesn’t quite end there.

Météorologie | Côte-d'Or : réveil sous la neige vendredi matin ? Notez cet article : le 22/01/2014 à 22:36 Vu 9342 fois Photo archives N. R. Selon les prévisions de MétéoNews, la neige va faire son retour dans le département au petit matin vendredi. " La neige devrait avoir du mal à tenir au sol à Dijon", précise toutefois Frédéric Decker en ajoutant : " Par contre, dans le Morvan, sur les hauteurs du département et dans les campagnes, la neige devrait être bien présente. Cet épisode neigeux devrait être toutefois sans conséquences. A noter que la neige devrait également être présente samedi en fin de matinée, mais en plus petite quantité. Enfin, dimanche verra un léger redoux (2 à 6°C) avec un temps très changeant et pluvieux.
