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Full Episodes on History

Full Episodes on History
Season five begins with Ivar the Boneless asserting his leadership over the Great Heathen Army, while Lagertha reigns as Queen of Kattegat. Ivar’s murder of his brother Sigurd sets the stage for vicious battles to come as Ragnar’s sons plot their next moves after avenging their father’s death. Bjorn follows his destiny into the Mediterranean Sea and Floki who is suffering from the loss of his wife Helga, takes to the seas submitting himself to the will of the Gods. This season is full of startling alliances and unbelievable betrayals as the Vikings fight to rule the world. Get the new Vikings VR app. Read the latest Vikings news. Learn more about the series Real Vikings, which sees actors Clive Standen (starring in Global's Taken), Katheryn Winnick and others joining the world’s top experts at key Viking sites. Related:  INTERES

Nanoscribe Will Sell a Micro 3-D Printer That Creates Tiny Structures in Seconds Nanoscribe, a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, has developed a tabletop 3-D microprinter that can create complicated microstructures 100 times faster than is possible today. “If something took one hour to make, it now takes less than one minute,” says Michael Thiel, chief scientific officer at Nanoscribe. While 3-D printing of toys, iPhone covers, and jewelry continues to grab headlines (see “The Difference Between Makers and Manufacturers”), much of 3-D printing’s impact could be at a much smaller scale. Thiel says it should be possible to speed up his company’s microprinting technique even more in the future. Printing microstructures with features a few hundred nanometers in size could be useful for making heart stents, microneedles for painless shots, gecko adhesives, parts for microfluidics chips, and scaffolds for growing cells and tissue. So far, 3-D microprinting has been used only in research laboratories because it’s pretty slow.

Sólo 3 de cada 10 colombianos reconocen tristeza En uno de los “países más felices del mundo”, el 20 % de sus habitantes dicen que “la vida les ha dado tantos golpes que ya nada les duele” y la mayoría es incapaz de reconocer emociones básicas en el rostro de su vecino. Entre los cientos de datos que arrojó la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental 2015 hay uno que sorprendió al psiquiatra y epidemiólogo Carlos Gómez-Restrepo. Cuando les presentaron a los 15.351 entrevistados tarjetas con imágenes de rostros que expresaban felicidad, tristeza, sorpresa o asco, la mayoría falló en la respuesta. Para el director de la encuesta y profesor de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, este es un síntoma social preocupante. ¿Por qué es importante esta encuesta sobre salud mental? Intentamos dar una respuesta mayor a lo que se había hecho hasta ahora en Colombia. ¿Qué enfermedades se estudiaron? Existen más de 100 enfermedades en psiquiatría y es imposible medirlas con una encuesta. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre este estudio y un censo?

The Printer That Can Print A 2,500 Square Foot House In 20 Hours. We have seen huge advancements in 3D printing. We’ve even seen oversized wrenches printed that measure 1.2 meters in length. Now, we can print an entire 2,500 sqft house in 20 hours. In manufacturing we use a process called CAD/CAM (computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacturing). 3D models are designed on a computer and then manufactured using CNC Machines or 3D printers. In this video, we see a prototype of a machine called ‘Contour Crafting’ Michael Cooney Michael Cooney, the founder of EngNet, worked as a project engineer for many years sourcing equipment.

Los cuatro acuerdos de Miguel Ruiz La felicidad es una elección, como también lo es el sufrimiento. "No hay razón para sufrir. La única razón por la que sufres es porque así tú lo decides. Si observas tu vida encontrarás muchas excusas para sufrir, pero ninguna razón válida. La domesticación y el sueño del planeta. ¿Son las cosas como las vemos, como las sentimos, o básicamente interpretamos lo que nos han enseñado a interpretar? Para la milenaria cultura tolteca (México) la "realidad" que asumimos socialmente no es más que un sueño colectivo, el sueño del planeta. "La domesticación es tan poderosa que, en un determinado momento de nuestra vida ya no necesitamos que nadie nos domestique. El juez y la víctima. En el transcurso de este aprendizaje incorporamos en nuestra propia personalidad al juez y a la víctima. El juez representa esa tendencia en nuestra mente que nos recuerda continuamente el libro de la ley que gobierna nuestra vida -lo que está bien y lo que está mal-, nos premia y, más frecuentemente, nos castiga. 1.

Flo N' Go - Home - Scepter's patented "Flo n' go" gas pump handle allows you to stop and restart the flow of gas and is designed to eliminate gas spills and overfills. Send to Kindle by E-mail Drink This! Cup Show 2014 Photos » Workhouse Ceramics Drink This! Workhouse International Ceramic Cup Show 2014 Drink This! 2014 showcases ceramic drinking vessels by contemporary artists around the globe. Thank you! Pam Eisenmann- Co-CuratorJoan Ulrich- Co-CuratorDale Marhanka-Ceramics Director Cups are probably one of the most unassuming, yet challenging forms to make. Potters seem to be quite particular about what they like about cups and why. I was so inspired to see such a diverse range of cup forms, surfaces, decoration and building processes. Each of us will have different visceral reactions to different pots based on our own personal histories. Juror-Sam Chung Awards 1st Place - $250-Nicole Aquillano-Massachusetts 2nd Place - $150- Brad Willis-Massachusetts 3rd Place - $100-Jess Carter-Florida Honorable Mentions Richard Peterson-Ohio Ted Neal-Indiana Stephanie Wright-Maine Lauren Karle-Kansas Suzanne Wolfe-Hawaii Abel Lakatos-Hungary Exhibit Photos

INSENSIBLES AL DOLOR - Archivo Digital de Noticias de Colombia y el Mundo desde 1.990 - Esta terrible sensación nace de reconocer la forma como muchos sectores del país han tomando la guerra que vivimos. Mientras el Delegado de Naciones Unidas se refiere a las masacres, que por desventura se han convertido en pan cotidiano, como comportamiento de animales y Jorge Castañeda, analista mexicano que comentó recientemente esta situación en Newsweek reconoce el drama colombiano como una crisis hemisférica, muchos compatriotas no lo ven ni lo sienten así. Sociedades fraccionadas por guerras fratricidas no lograron encontrar el verdadero camino de la paz, sin reconocer el drama que enfrentaron individuos y familias durante los conflictos. Las comisiones de perdón y olvido, integradas por personalidades, no podrán servir de base para la reconciliación cuando una guerra como la colombiana ha estratificado tan claramente sus víctimas. A quién realmente le quita el sueño en Colombia el millón doscientos mil desplazados? La indolencia se ha vuelto una forma de ser de nuestra sociedad.

Deep Watering Tomatoes for a Bumper Crop | Reclaim, Grow, Sustain As the plant that often seems to be the central highlight of the summer gardening season for most folks, everyone wants the biggest and shiniest tomatoes possible. So there are no shortage of tips and tricks out there to develop the size and sheen of tomatoes. But most of these tips and tricks only slightly improve the plant's production, many of them seeming to do nothing at all - mental bias and imagination can go a long way in supporting useless tricks. Well, here's one method that the people who try it have a hard time not noticing a difference in their plants. Now why would you want to water deeper in the first place? Not to forget, there's also the added benefits of being very water efficient as well as reducing blight because water won't be splashing all over the plant. Now here's how you do it. Dig a hole on either side of where you're going to have a tomato plant. Place a piece of perforated pipe about 16"-20" long in each hole.

A Book Apart, Mobile First foreword by Jeffrey Zeldman Our industry’s long wait for the complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is finally over. Former Yahoo! design architect and co-creator of Bagcheck Luke Wroblewski knows more about mobile experience than the rest of us, and packs all he knows into this entertaining, to-the-point guidebook. Its data-driven strategies and battle tested techniques will make you a master of mobile—and improve your non-mobile design, too! Contents Part 1: Why Mobile First? GrowthConstraintsCapabilities Part 2: How to go Mobile Organization (Read this chapter online)ActionsInputsLayout Wood Fired Jar [Detail] - Donald Burroughs © A Book Apart, Content Strategy for Mobile foreword by Paul Ford You don’t get to decide which platform or device your customers use to access your content: they do. Mobile isn’t just smartphones, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you are on the move. It’s a proliferation of devices, platforms, and screensizes — from the tiniest “dumb” phones to the desktop web. How can you be sure that your content will work everywhere, all the time? Karen McGrane will teach you everything you need to get your content onto mobile devices (and more). Contents Your Content, Now Mobile (Read this chapter online)Content Before PlatformAdaptive ContentStrategy and PlanningWriting and EditingInformation ArchitecturePeople and Process

Wood Fired Jar [View B] - Donald Burroughs ©
