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Professor Carol Dweck 'Teaching a growth mindset' at Young Minds 2013

Professor Carol Dweck 'Teaching a growth mindset' at Young Minds 2013
Related:  Growth Mindset

Becoming a growth mindset school The idea of becoming a growth mindset school has been over a year in the making. Our Headteacher bought each member of SLT a copy of Mindset for Christmas, and it was the main agenda item at our annual senior team conference. Today I launched the idea of becoming a growth mindset school to all staff at our INSET day. This is the basis of the presentation I did. Our INSET session was for all staff – teaching, support, administrative, catering, site, network, technicians – everyone! What is Growth Mindset? Professor Carol Dweck and “Mindset” Growth Mindset is the idea Professor Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dweck’s approach to mindset was sparked by her own experience of education. Even as a child, I was focused on being smart, but the fixed mindset was really stamped in by Mrs. The Science behind Growth Mindset I have previously blogged about my tentative first steps into neuroscience. Why are we interested in Growth Mindset

Becoming a growth mindset school The idea of becoming a growth mindset school has been over a year in the making. Our Headteacher bought each member of SLT a copy of Mindset for Christmas, and it was the main agenda item at our annual senior team conference. Today I launched the idea of becoming a growth mindset school to all staff at our INSET day. This is the basis of the presentation I did. Our INSET session was for all staff – teaching, support, administrative, catering, site, network, technicians – everyone! What is Growth Mindset? Professor Carol Dweck and “Mindset” Growth Mindset is the idea Professor Carol Dweck, the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. Dweck’s approach to mindset was sparked by her own experience of education. Even as a child, I was focused on being smart, but the fixed mindset was really stamped in by Mrs. The Science behind Growth Mindset I have previously blogged about my tentative first steps into neuroscience. Why are we interested in Growth Mindset

Does Your Child Have a Growth Mindset? - Jenni and Jody This week on POP Parenting Radio, we kicked off a new series on helping kids develop healthy habits with a look at creating healthy habits for the mind. Over the past year or so, Jody and I have been super interested in studying habits. I guess it started when we read the book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg. So much of what we do in life is driven by habit — and that can be both good and bad. So for the month of July, we are talking about helping kids develop good habits. Take a look at the schedule, and remember, you can always listen live at 9:00AM ET. Saturday, July 2 — Healthy Habits for the Mind with Jenni & Jody (podcast is included below) Saturday, July 9 — Healthy Habits for the Body with Dr. Saturday, July 16 — Healthy Habits for the Spirit with Rabbi Elaine Glickman and Pastor Tony Faeth Saturday, July 23 — Healthy Habits for Organization with author Evan Zislis Saturday, July 30 — Healthy Habits for Time Management (guest TBA)

CREATE Framework The CREATE skills framework is unique to Studio Schools and has been developed by the Studio Schools Trust to equip young people with the skills they need for life and work. Evidence consistently shows that employers are concerned about key skills gaps in the British economy. Every new survey of unfilled vacancies confirms that employers are looking for - and not finding - key employability skills amongst schools leavers. However, extensive research shows that equipping young people with employability skills alone is not enough. In a competitive and uncertain world, young people also need to think creatively, build resilience and be able to respond effectively to rapidly changing circumstances. Consequently, the unique CREATE skills framework has been designed specifically for Studio Schools and is comprised of a wide range of employability and life skills. For further information visit the Studio Schools Trust website at

6 ways to teach growth mindset from day one of school Imagine if your new class this fall was full of students who would: Be willing to try new thingsStick with hard tasks and not give upPush themselves to do their best work, not just what’s “good enough”Believe in themselves and their own ability to learn Here’s the great news–these are traits that we can help develop in our students by teaching them about how their brains work. Many students enter our classrooms believing they’re either smart or not smart, good at reading or math, or not good in those areas. This belief that our basic qualities like intelligence and talents can’t be changed is called a fixed mindset. Our students may not realize that their brains have the ability to change and grow through their experiences (neuroplasticity). And once they have a growth mindset, they can learn anything. Because a growth mindset is a critical element of success in school, I recommend teaching about it from the very first day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Want more structured support?

Teachers toolbox - Dweck's Theory of Motivation Carol Dweck is Professor of Psychology at Columbia University. She is a leader in the field of student motivation and her research is widely recognised. Over many decades she has developed a highly influential theory of student motivation building on the work of others, notably on ‘attribution theory' – what we attribute for our failures and successes. She divides students into two types, based on the student's own theory about their own ability. Fixed IQ theorists: These students believe that their ability is fixed, probably at birth, and there is very little if anything they can do to improve it. Untapped Potential theorists : These students believe that ability and success are due to learning, and learning requires time and effort. About 15% of students are in the middle, the rest are equally divided between the two theories. It is possible to move students from the Fixed IQ theory to the Untapped Potential theory. Why bother with Dweck? Dweck's Questionnaire e.g. For example: How?

Marie Curie on Curiosity, Wonder, and the Spirit of Adventure in Science by Maria Popova A short manifesto for the vitalizing power of discovery. “Few persons contributed more to the general welfare of mankind and to the advancement of science than the modest, self-effacing woman whom the world knew as Mme. Curie.” So read the obituary for Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to date to win a Nobel in two different sciences, published the day after her death in 1934. Three years later, her younger daughter, Eve Curie Labouisse, captured her mother’s spirit and enduring legacy in Madame Curie: A Biography (public library). Among the ample anecdotes of the great scientist’s life and the many direct quotations of her humbly stated yet fiercely upheld convictions is one particularly poignant passage that speaks to the immutable resonance between science and wonder, the inextinguishable causal relationship between childhood’s innate curiosity and humanity’s greatest feats of discovery. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

Purposeful "Re"-action Kolbe sees every person as uniquely and perfectly capable of creative problem solving. The Kolbe Concept® holds that creative instincts are the source of mental energy that drives people to take specific actions. This mental drive is separate and distinct from passive feeling and thoughts. Creative instincts are manifested in an innate pattern that determines an individual's unique method of operation, or modus operandi (M.O.). A person's M.O. is quantifiable and observable yet functions at the subconscious level. It governs actions, reactions and interactions. When people act according to instinct, their energy is almost inexhaustible – like water running downhill. Individual performance can be predicted with great accuracy by comparing a person's M.O. with self-expectations and the requirements of specific tasks. M.O.s vary across the general population and show no gender, age or racial bias. What is Conation? Action derived from instinct; purposeful mode of striving, volition. Glossary

Developing a growth mindset in the classroom | M J Bromley's Blog This article first appeared in Sec Ed magazine in April 2014. To read the original, click here. To read more of my monthly columns for Sec Ed, click here. To read more articles about the growth mindset, click here. Visit my blog | Browse my books | Follow me on Twitter | Like me on Facebook | Connect with me on LinkedIn | Download more posters | There’s a free info graphic version of this article. As a kid I wanted to become a cliché when I grew up so I bought a guitar and grew my hair. What all these childhood endeavours had in common – apart from their mutual failure – was that I took it for granted that I’d have to work hard at them, I knew I’d have to practise endlessly and that I wouldn’t become expert overnight. I played that old six-string every night after school till my fingers bled, readily accepting that improvement would be incremental. Most of us feel this way about our interests. Sir Ken Robinson argues that every child starts out willing to take a chance. Like this: Related

Failure - An Essential Ingredient For Coaching Success — Evercoach I am not sure why, but failure gets a bad reputation. If you study the lives of individuals who are highly successful, failure is almost always the stepping-stone to their success. In fact, without that failure, these highly successful people might not have been able to understand, achieve, or maintain their success. Failure is not celebrated in our society. We focus on the one who succeeds and wins, not the one who fails, even if he or she eventually wins. Statistics bear this out. Edison realized that it did not matter how many tries it took him to invent the light bulb. Michael Jordan, one of the most iconic players in the history of basketball, is often noted for his successes, his comebacks, and his game winning shots. Michael missed over 9,000 shots during this career. How Does Failure Relate to Coaching Success? When people first start coaching, they are ready to help others change their lives. When you start off as a new coach, you want immediate success. Focus on recovery Comments

Select and Maximize Talent - Kolbe makes finding the right person for the job easier and far less expensive than traditional selection methods. We provide "the missing link" in the hiring process: the rating of candidates based on their natural instincts. Kolbe RightFit™ RightFit is Kolbe's statistically proven hiring tool that helps companies screen and select the best job applicants. Key benefits of Kolbe's approach include cost savings and reduced turnover. RightFit has been approved by legal departments of many leading American corporations and meets EEOC requirements as a selection tool that clearly establishes job relatedness.

Egna lärarreflektioner kring statiskt och dynamiskt tankesätt efter läsningen av Dwecks Mindset Efter att jag läste ut Nottinghams bok Utmanande undervisning i klassrummet för #pedaläslyft var jag lite intresserad av att läsa vidare i Dwecks bok Mindset (Natur & Kultur 2015) som han bl a refererar till i Utmanande undervisning. Jag har också sett boken delas i sociala medier så med en dag till förfogande började jag läsa för att ta reda på vad som gör boken så populär. Dweck börjar med att förklara varför hon var intresserad av att ta reda på varför vissa människor klarar av misslyckas och vad som får den att fortsätta. Statiskt och dynamiskt mindset – vad är skillnaden? Dweck forskade i nästan 20 år om detta och hon fann att olika Mindset styr oss i vårt tänkande. Motsatsen till detta är ett dynamiskt mindset. I boken ger oss Dweck sedan många exempel på hur detta yttrar sig och jag tyckte det blev lite tråkig läsning då jag snabbt förstod vad det innebär. Beröm som blir fel Dweck visar på vad beröm gör med oss och hur fel det kan bli fast avsikten är god. Är det svart eller vitt?
