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Create a Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js

Create a Parallax Scrolling Website Using Stellar.js
One of the biggest trends in recent modern web design is use of parallax scrolling effects. In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create the effect on your own website, with a bit of imagination and a little help from Stellar.js. Interested in saving some time and making sure you're using modern best practices? There's a great responsive jQuery slider plugin on Envato Market that could do the job perfectly! It's already used on over 150,000 websites. The parallax scrolling effect has been popular ever since sites such as Nike's Better World introduced it on their websites a few years ago. When combined with the scrolling functionality of a website, parallax scrolling effects can have a strong visual impact, especially when combined with some form of story which takes you on a journey. Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight. - Wikipedia So what exactly is the parallax effect? So is it HTML5?

SUPERSCROLLORAMA SuperScrollorama is powered by TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine. Go to for documentation on how to use it. Why Greensock/TweenMax? Great performance, ease-of-use, expandibility and basically because it is awesome. First, link to the jQuery CDN and then embed TweenMax.js and SuperScrollorama. Next, start up SuperScrollorama. When initializing SuperScrollorama there are several options you might want to change. $.superscrollorama({options}) vars: optional properties for the pin method (object): isVertical Are we scrolling vertically (true) or horizontally (false)? Example Use the addTween method to build your scroll animations. .addTween(target, tween, duration, offset, reverse) target: scroll position (number) or element (string or object) tween: a Greensock animation tween object duration: scroll duration of tween in pixels (0 means autoplay) offset: adjust the animation start point reverse: disable reverse animation on up scrolling (optional) Example:

A Simple Parallax Scrolling Technique Parallax scrolling is an interesting technique, where, as you scroll, the background images translate slower than the content in the foreground, creating the illusion of 3D depth. As I planned to re-design my personal website, my first goal was to write the shortest and simplest code to achieve maximum awesomeness! I'll show you how I did it. In this tutorial, I'll teach you the simplest parallax scrolling technique you've ever came across, so let's dig in! This technique revolves around controlling the speed of background image. I am using the <section> tag with the attributes data-type & data-speed, which were introduced in HTML5. According to the specification for Custom Data Attributes, any attribute that starts with data- will be treated as a storage area for private data. Since all we need to do is control the speed of the background images, we'll use data-type="background" and data-speed="10" as key attributes to specify the necessary parameters. Now it should look like this...

18 Beautiful Examples of Parallax Scrolling in Web Design The parallax effect in web design is something that has gained popularity over the past couple of years. When used properly, it can result in a rich and engaging user experience with seamless navigation. When used poorly, it can result in just a page with a lot of elements moving around and a terrible UX. If you’re considering using a parallax effect in your next web design project, we’ve gathered some great examples here to inspire you. Hero A portfolio WordPress theme that uses a parallax effect in the home page banner to highlight the site’s key message in an engaging fashion. Bagigia Scroll down to explore the website and enjoy a 360 view of the products. Whiteboard Here the concept is the same, fixed images with texts and content moving, creating a nice and smooth effect. Playtend Playtend choose a fun concept and executed it pretty well. New Zealand Scroll down to explore things to do in New Zealand while you see more beautiful background images. TokioLab Cheese Please Marcus Thomas no leath

101 essential free fonts for web designers Every designer knows that free fonts are a godsend when working on a project, but truly valuable free fonts can be tough to find. With this list we’ve endeavoured to bring you as many full font families as possible; fonts that are genuinely free (not just one style or weight free), a balance of fonts that work well for body text as well as display, and a full collection of fonts that are pleasing to the eye. Everyone can find something new and useful among these amazing free fonts. Fonts love chunk We’re kicking off our list with fonts that have some serious weight to throw around! ChunkFive is a classic, but there are some other heavy contenders in this batch as well. Bemio Chunk Troika Abril Fatface Governor Vast Shadow Komika Title PassionOne Poetsen Tall and slender If you’re trying to fit a lot of text into a small area, these narrow fonts can help you get the job done. Bebas Neue League Gothic Oswald Langdon Ostrich Sans Simplifica Valencia Mohave Yanone Kaffeesatz Happy families Quaver Merriweather Cylburn

25 Trendy Websites with Header Images Web designers seek new features to adopt in their projects all the time. True professionals perfect their designs to make the projects cool and stylish. Today you have a chance to meet one of the best 2014 trends in web design: the Header Image. The header is a hero area of any website and you need to make the design classy in order to get your visitors interested in what you do. This section allows users to understand immediately whether the website meets their needs and expectations or not. The Use of Header Images in Website Design The use of images in the Header is very diverse: ImageImage with textImage sliderFixed imageUnfixed image Header Image Photographic headers are simple but rather effective. Header Image with Text The image in the header zone can work as the background for the product’s description or the information about the website owner. Image Slider The gallery of header images is nothing but perfect for fashion websites, online stores or food related designs. Fixed Image

How to Set Up a Marketing Strategy Using WordPress Some people seem to think all they need to do is setup their WordPress site and walk away. However, as you might’ve guessed, this just isn’t true. In fact, you need to put together a marketing strategy and stick to it if you want to see your WordPress site succeed over the long haul. With that said, below are six steps you can take to build a marketing strategy for your site from the ground up. Step 1: Consider (and Test) Your Design Creating a website that you like looking at is a real accomplishment. The only way to truly know if your site is successful is to test it. There’s a WordPress plugin (Google Content Experiments Free WordPress Plugin) that makes it very simple to conduct these experiments within your WordPress site that’s well worth checking out if you’re serious about making your site as marketable as it can be. You might also wish to leverage the custom post types feature to build post templates that can be executed at a moment’s notice. Step 2: SEO is Marketing Conclusion

Why Facebook Is Blue: The Science of Colors in Marketing 33.5K Flares 33.5K Flares × Why is Facebook blue? According to The New Yorker, the reason is simple. It’s because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind. This means that blue is the color Mark can see the best. In his own words Zuck says: “Blue is the richest color for me; I can see all of blue.” Not highly scientific right? After all, the visual sense is the strongest developed one in most human beings. So how do colors really affect us and what is the science of colors in marketing really? First: Can you recognize the online brands just based on color? Before we dive into the research, here are some awesome experiments that show you how powerful color alone really is. Example 1 (easy): Example 2 (easy): Example 3 (medium): Example 4 (hard): These awesome examples from Youtube designer Marc Hemeon, I think show the real power of colors more than any study could. How many were you able to guess? Which colors trigger which feeling for us? Black: Green: Blue:

2,014 free resources for designers | Design Every designer loves free stuff. So here we bring together 2500 brilliant freebies, covering everything from typography to 3D design, in one mammoth list. We'll update this feature regularly, adding more resources as we find them, so amazingly that number will increase over the coming months and years... You really WILL want to bookmark this page! Graphic design and illustration freebies Web design freebies Free cheat sheet so you can brand your social media pages with easeGet 500 web design books - they're totally free and available nowDesign your new Twitter header with this free PSD130 CSS and JavaScript tutorials to power up your skills50 superb WordPress tutorials10 top WordPress resourcesHow to build an app: 45 great tutorials 3D design freebies Typography freebies Photoshop freebies 300+ free vector shapes for Photoshop45 free Photoshop brushes every creative must have! Have you spotted a free design resource?

Twitter Cards Complete Guide: How to Choose, Set Up, Measure, And More 440 Flares 440 Flares × Here’s a riddle: When is a tweet more than a tweet? We’re all pretty familiar with Twitter’s 140 characters—and of course, a photo is always an eye-catching addition. But what if your Twitter audience could sign up for your email list without ever leaving Twitter, or directly download your new app straight from a tweet? What if a photo and article summary could travel alongside every post of your content? And what if you could do all of this for free, right now? Twitter cards offer all this potential and more. Let’s get going! What are Twitter cards? If you’ve ever watched a Vine, viewed a YouTube video or clicked on a photo with your Twitter stream, you’ve already come into contact with a Twitter card. Twitter’s card infrastructure is what allows us to have these rich media experiences that go far beyond a 140-character written message right within Twitter. …without them ever having to leave Twitter. You’ll also get added benefits, like: Are you in yet? 1.

User Experience Design Process | UX Design Process In my previous post, I talked about 5 vital elements of user experience design. My aim was to clear the clouds off user experience design, which is still a misconstrued concept in the design industry. I believe we now have a pretty good idea about how some of us perceive user experience design and what exactly UX design is. Now let me walk you through the User Experience Design (UXD) process, which is how you actually create great user experiences. 1. The first step in any design or development process is to interview the stakeholders to find out what are their business goals and what they expect out of a final product, e.g. a website, application, or software product. Stakeholders are those people whose feedback and approvals are required throughout the UX design process. Stakeholder interviews usually build around a problem statement, and then finding possible solutions to that problem. Here are some tips on conducting a successful stakeholder interview: 2. User Profiles User Journeys 3.

A Five-Step Process For Conducting User Research Advertisement Imagine that this is what you know about me: I am a college-educated male between the ages of 35 and 45. I own a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 5, on which I browse the Internet via the Google Chrome browser. If your financial services client provided you with this data, could you tell them why I’ve just decided to move my checking and savings accounts from it to a new bank? We can discern plenty of valuable information about a customer from this data, based on what they do and when they do it. User research helps us to understand how other people live their lives, so that we can respond more effectively to their needs with informed and inspired design solutions. So, how does one do user research? “The spiral is based on a process of learning and need-finding,” Sanders says. The research learning spiral is a five-step process for conducting user research, originated by Erin Sanders at Frog. Objectives These are the questions we are trying to answer. 1. “Who?” 2. 3. 4. 5.

Missions | Glendale Road Church of Christ | Just another WordPress site Kenneth Cleaver, Grundy Falwell & David Ryan, Elders Local Bible Studies- Todd Walker, Associate Minister Glendale Road offers personal and correspondence Bible Studies. Some inquiries come from the Caring and Sharing Center, while others are turned in by members of the congregation who know relatives, friends and acquaintances who are interested in a personal Bible study or correspondence courses. A series of Bible correspondence lessons are sent to those requesting them. When returned, these lessons are graded and sent back to the student with a letter encouraging a personal Bible study. Away From Home – Tommy Carraway & Artie D’Elia, Deacons Special Campaigns – Money has been budgeted to help our members who want to go on a special campaign. Charleston Church of Christ – Charleston, MO – Since May 2008, Glendale Road has helped with the support of Gary Hill. Worldwide Evangelism – Harvey Starling leads the Worldwide Evangelism Program. Working with His Kids Too!
