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2CELLOS - Thunderstruck [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

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Autour des Flûtes Dans le cadre de la formation continue, Le CNFPT Nord a proposé ce stage conçu et organisé par Jean Jeltsch (co-direction du CFMI) et Muriel de Poorter (administration du CFMI) en postes au CFMI de Lille3. Nous étions vingt stagiaires, deux Formateurs musiciens, Sylvain Roux et Dominique Vasseur tous deux flûtistes, Serge Durin facteur d’objets sonores (dans le contexte du stage), Jean et Muriel pour l’encadrement logistique et la scénographie générale de la Ferme d’en haut comme lieu de stage. Deux journées sont dédiées à la fabrication d’objets sonores inspirés de flûtes, flûtes harmoniques, flûte à coulisse, flûte « native », appeaux et autres aérophones, objets concus avec des matériaux de récupération et de bricolage. Trois jours sont consacrés aux jeux sous forme de dispositifs sonores en utilisant tous ces objets fabriqués, dont une approche de compositions spontanées avec le Soundpainting.

Neural Correlates of Lyrical Improvisation: An fMRI Study of Freestyle Rap : Scientific Reports In this study, we used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates of spontaneous lyrical improvisation by comparing spontaneous freestyle rap to conventional rehearsed performance. Our results reveal characteristic patterns of activity associated with this novel form of lyrical improvisation, and may also provide more general insights into the creative process itself. It has been suggested that the creative behaviors could occur in two stages: an improvisatory phase characterized by generation of novel material and a phase in which this material is re-evaluated and revised1. The present study may provide clues to the mechanisms that underlie the initial, improvisatory phase. Our results suggest a model in which an elementary reorganization of brain activity facilitates improvisation and may generalize to other forms of spontaneous creative behavior. The widespread changes identified by the foregoing analysis are suggestive but incomplete.

La 7ème de Beethoven : une symphonie grandiose La 7ème symphonie est absolument grandiose, Beethoven la considérait d'ailleurs comme l'une de ses meilleures symphonies. Si elle est passionnante de bout en bout, je fais le choix aujourd'hui, arbitraire, de ne vous en faire écouter qu'un mouvement, le 2ème, l'Allegretto, parce qu'il est tout simplement pour moi l'un de plus beaux et des plus saisissants de toute l'histoire de la musique... Près de 4 ans passent entre la composition de la 6ème, la Pastorale, et celle de la 7ème. Music Units - Into Music 1 - Classroom Music in Years 1-3 About this resource This Ministry of Education resource is an adaptation of the original book and CD Into Music 1, Classroom Music in Years 1 - 3, Learning Media (2001). In this online resource, the book has been updated and digitised to provide links to online resources and to reflect the New Zealand Curriculum (2007).

Clarinette Clarinette usuelle, en si bémol La clarinette basse est en réalité beaucoup plus grande que la clarinette usuelle.Le bocal et le pavillon sont courbes, en métal. La clarinette est un instrument de musique à vent, de la famille des bois, à anche simple et perce cylindrique, qui fait entre 660 et 670 mm, et entre 700 et 900 g. Ces deux caractéristiques (anche simple et perce cylindrique) font que l'instrument est quintoyant. Cela veut dire que si l'on passe au registre supérieur, on n'obtient pas une note à l'octave au-dessus (comme avec la flûte, le hautbois ou le saxophone), mais à l'octave augmentée d'une quinte.

I'm Charlotte Church. And This Is How Women Are Routinely Demoralized by the Music Industry... - Digital Music NewsDigital Music News The following speech was delivered at BBC 6 Music’s annual John Peel Lecture by Charlotte Church, who entered the music industry as a young teenager. Roughly 15 years later, her perspectives on the business have changed dramatically. “Thank you for coming to my lecture this evening. I’d like you to imagine a world in which male musicians are routinely expected to act as submissive sex objects. Picture Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z stripped down to a T-back bikini thong, sex kittin’ his way through a boulevard of suited-and-booted women for their pleasure.

Here's how playing a musical instrument can improve a child's brain We know that the complex colonies of microbes that live in our guts affect our physical health - imagine trying to digest things without them - but new research now suggests that they also have a positive influence on the way we think. Previous studies have revealed that in mice, changes in gut microbe colonies appear to ease feelings of anxiousness, and can help control the levels of cortisol - a potent stress hormone - coursing through the body. And now a new study on humans by researchers in the UK suggests a positive link between our gut microbes and our mental health. By feeding volunteers packages of gut-friendly prebiotics - non-digestible carbohydrates that act as food for ‘good bacteria’ called probiotics - the team was able to change the way they process emotional information, making it easier for them to ward off anxious or depressed feelings. This could be because the people who took the prebiotics were also found to have lower levels of cortisol in their saliva.

NZ Folksong * Maori Songs Kia ora koutou Please forgive me for any errors here. If you can send me any corrections or additions to be added here, I would be most grateful. My hobby has been learning about songs of the rural white New Zealand way of life. I started this NZ Folk Song website to make information about these Pakeha songs available to others.

Music - The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum Music is a unique way of organising and making sense of sound. It is a way of knowing that influences how we see the world, express our views of the world, and come to know the world. In music, emotion, intellect, and imagination are articulated through sound. Music allows us to express our feelings and ideas about ourselves and our place in the world. It can directly evoke emotional responses and capture the elusive essence of who and what we are. Music encompasses a wide range of sounds, from natural and found sounds through to those generated by conventional musical instruments and electronic technologies. Learning Through the Arts View the videos below and don't forget to download the viewer's guide for more information and support. Music Overview
