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Truetype embedding-enabler embed This is a quick program I made, according to Microsoft's TrueType Specifications, which will change the embedding level of a TrueType font. I made this for myself, since I noticed that a lot of the Fonts I Made had their embedding set in a very restricting manner. This program will quickly and automatically set the font to 'installable embedding allowed', the least restrictive setting. To run it, simply give it the name of the ttf file on the command line: embed font.ttf No error messages signifies success. embed.exe [ 23k ] - This is the executable, and all you need (if you're not running Windows 95/98/NT, you'll need a DOS Extender, actually) embed.c [ 2k ] - Source code in C, if you want to play around with it or compile for a non-windows platform. Both the program and source are in the public domain. NOTE: Changing the embedding value does not give you license to distribute the fonts. Be Back at Tom 7's CMU Page.

Advanced Gulp File - Mike Street - Front end developer The final (and ever evolving) gulpfile.js and package.json can be found over at github My new gulpfile (which includes using SVG sprites) can be found over on the Liquid Light blog With gulp starting to find itself into my everyday workflow - I've started to understand its quirks and twists, and how to get along with it. Along with Gulp, I have also started integrating Bower, a front-end package manager, into my workflow. gulpfile.js Using Gulp has replaced using the built in Sass command line compiler. The gulpfile.js is broken down into noticeable chunks each chunk is explained below File paths To start of I declare several paths - these get used throughout the gulpfile and mean you only have to define them in one place. Plugins Gulp is defined along with some other plugins. gutil is a gulp utility plugin, enabling messages, errors and allows the ability to pass in flags. es is used to manipulate the result of the event stream. Development Variables and Functions gulp --dev CSS Task

Un point sur l’encodage des caractères – Blog-Libre Aaaaaahhh l’encodage des caractères ! C’est la tour de Babel de l’informatique. Je vais essayer de vous donner quelques bases pour vous en sortir. Aaaaaahhh l’encodage des caractères ! Il y a trois utilitaires à connaitre quand on a des problèmes d’encodage des caractères : iconv (l’indispensable), uchardet (le méconnu mais très utile), recode (parfois utile). iconv permet de convertir un fichier d’un encodage vers un autre. apt-get install libtext-iconv-perl # Installation de iconv apt-get install uchardet # Installation de uchardet apt-get install recode # Installation de recode Quelques exemples avec iconv. Quelques remarques : 1/ Si -t n’est pas spécifié, l’encodage (en sortie) choisi est celui de la locale du système 2/ Pour connaitre la locale du système : locale 3/ L’encodage Windows-1252 ou CP1252 c’est la même chose (voir ici pour l’explication). uchardet s’utilise ainsi uchardet encodagequejaimepas.txt et indique l’encodage du fichier (par exemple Windows-1252).

MailDev - Create better email during development MailDev is a simple way to test your projects' emails during development with an easy to use web interface that runs on your machine. Test responsive emails Toggle between formats Find an email quickly Features Toggle between HTML, plain text views as well as view the source or email headers Test Responsive Emails w/ resizeable preview pane available for 320/480/600px viewports Receive and view email attachments New emails appear instantly in interface when received (via Websockets) Command line interface for configuring SMTP and Web interface ports Ability to relay email to an upstream SMTP server (like Gmail) Export .eml files Install & Run npm With Node.js and npm installed, download, install and run MailDev: $ npm install -g maildev $ maildev Docker Using Docker to run the official MailDev image in a container. $ docker pull djfarrelly/maildev $ docker run -p 1080:80 -p 1025:25 djfarrelly/maildev From the source You can also clone the source from GitHub and with Node.js Usage On the command line:

DevExpress/testcafe: Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack. Apache Guacamole (incubating) esimov/caire: Content aware image resize library
