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5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices

5 Apps for Making Movies on Mobile Devices
Every year at Hollywood award shows, we see fantastic movies celebrated for their rich storytelling and dynamic performances. Your students can become moviemakers, too, thanks to some powerful apps for mobile devices. With these tools, your children can take videos and edit their work to make professional quality movies using iOS devices (iPads and iPhones) and Android tablets. One good thing about this easy-to-use technology is that students can still use important English language arts skills like writing a narrative, planning a sequential story, and including key details when getting ready to make a movie. iMotion HD (iOS: Free, Upgrade Available) Your students can create a time-lapse or stop-motion film using this video app. iMotion HD lets kids make a movie by combining still photos. PicPlayPost (iOS: $1.99) PicPlayPost is a video and editing tool that lets users combine videos and still images into a shared frame. Magisto Video Editor & Maker (Android: Free) iMovie (iOS: $4.99)

Transformational 1:1 learning and SAMR Let us talk about the word transformational. It has cemented its place as one of the first words in any half-decent game of educational technology bingo in recent years, thanks largely to its position at the pinnacle of Dr. Ruben R. Puentedura’s much loved SAMR model (see below). It is perhaps inevitable then, that it is used misused with such alarming regularity. The SAMR model is regularly introduced to teachers (I even introduced it at my school 18 months ago) at the beginning of any mobile device initiative. One of the major issues I have with SAMR is its place in the conflict between the short and long term. Perhaps just as worryingly, many of the tools that I regularly witness have a huge effect on student learning such as Showbie and iTunes U rank only marginally above the ‘don’t bother’ stage. This leads me to the ‘technophobe’s view’ of SAMR. There is lots of genuinely transformational stuff going on in schools – the majority of it has nothing to do with technology.

SnapSchool, une application d'aide aux devoirs originale Certains de nos lecteurs ont certainement des devoirs à faire durant les vacances scolaires, même si c'est Noël ! Ne vous inquiétez pas, une nouvelle application disponible uniquement sur iPhone pour le moment permet de se faire aider pour ses devoirs quand son cerveau ne fonctionne plus très bien après avoir mangé trop de dinde ! Désactiver la lecture automatique Comme vous l'avez remarqué dans cette vidéo, l'application se destine principalement aux collégiens et aux lycéens. L'élève doit simplement prendre en photo l'exercice sur lequel il a besoin d'aide (jusqu'à 3 photos). Petite particularité, il n'est pas possible de demander de l'aide en permanence, il faut d'abord collecter des jetons en aidant les autres pour pouvoir poster de nouvelles questions. Enfin, les matières supportées sont les suivantes : allemand, anglais, droit, espagnol, français, géographie, histoire, italien, littérature, maths, philosophie, physique-chimie, sciences, SES, SVT.

Top 10 Apps in an Established 1:1 iPad School The Stephen Perse Foundation has had a 1:1 iPad programme running for two years now. Whilst there are many subject specific apps utilised for learning, it is interesting to note how the top 10 apps are all multipurpose. The list below also includes an indication of how workflow is developing for the school and how an app is chosen when and where it is appropriate. For more information about how we are using the iPads as a tool for learning please visit Explain Everything Simply the most versatile education app available. Socrative 1.0 and 2.0 Socrative is a very simple and effective assessment tool that can be used during any part of the learning process. iMovie iMovie has always been a favourite with students, but it is interesting to see how it has developed as an educational tool. iTunes U iTunes U is often referred to as our learning platform. Showbie Showbie allows you to assign, collect and review student work. Edmodo Notability Keynote Book Creator Pages Like this:

Canva for Work est arrivé : l’appli de design tient ses promesses ! J’ai pu tester Canva for Work, la nouvelle version de l’appli de design et le moins qu’on puisse dire est qu’elle tient ses promesses. Je vous résume tout ça dans une vidéo. Il y a quelques jours, je vous annonçais l’arrivée d’une nouvelle version de Canva, l’application en ligne de design pour tous. Ca y est : Canva for Work est arrivé. Et pour vous en faire profiter aussi, je vous ai concocté un petit tour du propriétaire en vidéo. Un visuel réalisé avec Canva for Work L’accent mis sur les équipes et la collaboration Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est que Canva mise sur la collaboration. Le Brand Kit : votre charte graphique en une seule page Le Brand kit, c’est une des nouveautés très intéressantes de cette nouvelle version de Canva. Sur une seule page, vous rassemblez et vous conservez tous les éléments de votre charte graphique : la palette de couleurs avec les codes en hexadécimal pour chaque couleur. Les polices de caractères illustrées et conservées avec leur nom et leur taille exacte.

20+ Fun Free Apps that Promote Student Centered Learning & Literacy Shelly Terrell Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, instructional designer, adjunct professor, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching and Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones and BYOT. She has been recognized by the ELTon Awards, The New York Times, the Ministry of Education in Spain, and Microsoft’s Heroes for Education as an innovator in the movement of teacher-driven professional development and education technology. Recently, she was named Woman of the Year 2014 by Star Jone’s National Association of Professional Women and awarded a Bammy Award as a founder of #Edchat, the Twitter chat that spurred over 400 teacher chats.

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