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The best free presentation software and other alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint

The best free presentation software and other alternatives to Microsoft PowerPoint
More has been written about the art of the presentation than could ever be covered here, but one thing that usually accompanies your co-workers’ demos are PowerPoint slides. PowerPoint wasn’t always a Microsoft product — it was originally called Presenter and created for Macs. The name was changed for legal reasons in 1987, the same year Microsoft bought the company behind it and created its Graphics Business Unit. SEE ALSO: Illegal downloaders to receive email warnings, as Pirate Bay traffic doubles Microsoft’s version came out with Windows 3.0 in 1990, and the business world has never been the same. The software is such a behemoth, that as of 2012, it held 95 per cent of the presentation software market, according to Bloomberg Businessweek. Still, many have a love-hate relationship with PowerPoint, in part because some believe presentation slides are a crutch for bad public speakers. Sadly, meetings with presentations (and the need for accompanying slides) remain a reality.

SlideSnack | Upload & Share Presentations Online OpenProcessing - Share your sketches! Photos d'archives, motifs vectoriels et images sans redevance - Shutterstock Mind42: Free online mind mapping software Ces innovations qui transforment le marketing (2013) Edraw Mind Map: software gratuito per creare mappe mentali Edraw Mind Map è un software gratuito per creare mappe mentali. Si tratta di un programma per piattaforme windows che, oltre a consentire di generare mappe, permette di condividerle, esportarle e stamparle. Ecco alcune tra le caratteristiche principali Edraw Mind Map, che si contraddistingue innanzitutto da un'interfaccia utente piuttosto semplice ed intuitiva: – disponibilità di varie forme da inserire – formattazione testi personalizzabili – scelta tra diversi tipi di connettori (dritti, curvi) – possibilità di inserire simboli, titoli, bordi e sfondi – esportazione dati in formato Excel, Word, testo, CSV – esportazione mappe in formato immagine, PDF, HTML, SVG – possibilità di invio tramite mail – possibilità di inserire tabelle, immagini, simboli font, documenti Office, link ipertestuali, note, allegati Il programma consente inoltre di utilizzare una serie di schemi e template già pronti. Per scaricare gratuitamente Edraw Mind Map (circa 72 MB) cliccate qui Articoli correlati

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