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Google Docs: Which Workflow Works for You?

Google Docs: Which Workflow Works for You?
On Twitter this week I was asked how I manage Google docs with so many students. I realized there are several different answers to this question. I wanted to share a few different workflow options for managing Google documents when you go paperless with your students. #1 Students Create & Share Docs The first option is having your students create a document for each assignment and share that document with you. 1. 2. 3. Caution: If students share their Google documents with you before naming it properly, they will appear on your inbox as an “Untitled document.” 4. 5. Benefits: This mirrors the way most Google documents are shared in life beyond the classroom. Challenges: You need to create labels in your Gmail to organize the email notifications that are sent to you each time a student shares a document. #2 gClassFolders gClassFolders is a script that can be installed on a Google spreadsheet to create shared folders for your students. #3 Students Submit Their Documents Via a Google Form 1.

Form+ - Create easy forms; easily Not Just Group Work -- Productive Group Work! We know that group work can be instructionally effective, but only if it is productive. We don't just want busywork when students work in groups -- we want learning! Work doesn't always create learning, an idea that many teachers still struggle with. These teachers make the assumption that even with a clear task, group work will be productive. Conversely, many teachers assume that when building classroom culture, group work will be productive as well. Actually, multiple factors lead to effective and productive group work, but all must be in place to make it happen. Clear Intention The purpose of group work needs to be clear not only to the students, but also to the teacher. Heterogeneous vs. Similar to clear intention, heterogeneous and homogeneous grouping must be intentional in choice. The Importance of Structure As explained in the video about PBL, structured collaboration is key. Scaffolding Culture How are you building a culture of collaboration in your classroom?

Myslíte si, že jste mistr v hledání na Google, ale tyto finty neznáte Hledání informací na webu je jedna z nejčastějších on-line činností Čechů. Přesto většina lidí vyhledává metodou pokus-omyl. A obvykle ani nevědí, že by to šlo jinak. Vývojáři nejpoužívanějšího vyhledávače Google to samozřejmě vědí a přidávají stovky funkci a kritérií, které umožňují dát chytré odpovědi i na hloupé, chybně zadané a nepřesné dotazy. "V roce 2006 jsme se tedy přesunuli do fáze, kdy vyhledávač jistým způsobem chápe význam slov, a začali jsme pracovat na vyhledávači, který chápe uživatelův záměr," vysvětlil nám viceprezident Googlu Amit Singhal, který má vyhledávání na starost. Google vám prostě výsledky přizpůsobí. Jenže všechny tyto chytré personalizace a funkce mají i stinnou stránku. FiltryVyberte si přesně, co hledáte Asi nejužitečnější jsou rychlé filtry; stačí pár kliknutí a z výsledků vyhledávání vyberete pouze to, co vás zajímá. Nejčastěji mezi Vyhledávacími nástroji nejspíše využijete omezení času, například pokud hledáte pouze aktuální informace.

How To Create Polls Using Google Docs and Publish Results as Graphs Google Docs can be used for conducting surveys and polls. The survey can be embedded on your website or the link to the survey can be shared directly with the persons you are surveying using email, Facebook, Twitter or any other mean. There are several services that let you conduct polls, but using Google Docs for your surveying needs has certain advantages. It’s free. Below is a poll created using Google Docs. And here is the result of the poll. Above 51 This tutorial will show you how to create similar polls for your own blog or website. How to Create a Poll or Survey Using Google Docs Open Google Docs and create a new Form. After naming your form title, add your question and then under question type select multiple choice, or checkboxes or ‘choose from a list’ – anyone will do. Save the poll by clicking on the Save button on the top-right. The link at the bottom of the page that says “You can view the published form here” will take you directly to the form or poll. How to Publish Results

Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning Voiceover: How will today’s children function in a dangerous world? What means will they use to carve the future? Will they be equipped to find the answers to tomorrow’s problems? Teacher: When you think about traditional learning you think of a student sitting in a classroom and being talked at. Teacher: Now I imagine a lot of you are still thinking... Teacher: They are supposed to be a sponge. Peggy Ertmer: So there are a lot of different ways to approach PBL, a lot of different ways to implement it, but really it all boils down to five essential keys: real-world connection, core to learning, structured collaboration, student driven, and multifaceted assessment. Student: One of the problems in the ocean is that with the higher amount of CO2 calcifying organisms are decreasing and we’re testing to see how well life in the ocean lives without calcifying organisms. Student: --four by eight feet. Peggy Ertmer: So the second commonality is the PBL unit provides academic rigor. Student: Yes.

Blog: Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education Get Google Apps News & Tips Today’s guest blog post is contributed by Andrew Stillman, he is a 15-year veteran STEM and outdoor educator and Senior Systems Developer at New Visions for Public Schools, where he supports 76 NYC secondary schools in the use of Google Apps for Education and other sustainable technologies. His goal is to foster efficient, high-capacity urban schools through the development of automation and system-building tools that allow educators to solve their own systems and workflow challenges. Andrew is also the author and collaborator of numerous popular Google Apps Scripts for educators that are featured in this post. Google Apps Scripts are an invaluable tool that enable educators to extend and automate functionality inside of Google Apps for Education. We will explain how the top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education can enhance teacher workflow and student learning experience. Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education 1. 2.

How to Use Google Analytics The new social media reporting tools from Google Analytics provides marketers free social media monitoring and measurement capabilities. The new reporting features provide the most value when coupled with Google+. This way, community managers gain insight around off-page activity as Google Analytics and Google+ are happily integrated. Tracking off-site social activity is just one of the cool new features that community managers will be swooning over. Check out the other actionable reports outlined below and discover how businesses can best leverage them to determine the value of social media. This article will cover how to use the new social reporting features inside Google Analytics to help evaluate and measure your social media campaigns. #1: Social Visitors Flow The newly added Social Visitors Flow is a visual presentation of how visitors from social properties are navigating your website. The chart outlines the top social referrers, the top landing pages and also the page drop-off rate.

educationjourney: Anchor Charts I never thought I had a jealous streak until I started seeing all of these amazing anchor charts pop up online. Oh my goodness! There are some seriously amazing artists out there, and I am not one of them! I've always tried to make nice looking charts, but I found that it was taking me way too much time to make anything special. I would make my "rough draft" anchor chart with my students, but then I would recreate what we made together to make it presentable. This year I wanted to try something new and improved, and I'm loving the results! I've already got a new system for keeping them organized, which is great for me! Then after I finish the unit, I group all of the charts together and hang them on hooks on the wall. In my current unit, I've added representing multiplication, properties of multiplication, unknown number, and types of word problems. I had my posters printed from and had them printed for $3 per poster.

Part 8 As teachers we could use a little help to make our jobs more efficient. Chrome extensions are one way to do that. Here are five more extensions that you might helpful. I use this extension daily. Click Here to install the ShortenMe extension. This app lets you search Google with your voice. Note the first time I used the app I had to authorize the microphone. Click Here to download Google Voice Search Hotword extension. If you have ever tried to print a webpage this app is for you. CleanPrint puts you in control of saving paper, ink and money when printing from the web. Click Here to download CleanPrint extension. This extension is for Chromebooks to disable the screen from shutting down while you are presenting. Click Here to download Keep Awake extension. Have you ever tried to watch a video or reference a second website while you were doing grades or composing lesson plans? Click Here to download Picture in Picture Viewer extension. Like this: Like Loading...
