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IPS Inter Press Service

IPS Inter Press Service

Online newspaper Index - The best online newspapers in all countries: English IPS-INTER PRESS SERVICE NACHRICHTENAGENTUR - Die Welt anders sehen Palestine: the world's next nation This map shows in green countries that support recognising Palestine as a state. 252,265 have signed the petition. We reached our target of 1 million before the UN General Assembly on September 19th. Update: 19 September 2011 Amazing! In 24 hours the UN General Assembly will meet, and the world has an opportunity to embrace a new proposal that could turn the tide on decades of failed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks: UN recognition of the state of Palestine. Over 120 nations from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America have already endorsed this initiative, but Israel's right-wing government and the US are trying to block it. US-led peace initiatives have failed for decades, while Israel has confined Palestinians to small areas, confiscated their lands and blocked their independence. Update: 26 July 2011 Our voices are being heard right inside the United Nations! Let's build this petition and ramp up the pressure -- sign now and send to everyone! Update: 25 July 2011

APTN - Associated Press Television News Country briefings: news and analysis by country IfM - Thomson Reuters Corporation Thomson Reuters ist 2007 aus der Fusion des kanadischen Medienunternehmens Thomson mit der 1851 gegründeten britischen Nachrichtenagentur Reuters hervorgegangen. Der Grundstein für das Unternehmen Thomson war 1934 gelegt worden: Der Kanadier Roy Thomson (1894–1976) erwarb mit der “Timmins Press” aus Ontario seine erste Zeitung. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten baute Thomson das größte Zeitungsimperium Kanadas auf. Den Umbau - weg von Print hin zu elektronischen Informationsdiensten und Datenbanksystemen - setzte ab 1997 CEO Richard Harrington fort, der bereits seit 1982 für Thomson gearbeitet hatte. Fusionspartner Reuters war über 80 Jahre vor Gründung der Thomson Corporation entstanden und blickte auf eine traditionsreiche Vergangenheit als eine der wichtigsten Nachrichtenagenturen der Welt zurück. Reuters’ Historie hatte kurios begonnen: Der Deutsche Paul Julius Reuter (1816-1899) nutzte Mitte des 19.

Après Nous, Le Déluge I can perform all the economic analysis in the world, and it won’t convey the sheer apprehension I feel about China’s current situation anywhere near as well as the following pictures, found on ChinaSmack. The gold-encrusted hallways, marble foyers, and imposing granite frontage are not from Versailles, or the Vatican, or even Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas. They are from the newly completed corporate headquarters of state-owned Harbin Pharmaceutical, in northeast China. No word on exactly how much the literally palatial offices cost to construct, but the mind boggles. One prominent journalist from Chinese state TV severely criticized the company for its garish use of funds, explicitly comparing it to the Palace of Versailles, but some netizens posting online defended the monument as a natural expression of China’s prosperity: What happened…? “Healthy development of a business”? Like this: Like Loading...

[Carte Interactive] La Chine investit l’Europe En pleine crise financière, les liquidités chinoises font craindre des vagues d'acquisitions en Europe. OWNI a recueilli et traité les données relatives à ces prises de contrôle de la Chine. Elles dessinent une stratégie réfléchie mais mesurée. L’application interactive ci-dessus permet de visualiser l’essentiel des prises de participations réalisées par des investisseurs chinois en Europe Châteauroux, paisible préfecture de l’Indre avec ses champs environnants, sa vieille base militaire agonisante, son pâté berrichon. Et son futur “Business District”. Rachats de bons de dettes publiques, acquisition d’entreprises en difficulté, obtention de concessions portuaires, guerre des monnaies… Dans une Europe en crise, la Chine et ses montagnes de billets impressionnent toujours, effrayent parfois. Les investissements chinois doivent cependant être relativisés. Mais leur rythme de croissance donne le tournis. Mesurer l’implication de la Chine en Europe s’avère un exercice délicat. Mathias M /

teleSUR Actualités en Russie : Le Courrier de Russie Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 -- English Window to China News World Public Opinion Latest China, world news and business stories, comments from the Global Times
