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World Builder (high quality)

World Builder (high quality)

Bibliothèque numérique mondiale L’effet Korben #kdo #30 Ce soir le massif central est en éruption pour fêter l’anniversaire du Manu: 30 ans. Je n’ai pas pu m’y rendre mais je me suis fendu de cette petite chanson pour l’occasion qui si j’en crois quelques tweets vient d’être diffusée. Manu, aka the famous @korben, j’ai la chance maintenant de le connaître un peu et je profite de l’occasion pour le dire: avant d’être le big boss de la geekosphère française, c’est d’abord un type adorable et sans fioritures. J’espère que ce petit clip te fera plaisir Manu, en tout cas moi ça m’a fait plaisir d’avoir un prétexte pour oser ce coup de Téléphone #labise Like this: J'aime chargement… bombe humaine, korben, téléphone

The Human Touch In 1922 Thomas Edison proclaimed, “I believe the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.” Thus began a long string of spectacularly wrong predictions regarding the capacity of various technologies to revolutionize education. What betrayed Edison and his successors was an uncritical faith in technology itself. This faith has become a sort of ideology increasingly dominating K-12 education. In the past two decades, school systems, with generous financial and moral support from foundations and all levels of government, have made massive investments in computer technology and in creating “wired” schools. The goal is twofold: to provide children with the computer skills necessary to flourish in a high-tech world and to give them access to tools and information that will enhance their learning in subjects like mathematics and history. The Need for Firsthand Experience

Valve Allows Fans to Make and Sell Their Own Branded Merch - Rolling Stone In a new partnership with the 3D Printing company Shapeways, Valve will now allow anyone to make and sell their own Valve merchandising, the company announced today. The partnership gives individual creators a fair share of autonomy to make whatever they want. With free reign over all of Valve's software and hardware IP, participants can create personalized models for series such as Half Life, Portal and Team Fortress, as well as items for Valve's Steam Link and Steam Controller. Additionally, Shapeways maintains a robust system for creators to create pretty intricate models. Shapeways handles all of the actual 3D printing for its users, offering over 60 different plastics, ceramics and metals to be used as materials. When a user decides to participate in this new program, in exchange for access to the license and the ability to sell and advertise on and offline, Valve will be paid 10-percent in royalties based on the cost of the model, which is handled automatically by Shapeways.

CTRL + Z Il m’arrive parfois en classe, de me trouver bête. Déjà plusieurs fois les années précédentes, après une matinée un peu trop bruyante et ponctuée de bavardages, je me suis surpris, après avoir libéré mes élèves, à faire un long « chhhhhut » dans ma classe, alors que les cahiers et les cartables étaient bien silencieux sans les enfants ! Hier, j’ai eu un petit moment de solitude de ce genre. J’avais noté au tableau, à la craie, quelques exemples pour travailler la notion de nom et de verbe dans la phrase. Des élèves étaient intervenus, et nous avions dégagé ensemble ces notions grammaticales. Au retour de la récréation, j’efface naturellement mon tableau pour passer aux mathématiques. Ce bouton n’existait pas, bien-sûr, puisqu’il s’agit d’un classique tableau vert à la craie ! On va mettre ça sur le compte de la fatigue d’une première semaine de classe.

At LEGO, Growth and Culture Are Not Kid Stuff: An Interview with Jørgen Vig Knudstorp The turnaround of the LEGO Group is one of the famous business stories of this century. A victim of overexpansion and brand dilution, LEGO was on the brink of bankruptcy in 2004, when Jørgen Vig Knudstorp became the CEO. He was a 35-year-old former academic and consultant who quickly gained a reputation as a turnaround artist. But in this interview, conducted in his final days as CEO, the 48-year-old Knudstorp gives credit for LEGO’s ongoing success to employees and customers. As Knudstorp points out, employee engagement serves as the foundation of the company’s reward system, while customer loyalty gives LEGO the chance to serve multiple generations of family members. Knudstorp, who was the first CEO to come from outside the founding Kirk Kristiansen family, is now heading a new umbrella organization, LEGO Brand Group, charged with protecting and extending the brand. Thank you very much for joining us today. It’s very common. You’ve had terrific growth over the past decade or so.

Peillon : retour à la semaine de 5 jours à la rentrée 2013 Le nouveau ministre de l'Education nationale, Vincent Peillon, a annoncé aujourd'hui sur France Inter le retour à la semaine de cinq jours de classe en primaire "pour la rentrée 2013", ajoutant que "ce n'est pas le plus simple, mais nous le ferons". A la question de savoir si la cinquième journée serait le mercredi matin ou le samedi matin, il a laissé l'option ouverte aux collectivités locales. La suppression du samedi matin à la rentrée 2008 avait, de fait, entraîné des semaines resserrées sur quatre jours pour la quasi-totalité des écoles du pays.Vincent Peillonpar franceinter En dépit de très nombreux rapports critiquant la semaine de quatre jours, notamment ceux d'une mission de l'Assemblée nationale, de l'Académie de médecine ou d'un comité sur les rythmes scolaires, le gouvernement sortant a toujours refusé de revenir sur cette réforme de Nicolas Sarkozy et de l'ex-ministre de l'Education nationale, Xavier Darcos.

Move over Minecraft - Monetizing User-Generated Content — Deconstructor of Fun People were more reluctant and let down by amateur attempts a decade back. There were limited audience and channels to expose the work too with harsh opinions and limited perspectives that could seriously thwart your budding hopes. Second reason is the so called IKEA effect. An effect of cognitive bias where consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially or wholly create. The IKEA effect explains why even creating imperfect creations, as seen in Roblox, gives more satisfaction and engagement for creators even when there are better options available. I believe that leisure boosts creativity. If you liked this post, you can check out my other Game UX Deconstructs.

Être enseignant à l’ère du numérique, défis et opportunités - Centre d'Enseignement Multimédia Universitaire (C.E.M.U.) Université de Caen Basse-Normandie Être enseignant à l’ère du numérique, défis et opportunités Eric Sanchez, Institut Français de l’Enseignement (IFE) L’éducation est aujourd’hui soumise à un changement de référentiel. Ce changement porte plus particulièrement sur les rapports qu’un apprenant entretient avec le savoir, sur les temps et les espaces éducatifs et sur l’importance du collectif dans l’apprentissage. Ainsi, les mutations en cours viennent interroger le rôle et la formation des enseignants qui d’une part bénéficient de nouvelles opportunités en terme de développement de pédagogies centré sur l’élève mais, d’autre part, doivent aussi affronter de nouveaux défis.

The LEGO® Brand - The LEGO Group - About Us The LEGO brand is more than simply our familiar logo. It is the expectations that people have of the company towards its products and services, and the accountability that the LEGO Group feels towards the world around it. The brand acts as a guarantee of quality and originality. The LEGO® Brand values Imagination: Curiosity asks why? Creativity Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas and things that are new, surprising and valuable. Fun Fun is the happiness we experience when we are fully engaged in something (hard fun) that requires mastery, when our abilities are in balance with the challenge at hand and we are making progress towards a goal. Learning Learning is about being curious, experimenting and collaborating – expanding our thinking and doing (hands-on, minds-on), helping us develop new insights and new skills.
