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Tape, Pencil and Resin: The Art of Brooks Salzwedel

Tape, Pencil and Resin: The Art of Brooks Salzwedel
I’m very intrigued by Californian artist Brooks Salzwedel’s unique style and approach to these delicate works, that combine nature and rigid human-made structures. It’s nice to see work that brings in different non-digital materials to what we’re used to. Using a combination of Staedler Graphite pencils ranging from 6H to 9B, tape and ‘Awful toxic resin‘, Brooks creates images that look like relics of nature and other objects frozen in time. I also love the gloomy and almost real effect that’s created by having elements between semi-transparent layers. They are also reminiscent of some of the pictures of flattened leaves you’d get in school science books. ‘When working on a piece I ask myself what images I want as the focus or in the foreground then literally draw the images on the layer that coincides with the layer in depth. ⓒ Brooks Salzweder, 2010 ‘Right now I’m working on new pieces with the use of gel mediums.

50 Ultra Realistic Female Portrait Drawings Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme, illustrating everything that you could possibly imagine. But, we still have the “classics”, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art. And this is what we are going to present to you today. 50 outstanding portraits of women created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real people, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are. Keira Rihanna Keira as Guinevere Adriana Lima Avril Lavigne The Soulcatcher Alice Cullen Ingrid Bergman Bride Sensual Woman with a Hat Jolie From This Day Forward Miley Cyrus Halle Close-up Marilyn Monroe Phoenix My Dearest Big Sister Emmy Christine Hong Kong Singer Shiny Obsession Flower Girl – Purple Rose Britney Spears Just Smile Dreams Through Glass Keira Knightley Passion

Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba Satirical Art Drawings by Pawel Kuczynski Fun Pic, Pop Culture — By Dave on 2011/02/28 1:48 PM These beautiful works of art are from Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski. Pawel was born in 1976 in Szczecin. He graduated the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics. He is famous for his satirical illustrations that make you wonder about society, politics and all the biggies in life. Join Daily Picks and Flicks on Facebook You can order and buy his posters in high quality here. Via. NEW: Check out these wonderful map paintings. Tags: artist Pawel Kuczynski, artworks, Pawel Kuczynski art, Pawel Kuczynski satirical drawings, Paweł Kuczyński, picture gallery, pictures, Polish artist, politics, satirical art Pawel Kuczynski, society

Art Takes Miami As a See.Me Pro member you have FREE access to all See.Me competitions for the duration of your membership. Miami is calling you. This is your moment to present your work at the premier showcase for contemporary art and the cultural event of the season. SCOPE sales have exceeded $200 million, with more than 425,000 attendees. Track your progress in Art Takes Miami with milestones that determine your level of exposure. You will be eligible for the life changing Grand Prize. Be featured in a See.Me Facebook gallery seen by hundreds of thousands. Be featured in a digital group show at SCOPE Miami 2013 during Miami Art Week. What are the Awards? The Grand Prize* The Category Awards* Category Winners will each receive an online feature promoting their work internationally. The Early Entry Award* A $1,000 cash grant, and an online feature will be awarded to one selected artist who registers by the Early Entry Deadline (Friday October 4, 2013 11:59pm ET). The People's Choice Award The Group Show Award

Illustrations by Daniela Uhlig | Designerscouch #thecritiquenetwork work - ...::: BELLINNI :::... artwork by lawrence yang *UPDATE* - I've been working on a new site so haven't been keeping this up to date -- in the meantime if you'd like to see my latest work, please find me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. And as always, you can email me with any questions! Thanks, Lawrence Prices for original work ranges from $200 to $1000. "Encounter" - ink and watercolor on paper - 20" x 16" - SOLD "Hydra" - sharpie on bristol- 24" x 17" - not for sale "Aqua Teen Triptych" - ink, watercolor and pastel on paper - each panel is 3" x 12" - SOLD "Tiny Space Ghost" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 2" x 3" - SOLD "Tiny Space Ghost" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 2" x 3" - $100 "Tiny Zorak" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 2" x 3" - SOLD "Tiny Brak" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 2" x 3" - SOLD "Rooster Tree" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 9" x 12" - $450 "Walking" - ink and watercolor on paper - 11" x 9" - $450 "Purple Love" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 5" x 6" - $250

Casa 579 25 Stunning Black and White Illustrations by Nanami Cowdroy 25 Stunning Black and White Illustrations by Nanami Cowdroy posted under Photography on Apr 20th, 2010 with 5 Comments 20 Apr 1 Share Her signature detailed style reflects a refined monochrome pallette with her name 'Nanami' (meaning 'Seven Seas' in Japanese ) stamped in red. Related You will love this Loading... 5 CommentsThoughts from the Community mirko said May 2nd, 2010hiii i like so much your pictures!! Dzinepress said Apr 28th, 2010amazing illustration work there in all listed art. SiteSyrup S. said Apr 23rd, 2010Brilliant, especially like the tube and the oriental lady. Shafraz Faiz said Apr 20th, 2010hi damian, very inspirational artist. i hope DC does an interview with the artist to know more about her and her style/process/techniques Ben Collison said Apr 20th, 2010FANTASTIC work Nanami, its just the kind of thing I've been looking for. Add your Comment Please Be Constructive & Insightful Advertisers Their support keeps us going Random Creatives From the Couch Thanks to our Sponsors

work - Featured Geek Artist: Coran "Kizer" Stone - This Art is Awesome! There are so many artists in the world that do such great work, we want to try and give exposure to as many of them as we can so we've starting a Featured Artist column that will focus on one artist, and a collection of their work. This week we featured two pieces of Geek Art from Deviant Art user Kizer180 also known as Coran "Kizer" Stone, and . These are just a couple of pieces from the artist awesome collection of work. I love this guys stuff, and I dig his style. I'm sure you will as well. I just wanted to share some more of my favorite pieces of his work with you, and get it all out there. I'm an artist that's been naturally extracting for some time now. Check out the artwork below and tell us what you think!

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