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dave mead photography by: dave mead | buy one Assignment: Lowbrow Art / Pop Surrealism ***Your next art assignment is to create a piece of “Lowbrow” art (a. k. a. Pop Surrealism). First, however, you are going to do some research on the web. (Note: you will be receive a handout for this assignment with the specific requirements.) Todd Schorr FOR TODAY... First, take a look at what Wikipedia has to say about Lowbrow-- it's a pretty good description. Also, I have made a previous post about Lowbrow on this blog; take a look at that as well. Then, look at some artwork. The website for Juxtapoz Magazine is worth looking at as well. High Fructose is another magazine that has a website you might want to look at. Mark Ryden Post links to at least FIVE pieces of Lowbrow or Pop Surrealism that you like, by making a "comment" below. Robert Williams

Patty Cake Cats - Daily Squee - Cute Baby Animals Most Upvoted 294 votes In the end, we will ALL KNEEL 258 votes as University Professor Super-Sized Tetris to 29-Stories Tall 217 votes Bring Out Your Inner Kitty 198 votes Just Like Mass Effect 128 votes Don't Let George R.R. Share Tweet Email Untitled Favorite By BradOFarrell Share: 5 Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on pinterest_share Share on stumbleupon Share on reddit Share on email Reposted by and 196 more... More From Cheezburger From Around the Web Recommended by Cheezburger Comments No items at this time... social networking by Facebook Comments Featured Hot Today What Meetings Feel Like For Engineers The Voice of Winnie the Pooh Tries His Hand at Darth Vader. ... Prank of the Day: These College Students Pulled Off One of ... This Five Year Old is More of a 1337 Haxx0r Than You Going Into Labor? #AfterSex is the New Eyeroll-Inducing Instagram Trend Two Girls One Pic Earl Asks for Food in the Most Adorable Way Possible! 5 Audience Reaction GIFs Capturing the Emotions of The Undertaker's ...

Wordiness, Wordiness, Wordiness List absolutely essential = essential aforementioned = DELETE a bigger/greater/higher/larger degree of = more a considerable amount of = DELETE OR BE SPECIFIC a decreased number of = fewer a distance of 28 kilometers = 28 kilometers a lesser/smaller degree of = less/fewer He noticed a lesser degree of errors = He noticed fewer errors. a lot of = many, much a majority of = most, much of, many a person who is xxx = a xxx person A person who is dedicated will succeed = A dedicated person will succeed. a total of seven xxxs = seven xxxs added bonus = bonus advance notice/reservations = notice/reservations advance warning = warning advance planning = planning after all is/was said and done = DELETE After all was said and done, the trip to the well was a disaster. all across = across all of = all all of a sudden = suddenly all of these = these all-time record = record almost never = seldom along the lines of = like any and all = all are/is such that = DELETE Jack and Jill are such that they are doomed to perish.

Magic Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie   this isn't happiness.™ ABOUT ARCHIVE FOLLOW Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ Ads Via The Deck Things My Father didn’t Teach Me, How to tie a Tie share it 3,740 notes 50 Ultra Realistic Female Portrait Drawings Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme, illustrating everything that you could possibly imagine. But, we still have the “classics”, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art. And this is what we are going to present to you today. 50 outstanding portraits of women created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real people, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are. True masterpieces. Keira Rihanna Keira as Guinevere Adriana Lima Avril Lavigne The Soulcatcher Alice Cullen Ingrid Bergman Bride Sensual Woman with a Hat Jolie From This Day Forward Miley Cyrus Halle Close-up Marilyn Monroe Phoenix My Dearest Big Sister Emmy Christine Hong Kong Singer Shiny Obsession Flower Girl – Purple Rose Britney Spears Just Smile Dreams Through Glass Passion

How to Make a Sailor's Knot Bracelet In order to create your Sailor's Knot bracelet, you'll need: cotton twine (at least 3 yds), a round object to put the bracelet around – Mason jar, can, bottle, anything circular with a similar circumference to your wrist, scissors, and Fray Check or clear nail polish. Please see the last slide for an itemized list of tools and materials. Send me something

The 8 world’s most prominent hyper-realist sculptors « Blog of Francesco Mugnai Super Bowl Series: Mini Spinach Pockets Super Bowl Series: Mini Spinach Pockets by Rebecca Jan 18th, 2011 // Appetizers, Holiday, Recipes, Snacks, Veggie Friendly Do you remember the Deep Dish Spinach Pie recipe? The one we made for the Baby Daddy Birthday Dinner? We cannot get enough of it. There are so many kid-friendly parts to this recipe. He also got to scoop the filling, close up the pockets and then press a fork onto the edges. My kid ate 2 of these for breakfast 3 for lunch and 4 for dinner. Spinach Pockets Recipe Prep Time: 15 mins Cooking Time: 20 to 25 mins Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Sprinkle the counter with flour. You might also like...

Tetrapharmakos The Tetrapharmakos (τετραφάρμακος) "four-part remedy" is a summary of the first four of the Κύριαι Δόξαι (Kuriai Doxai, the forty Epicurean Principal Doctrines given by Diogenes Laërtius in his Life of Epicurus) in Epicureanism, a recipe for leading the happiest possible life. They are recommendations to avoid anxiety or existential dread.[1] The four-part cure[edit] As expressed by Philodemos, and preserved in a Herculaneum Papyrus (1005, 5.9–14), the tetrapharmakos reads:[4] This is a summary of the first four of the forty Epicurean Principal Doctrines (Sovran Maxims) given by Diogenes Laërtius, which in the translation by Robert Drew Hicks (1925) read as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Don't fear god[edit] In Hellenistic religion, the gods were conceived as hypothetical beings in a perpetual state of bliss, indestructible entities that are completely invulnerable. Don't worry about death[edit] As D. What is good is easy to get[edit] What is terrible is easy to endure[edit] References and notes[edit]

Miniature World Landmarks (20 pics) St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City With so many incredible landmarks around the world, the chances of us seeing them all in person is slim to none. The park is divided into six zones based on regions of the world: America, Egypt, Europe, Asia, old Japan, and modern Japan. Nortre Dame Cathedral, France Milan Cathedral, Italy Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster, England Tower Bridge, England Parthenon, Greece Great Wall of China Yungang Grottoes, China Forbidden City, China Angkor Wat, Cambodia Kumamoto Castle, Japan Taj Mahal, India Great Temple of Abu Simbel, Egypt Sphinx, Egypt Empire State Building and World Trade Center, New York City White House, Washington DC Flatiron Building, New York City Tokyo Tower, Japan Saint Basil's Cathedral, Russia Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy Tobu World Square via yesicanusechopsticks

Does the Harlequin Romance Unicorn Vengeance boast the worst sentence ever published in English? Mayhap! - Kansas City News - Plog ​Each Thursday, your Crap Archivist brings you the finest in forgotten and bewildering crap culled from basements, thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets. I do this for one reason: Knowledge is power. Unicorn Vengeance Author: Claire Delacroix Date: 1995 Publisher: Harlequin Historical, because unicorns are historical Discovered at: Salvation Army The Cover Promises: "The Stirring Conclusion to the Unicorn Trilogy." Representative Quotes: "Aye, this night Wolfram would know the fullness of mating." "This then was what lovemaking was about? Before we get to what just might be the single worst sentence in any published, novel, let's take a moment to consider how it might have come to be. First, imagine that you're an author hellbent on knocking out a Harlequin Historical romance. Step One: Find an old-timey synonym for pants: "Her tiny fingers caressed him there and he thought he might burst his chausses." And from the second sex scene: And just a page and a half later: "Nay! Shocking Detail:
