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Astronomy Simulations and Animations

Astronomy Simulations and Animations
Related:  Astronomy

The Universe at Your Fingertips 2.0 DVD-ROM: AstroShop A Collection of Activities and Resources for Teaching Astronomy (on a DVD-ROM) Edited by Andrew FraknoiPublished by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Wholesale and international orders please contact service {at} or call customer service at 1-800-335-2624. This DVD-ROM is the most comprehensive resource and activity guide for teaching basic concepts and activities in space science ever published. It includes: 133 field-tested hands-on activities, from programs and projects around the US,17 topical guides to to the best sources of information in print and on the web,52 background articles on astronomy and education,12 short videos with instructions for doing some of the most often-used activities, and10 recommended sequences of activities to help students learn some of the topics most often found in the K-12 curriculum. Themes and topics include: Click here for the full table of contents (pdf file).

Star Atlas Observing Tools Taki's Star Atlas to Japanese/“ú–{Œê‚Ö Written by Toshimi Taki January 1, 2005 February 5, 2005 October 5, 2005 April 10, 2013 March 27, 2016 1. My favorite star atlas had been "Norton's Star Atlas (Epoch 1950)". I decided to make a new star atlas for myself. (1) Large scale (2) Wide coverage with small distortion (3) Large overlap Amateur astronomers will welcome the new star atlas. Taki's Star Atlas was introduced in June 2005 issue of Sky & Telescope. Mr. Dr. I will welcome your comments or suggestions for improvement. 2. 3. All the necessary data are available via Internet. [1] D. 4. All files are in pdf format and ppt format. 5. (1) Prepare a sheet of cardboard with a little larger size than A4 An example of the completed handy maps is shown in the photographs below.

EarthViewer on the App Store live dvd debian astro [Date Prev][Date Next] [Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] Re: live dvd debian astro Hi Delrieu, we still don't have a Debian Astro live image. But if you want to test it out, you could install it with the latest Debian installer image to an USB stick: This is the Alpha 6 test release for Debian Stretch (so expect a few glitches). Reply to: References: live dvd debian astroFrom: delrieu jamy <> Dark Side of the Earth 200 miles above Earth's surface, astronaut Dave Wolf -- rocketing through the blackness of Earth's shadow at 5 miles a second -- floated out of the Mir Space Station on his very first spacewalk. In this short, he describes the extremes of light and dark in space, relives a heart-pounding close call, and shares one of the most tranquil moments of his life. When we were putting together our live show In the Dark, Jad and Robert called up Dave Wolf to ask him if he had any stories about darkness. And boy, did he. Dave told us two stories that became the finale of our show. Back in late 1997, Dave Wolf was on his first spacewalk, to perform work on the Mir (the photo to the right was taken during that mission, courtesy of NASA.). Out in blackness of space, the contrast between light and dark is almost unimaginably extreme -- every 45 minutes, you plunge between absolute darkness on the night-side of Earth, and blazing light as the sun screams into view.

2 Joannes Hevelius Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia Il Firmamentum Sobiescianum, sive uranographia, in Prodromus astronomiae, viene stampato a Danzica nel 1690. Hevelius, possedendo una tipografia, lo progetta in proprio, preoccupandosi di incidere personalmente le tavole in rame. Degli atlanti dell’epoca d’oro, il Firmamentum è senzaltro il più raro e il più bello. L'atlante comprende cinquantasei tavole dove sono distribuite 1564 stelle; alle costellazioni tolemaiche ne vengono affiancate undici nuove, amplificando notevolmente la tendenza, che si stava affermando in quei tempi, di affollare il firmamento con personaggi nuovi, spesso creati per godere del favore del personaggio politico al quale la costellazione veniva dedicata. L'autore colloca le stelle seguendo i dati prodotti da proprie osservazioni integrati da quelli tratti dalle Tabulae Rudolphinae, pubblicate da Keplero nel 1627 utilizzando le osservazioni effettuate da Ticho Brahe. Esamina la copia dii proprietà di

REBROADCAST: Space Celebrate the 35th anniversary of the launch of Voyager 2 (it rocketed off Earth on 8/20/77 carrying a copy of the Golden Record), and tip your hat to the Mars rover Curiosity as it kicks off its third week on the red planet, with a rebroadcast of one our favorite episodes: Space. We've been space-crazy the past few weeks here at Radiolab -- from cheering on the scientifically epic landing of the Mars rover earlier this month, to staying up late to watch the Perseid meteor showers, to reliving a stomach-churning spacewalk with an astronaut in our live show In the Dark. We've been happily turning our thoughts and gazes skyward all summer long. So before the nights get too chilly, grab a blanket, cue up Space, and stare into that vast, glittering, perspective-shaking darkness with us.

Project Apollo Archive’s albums Origins: Series Overview Origins: Back to the Beginning September 29, 2004 NEIL deGRASSE TYSON (Astrophysicist): A hellish, fiery wasteland, a molten planet hostile to life, yet somehow, amazingly, this is where we got our start. How? How did the universe, our planet, how did we ourselves come to be? How did the first sparks of life take hold here? Right now, we're all eavesdropping on the birth pangs of the cosmos. DAVID SPERGEL (Princeton University): big it is, how old it is, what's it made of, and what were the processes that made galaxies, that made us. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: So a furious race is on to solve the ultimate mystery. ANTHONY READHEAD (California Institute of Technology): The spirit of competition is one of the things, of course, that drives scientists. Keep our fingers crossed. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: And as our new vision of the universe emerges, strange ideas reveal themselves. STAN WOOSLEY (University of California, Santa Cruz): Stars are the ultimate alchemist. Hello. ARNO PENZIAS: Oh, yeah.

Lepithec: Regardez le ciel ! Episode 02 : Je veux un télescope ! Quelques lectures pour débuter : - Observer les étoiles et les planètes de Philippe Henarejos, Editions Delachaux & Niestlé - L'almanach du ciel, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 26 (disponible en papier ou numérique) - Débuter en astronomie, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 21 (disponible en papier ou numérique) - Lunettes et télescopes, Hors-Série Ciel & Espace n° 10 (disponible en numérique) Origins: Series Overview Origins: Back to the Beginning September 29, 2004 NEIL deGRASSE TYSON (Astrophysicist): A hellish, fiery wasteland, a molten planet hostile to life, yet somehow, amazingly, this is where we got our start. How? How did the universe, our planet, how did we ourselves come to be? Right now, we're all eavesdropping on the birth pangs of the cosmos. DAVID SPERGEL (Princeton University): big it is, how old it is, what's it made of, and what were the processes that made galaxies, that made us. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: So a furious race is on to solve the ultimate mystery. ANTHONY READHEAD (California Institute of Technology): The spirit of competition is one of the things, of course, that drives scientists. Keep our fingers crossed. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: And as our new vision of the universe emerges, strange ideas reveal themselves. STAN WOOSLEY (University of California, Santa Cruz): Stars are the ultimate alchemist. NEIL deGRASSE TYSON: Those elements are the building blocks of life. Hello.

Ce site est géré par l’Université du Nebraska et il offre une panoplie d’animations en lien avec l’astronomie. C’est une matière vue au secondaire, mais plus particulièrement au premier cycle. Donc, les enseignants de premier cycle seront peut-être plus interpelés, néanmoins c’est toujours bon d’avoir des connaissances dans tous les domaines. C’est pourquoi j’invite également les autres enseignants à y jeter un coup d’œil. Il est très intéressant pour nous qui sommes professeurs, car il offre des animations en liens avec les différents mouvements des astres, c’est-à-dire le soleil, la lune et la Terre. Il est aussi possible d’y retrouver des animations concernant le phénomène des saisons, les phases de la lune ainsi que les éclipses et bien plus encore. Souvent en astronomie puisque ce n’est devant nous et que c’est plus difficile à visualiser pour certains, c’est bien de pouvoir montrer de petites animations comme ça pour les élèves plus visuels qu’intellectuels. by joanniemoussette Mar 18
