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MySQL Documentation: MySQL Reference Manuals

How To Use IndexDB – Code And Example « Ido's Blog IndexedDB is an evolving web standard for the storage of significant amounts of structured data in the browser and for high performance searches on this data using indexes. IndexedDB leaves room for a third-party JavaScript library to straddle the underlying primitives with a BTree API, and I look forward to seeing initiatives like BrowserCouch built on top of IndexedDB. Intrepid web developers can even build a SQL API on top of IndexedDB. I’ve work today to create this example in order to push it to MDC IndexDB page later… I found few things that didn’t work on Firefox 4 (but since we have Firefox 5 from last night) – I’ve just put them in the comments. You can go here and see a working example or browse the code below and get a beer. Here is a code that will show you all the basic features: To check the code with highlights you might want to check The code of this example on github // on errors - show us what is going wrong function idbError_(e) { idbLog_.innerHTML += ' "; return; }

MySQL Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. MySQL est un système de gestion de base de données relationnelle (SGBDR). Il est distribué sous une double licence GPL et propriétaire. Il fait partie des logiciels de gestion de base de données les plus utilisés au monde[1], autant par le grand public (applications web principalement) que par des professionnels, en concurrence avec Oracle, Informix et Microsoft SQL Server. Son nom vient du prénom de la fille du cocréateur Michael Widenius, My. MySQL AB a été acheté le par Sun Microsystems pour un milliard de dollars américains[2]. Depuis mai 2009, son créateur Michael Widenius a créé MariaDB pour continuer son développement en tant que projet Open Source. Caractéristiques[modifier | modifier le code] C'est un logiciel libre développé sous double licence selon qu'il est distribué avec un produit libre ou avec un produit propriétaire. Systèmes d'exploitation supportés[modifier | modifier le code] Utilisation[modifier | modifier le code]

HOW TO: Add Multimedia to Your Blog This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. A website without multimedia is like a cupcake without icing: Functional but lacking. These days, all manner of web pages from huge company sites to small business blogs are expected to add audio, photo, or video to their posts and homepages. While this all sounds well and good for multimedia companies that produce endless amounts of content, small businesses with text-based websites can run into trouble finding and providing appropriate content. The real trick is adding multimedia that enriches your site, product, or brand without taking away from your company’s core message and aesthetic. And how do you get a rich multimedia experience without hiring a coder? This is rarely easy. The Basics For most blog hosting sites, including WordPress and Tumblr, most multimedia is handled through embed codes. 1. 2. 3.

MySQL Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. O MySQL é um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados (SGBD), que utiliza a linguagem SQL (Linguagem de Consulta Estruturada, do inglês Structured Query Language) como interface. É atualmente um dos bancos de dados mais populares[1] , com mais de 10 milhões de instalações pelo mundo.[2] Entre os usuários do banco de dados MySQL estão: NASA, Friendster, Banco Bradesco, Dataprev, HP, Nokia, Sony, Lufthansa, U.S. História[editar | editar código-fonte] O MySQL foi criado na Suécia por suecos e um finlandês: David Axmark, Allan Larsson e Michael "Monty" Widenius, que têm trabalhado juntos desde a década de 1980. No dia 16 de Janeiro de 2008, a MySQL AB, desenvolvedora do MySQL foi adquirida pela Sun Microsystems, por US$ 1 bilhão, um preço jamais visto no setor de licenças livres. O MySQL hoje suporta Unicode, Full Text Indexes, replicação, Hot Backup, GIS, OLAP e muitos outros recursos de banco de dados. Características[editar | editar código-fonte]

PHP Editor Review - Articles Sql Phpmyadmin Learning SQL Using phpMyAdmin Structured Query Language is a non-procedural language used to define, manipulate and retrieve data. It was developed by IBM (System/R project) in 1974-1979. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) published in 1986 the first official standard of the language (later revised in 1989, 1992 and 1999), and since then, the industry has widely adopted SQL as the relational database language. Virtually every database system nowadays is interfaced through SQL. The specific data architecture addressed by SQL is called the relational architecture. In this article, we will use MySQL, a popular open-source implementation of SQL that is deployed by most Web host providers. To be able to do the exercises in this guide, you will need an access to a MySQL server. This guide will show you the SQL syntax, sometimes by asking you to enter statements, and sometimes by letting you see how phpMyAdmin generates SQL statements based on your actions using the interface. Joins

How to Add the Facebook Send Button to Your Website or Blog Or Even Your Facebook Page phpMyAdmin SQL Tutorial

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