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Download binaries from the usenet with ease SABnzbd Newzbin - Usenet Search Welcome to newzBin, the most comprehensive Usenet Indexing site available. We offer listings of what is currently available on Usenet, in two forms — the Posts view, which has been hand-edited to show you precisely what is available, and the Files view, which shows you every file that has been posted, on all the newsgroups, for the last 45 days or so. We suggest that you read the FAQ, and if you are not familiar with Usenet, the tutorial links too. You should consider signing up for an account - signed in users have preferences that determine how many aspects of the site work, just for them. Here are the latest developments in the newzBin world… New faster search implemented [ 89 comments | View | Add a Comment ] Written by Admin Caesium at 05:30PM -- Thursday March 03 2005 GMT I have just implemented a new faster search algorithm. This is on a trial basis. If it turns out to be crap then I'll remove or rework it until it's not ;) WorldPay now available [ 18 comments | View | Add a Comment ] Sick Beard SeedBox sécurisée avec le Raspberry Pi Article écrit par le lecteur f0cks Salut à tous ! Je me disais bien que vous étiez de braves, fiers et courageux noobs ! Afin d’étancher votre soif d’aventures et de prises de tête, nous allons transformer notre “Naspberry” en Seedbox ! On est obligé d’en passer par là : je vous fais partager mon savoir ancestral… Par contre, nous ne sommes pas responsables de ce que vous ferez avec celui-ci. Demandé si gentiment… Une SeedBox est une sorte de NAS qui va être capable de télécharger des torrents (automatiquement ou non) mais surtout, de les partager jour et nuit ! Seulement voilà… Vous n’avez peut-être pas envie que vos téléchargements soient visibles et associés à votre IP. Nous allons passer par un VPN (Virtual Private Network). Voilà ce qu’il se passe quand vous téléchargez sans VPN : “Big Brother” voit que vous téléchargez le torrent “Mes vacances”. Mais avec un VPN : En résumé, le serveur peut télécharger car le téléchargement (P2P) est autorisé dans le pays où il se situe. #! Petit test !

WTFPL The WTFPL (Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License) is a very permissive Software license most commonly used as a permissive free software license. As also Public domain like/public copyright license, the WTFPL is essentially not different from dedication (by waiver/anti-copyright notice) to the public domain.[2] The original Version 1.0 license, released March 2000,[3] was written by Banlu Kemiyatorn who used it for Window Maker artwork.[4] Sam Hocevar, a French programmer who was the Debian project leader from 17 April 2007 to 16 April 2008, wrote version 2.0.[5] It allows for redistribution and modification of the software under any terms – licensees are encouraged to "do what the fuck [they] want to". Characteristics[edit] The license intends to be extremely permissive, public domain like license and allows every use. Because of these issues, OSI rejected this license with "It's no different from dedication to the public domain. Terms[edit] Version 1[edit] Version 2[edit] Eric S.
