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Relax to the sound of rain with AP Interactive visualizes a future of stories that reach beyond text Over the past two years, the Associated Press has nearly doubled the number of interactive graphics it produces each month, jumping from 40 in 2009 to over 70 so far in 2011. On the surface, that increase is logical almost to the point of being unsurprising: The AP, after all, makes a lot of stuff that serves a lot of clients, and the demand for interactives is growing. But while the AP’s Interactive department is pumping out a steady amount of work, it’s what they’re creating — and how they’re creating it — that’s really interesting: from data visualizations to mash-ups of video, maps, and animation that can jump from website to phone to (soon enough) tablet. Often, they’re creating those features against the backdrop of breaking news. Data visualization is “going through a kind of renaissance in journalism,” said Shazna Nessa, director of Interactive for the AP. “It’s integral to everything we do,” Nessa said of the team’s reliance on programmers.

Fraction S'mores! Details Published on Wednesday, July 30 2014 9:25 am Hi! We're halfway through the week. So far I've been pretty productive and I am getting super close to finishing my George Washington's Socks novel unit! I always get sooo giddy when I finish a large project like that because I can finally see it all coming together! Well, I snuck in a little time while Clara napped this morning to make a fraction freebie for you all! I purchased this adorable s'mores clip art from Scrappin' Doodles earlier this spring when I created my Camping Themed Classroom Decor Pack. Check it out: I'm a huge s'mores fan. So, hopefully you'll be a big fan of this freebie! Enjoy and let me know if you use it! More Fraction Resources: Freebie Fraction "Bump-It" Game Fraction Posters Turkey Fractions (Representing fractions in words, numbers, and pictures) - tuck this one away for T-giving time! Fraction Easter Egg Hunt <--for the spring time :) Fraction War Game Fraction Hopscotch

The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog | LEGO news, custom models, MOCs, set reviews, and more! Relaxing rain audio for work, play and sleep Interactive Documentary Archive .:. Interactive Documentary The archive is now closed When I started this PhD there was not very much happening in i-docs land. So I felt I had to assemble my discoveries through this website. Five years later this is not the case anymore. There is so much happening that it is actually mission impossible to follow it all. (No Comments) Read more Shadowlands This entry was proposed and written by Elaine Hills Description: Produced Feb 2012 to document the effects on the people who continue to be effected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster. (2 Comments) Read more The Cat and the Coup is a documentary videogame in which you play the cat of Dr. (3 Comments) Read more Aysén Profundo This entry has been sent to me by Philine von Düszeln. (No Comments) Read more Walking the Edit This entry was proposed and written by Ulrich Fischer Description: Walking the Edit is an innovative system to “walk a movie” : your recorded walk will be translated into a movie through an iPhone app’.

Kids Games And Activities This is a listing of all kids games and activities at Activity Village, by alphabetical order.... ...and Alphabet Activity Ideas! This page is full of ideas for using our Alphabet Printables and... These educational card games are lots of fun, and are infinitely adaptable to suit any activities... Beanbags are quick and easy to make (and relatively cheap to buy), and you can play endless games... When I was young I used to think that "board games" meant "bored games" - games... Sometimes in these days of computers, video consoles, electronic robots and other expensive toys we... Explore our collection of dice games for kids. Perfect for parties, family gatherings, first days at school, summer camps - there are group games... Coping with a large group of children who you don't know can be intimidating for an adult - and... Sometimes children get the most satisfaction from a game which they have made themselves - whether... Maths games (math games) which make learning fun!

Why Are LEGO Sets Expensive? - Wired Science I’m not sure I would say LEGO blocks are that expensive, but the statement is that they are expensive because they are so well made. Really, this has to at least be partially true. If you take some blocks made in 1970, they still fit with pieces made today. That is quite impressive. But the real question is: what is the distribution of LEGO sizes? Here is the plan. Here is my first set of data. These 88 measurements have an average of 15.814 mm with a standard deviation of 0.0265 mm. What about older LEGO pieces? Fortunately, I found one of my original sets from the late 70s. v I even have the instructions. The pieces from the 70s have an average of 15.819 mm with a standard deviation of 0.026 mm. How about something else? Maybe that wasn’t such a great plot. What About Other Objects? Do other things have high precision parts too? I found three different sets of objects to measure. There are these wooden planks that are used for building stuff. Price Per Piece of LEGO

Gifts For Geeks Enviar olores por Whatsapp será posible en 2016 con oPhone La tecnología y olor no parecen conceptos llamados a entenderse. Más bien solemos relacionar la tecnología con algo aséptico, frío, neutro. Hasta que ha llegado oPhone, un dispositivo que permite enviar mensajes con olor a través del teléfono móvil o la tableta. Qué pensaría si le llegara una foto al WhatsApp con las lentejas que le ha preparado su madre y que pudiera olerlas; o enviar por correo la imagen del ramo de flores que le ha comprado a su mujer junto con su aroma; o ver en su teléfono una foto de su pequeña hija y percibir su olor a niña recién bañada. Todo esto es posible ya con oPhone, un proyecto en cuyo desarrollo trabaja la empresa marbellí Kibo Studios y que pretende superar las barreras tecnológicas y permitir la comunicación sensitiva a distancia. La labor de Kibo Studios, que comparte inversores con oPhone, radica ahora, según Linares, en "proponer, aportar, sugerir e investigar" para elaborar nuevas ideas de negocio y desarrollar aplicaciones entorno a este invento.

The Classroom Game Nook: Easter Game Freebie for Little Kiddos! Hi friends! How was your weekend? I know many of you are heading back to school today after spring break - my sympathies :) But, there's nothing like a little freebie to brighten your day, right? So, I made a sweet little number matching game. I don't make a lot of games for the primary students {sorry - I'm a 4th grade teacher at heart}, so I thought it was time. Let's have a look shall we: {game is provided in B&W as well} Click the picture above to get your own copy. You can have students simply find the matches during an individual center, or have students play a partner game of "Memory." I'd love to hear what you think if you print and use the game! — Tips & Tricks building with LEGO Bricks! NaViGoO.Fr L'Internet commence ICI. Entrenamientos virtuales de fútbol bastante realistas para rehabilitación y mejora Por @Alvy — 31 de Octubre de 2018 Los británicos de Mi Hiepa Sports llevan tiempo perfeccionando un sistema de realidad virtual para entrenamiento futbolístico del que los vídeos tienen muy buen aspecto; sólo faltaría probarlo a ver las sensaciones. Se trata de unas gafas VR y dos botas llenas de sensores de movimiento en los pies del jugador. El invento tiene buena pinta porque parece que las reacciones son buenas y rápidas –aunque es sólo un vídeo– y también teniendo en cuenta que no se trata de un entrenamiento físico sino más bien mental y de reacción. Lo más divertido es sin duda la gran variedad de juegos y entrenamientos posibles, con escenarios bastante realistas y máquinas lanzadores de balones infinitas en plan Guitar Hero, pruebas para mejorar el tiempo de reacción, la orientación y el entrenamiento estratégico.
