Humanisme et typographie Crowdmap | Ushahidi Crowdmap allows you to set up your own deployment of the Ushahidi Platform without having to install it on your own web server. Crowdmap is the fastest, simplest installation of the Ushahidi platform. Within minutes you'll be up and running with your own installation, mapping reports events and visualizing information. Things You Can Do With Crowdmap Monitor Elections Use the power of the crowd to monitor and visualize what went right, and what went wrong, in an election. Map Crisis Information Whether it's a natural disaster, epidemic or political crisis, Crowdmap is built to handle information coming out of a crisis. Curate Local Resources Crowdsourcing isn't just for emergencies, you can use it for local knowledge and business too. Document A Zombie Invasion How else will you survive the coming apocalypse? Learn more on the Crowdmap Website .
Bibliotheca Classica Selecta - Accueil Institutional Repositories | EBSCO Discovery Service Institutional Repositories (IRs) can be directly loaded into EBSCO Discovery Serviceso that they can be fully searched alongside all other EDS resources/content. Loading Institutional Repositories EBSCO supports harvesting institutional repositories via Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). EBSCO has developed a flexible framework for mapping your data to EDS. At this time we are able to load IR records in XML format that is OAI-PMH retrievable in the following metadata formats: Dublin Core (qualified and unqualified)EADJunii2METSMODS Universal Short Title Catalogue Project: The Universal Short Title Catalogue Project is an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project based at the University of St Andrews.
Révolution française Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed. Institutional repository software comparison The Guidelines to compare Institutional Repository Software have been published as part of UNESCO’s Open Access Strategy. The publication compares the features of the major platforms and is intended to help libraries focus on which features will help facilitate the success of their repository. Institutional Repositories (IRs) were first developed as an online solution for collecting, preserving, and disseminating the scholarship of universities, colleges, and other research institutions. Since 2000, a number of repository platforms have been developed, each with their own set of benefits and technical criteria. All of these put libraries exploring IRs for the first time in an enviable position. The products have richer feature sets, and all the major platforms are available as a hosted service, which arguably has a lower total cost of ownership and is less time-consuming than running an IR locally.
Les premiers socialismes - Bibliothèque virtuelle de l'Universit Coucou Étymologie Le terme « coucou » est une onomatopée issue du chant du coucou gris[1]. Le nom latin antique pour cette espèce est cŭcūlus[1] ; de ce terme dérive le nom scientifique du genre du coucou gris, puis par extension sémantique classique pour les taxons, le nom de sous-famille, famille et ordre. Le cri et le comportement de cet oiseau sont à l'origine du mot cocu. Le « o » de Cocu est probablement une inflexion des mots formés sur coq[2]. Physiologie, comportement et écologie Outre leurs différences morphologiques, les coucous du continent américain se distinguent des coucous de l'Ancien Monde par le fait qu'ils construisent des nids fragiles et ne parasitent pas le nid d'autres oiseaux comme le font ces derniers. Les caractéristiques générales des coucous comportent des nuances pour chaque espèce : voir les articles détaillés pour plus d'informations sur leur description ou leur mode de vie. Noms vernaculaires et noms scientifiques correspondants Coucou dans la culture En musique
Apache Lucene - Welcome to Apache Lucene Archives de la Grande Guerre ContenuTravailAdistance Comment télé-travailler ? Des pré-requis Il faut au départ des compétences : il faut posséder un métier il faut maîtriser les outils de communication à distance.Pour être efficace, cette forme d'emploi nécessite également des pré-requis en terme de personnalité : capacité de travailler en équipe, à communiquer, approche marketing, capacité de concentration, d'adaptation, sens de l'organisation, autonomie, motivation, une expérience professionnelle, une culture d'entreprise, un bon niveau de culture générale, une formation de qualité... Partager des documents DropBox Des outils pour... ... communiquer Le mail Les listes de discussion : une adresse E-mail unique pour échanger au sein d'un groupe, d'une équipe de travail ou d'un réseau (# d'une liste de diffusion : on s'abonne mais on ne peut répondre)Mais aussi : le téléphone, les rencontres ! ... s'organiser Les gestionnaires de tâches "todo list" ... mener une veille ... réfléchir ensemble Travailler à distanceTélétravailleroutil
Handle System - Wikipedia As with handles used elsewhere in computing, Handle System handles are opaque, and encode no information about the underlying resource, being bound only to metadata regarding the resource. Consequently, the handles are not rendered invalid by changes to the metadata. The system was developed by Bob Kahn at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). The original work was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) between 1992 and 1996, as part a wider framework for distributed digital object services,[2] and was thus contemporaneous with the early deployment of the World Wide Web, with similar goals. The Handle System was first implemented in autumn 1994, and was administered and operated by CNRI until December 2015, when a new "multi-primary administrator" (MPA) mode of operation was introduced. Thousands of handle services are currently running. Specifications[edit] Some Handle System namespaces define special presentation rules. Implementation[edit]
e-corpus is a collective digital library that catalogs and disseminates numerous documents: manuscripts, archives, books, journals, prints, audio recordings, video, etc.
This diverse platform presents cultural diversity worldwide and specifically in the Euro-Mediterranean region. e-corpus proposes a variety of themes and a large quantity of digital documents presented by numerous organizations and countries. Based on cutting edge technologies, e-corpus offers a simple and direct public access to a rich collection of resources. by feillet Oct 12