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Thesis Builder - The Original Persuasive Essay Maker

Thesis Builder - The Original Persuasive Essay Maker
ElectraGuide is a tool that wants to help high school students: find a topic (see example topic questions?)create a good thesis statement (see an example?) Let's get started! What's the topic you want to write about? What's your main opinion on this topic? What's the strongest argument supporting your opinion? What's a second good argument that supports your opinion? What's the main argument against your opinion? What's a possible title for your Essay? Once you are happy with your thesis statement,you can crank out a quicky outline by clicking the button below. Related:  Study Guides

Inicia a tus alumnos al periodismo en | Pedagogía al día En la actualidad existen multitud de herramientas virtuales con las que estar al corriente de la actualidad en tan sólo unos segundos. Los periódicos han dado el salto a la digitalización, con cada vez más consumidores que optan por la lectura online. En la Red encontramos un sinfín de páginas web que ofrecen las noticias más actuales. Una de ellas es el periódico digital Primeras Noticias, aparecido recientemente en la Red y con el que podemos introducir a los alumnos en el mundo del periodismo. La Asociación de Prensa Juvenil es la creadora y responsable de la edición digital de El Periódico Infantil y Juvenil Primeras Noticias, con artículos para toda la juventud relacionados, entre otros temas, con la sociedad, la cultura, la ciencia, el deporte y la tecnología; ámbitos, todos ellos, muy cercanos a los jóvenes. Realmente se trata de una red social, en la que controlados por un administrador, los alumnos pueden convertirse en verdaderos editores, de forma fácil y sencilla.

MLA Formatting and Style Guide Summary: MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.) and the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page. Contributors:Tony Russell, Allen Brizee, Elizabeth Angeli, Russell Keck, Joshua M. Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in MLA. To see a side-by-side comparison of the three most widely used citation styles, including a chart of all MLA citation guidelines, see the Citation Style Chart. You can also watch our MLA vidcast series on the Purdue OWL YouTube Channel. General Format MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. Paper Format General Guidelines Section Headings Essays 1.

Tom March :: Thesis Builder - Topic-O-Rama Welcome! This Website offers an ideal pool of 50 prompts to help you brainstorm a topic you're interested in. Topics for essays are often controversial and sometimes hotly debated so look for one that excites your opinions. Instructions Click on the "Topic-O-Rama" button below to jump through 50 ideas. Or else you can click the arrows to move through the ideas in order. drag across it from the menubar, do an Edit - Copy or Right-Mouse Click > Copyclick the mouse/cursor in the text field below called Your Idea Listthen do Edit - Paste from the menubar or Right-Mouse click. Note: You can also use the text field to write down your own ideas as they come to you. When you've looked at enough ideas and feel confident that you have a good topic for a persuasive essay, click the "I'll Take my Ideas Now, Please" button. What Next?

Essay Punch Online: An Interactive Writing Tutorial Guía para resolver dudas gramaticales en internet A todos nos surgen dudas gramaticales que en ocasiones, cuando se trata por ejemplo de nombres propios o de expresiones, no es posible resolver con una consulta ordinaria en el diccionario. A continuación recopilamos algunas páginas de internet que pueden ser útiles a la hora de solucionar este tipo de problemas. Fundéu BBVA Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA) es uno de los sitios de internet con más recursos para resolver dudas gramaticales. Entre otras, dispone de una sección de ‘Recomendaciones’ donde se ofrece asesoramiento sobre el uso correcto de palabras y expresiones. Web dedicada a la gramática con apartados en los que se repasan palabras dudosas, errores habituales, extranjerismos, siglas y acrónimos, etcétera. Fundación de la Lengua Española La web de la Fundación de la Lengua Española ofrece multitud de recursos, como un apartado de consulta de expresiones populares o un blog dedicado a las muletillas. Practica español Otros sitios:

ENG 101 - What is a Counter-Argument A counter-argument is an argument opposed to your thesis, or part of your thesis. It expresses the view of a person who disagrees with your position. Content Organization More Information Further Reading Content Why use counter-argument? Why would you include a counter-argument in your essay? Actually, no. Top How should a counter-argument be presented? A counter-argument should be expressed thoroughly, fairly and objectively. Make sure you express the counter-argument fairly and objectively. Obviously, if you really believe the position expressed in your thesis, you will not be able to be completely objective in how you express the counter-argument—but you should try. How can a counter-argument be rebutted? One of the most effective ways to rebut a counter-argument is to show that it is based on faulty assumptions. All of these examples use a claim from James Loewen’s book, Lies My Teacher Told Me. Faulty Factual Assumption Top Faulty Analytical Assumption Faulty Values True but Irrelevant Top

Genres...Narrative & Memoir Our Narrative Workshop's Focus Trait: Idea Development Our Narrative Workshop's Support Traits: Word Choice and Voice In our NNWP workshops, our Northern Nevada participants receive a complimentary copy of the NNWP's print publication, The Going Deep with 6 Trait Language Guide. This 198-page resource is valued tool in Northern Nevada. The best lessons focus more on the writing process than the writing product. Our genre-inspired teacher workshops include a discussion of all six writing traits, but with each class we try to focus in on one trait that will focus us in on very specific skills. We also believe in differentiated instruction at WritingFix. Questions we discuss: Which idea development skills do you currently have sufficient resources and lessons for instructing all your students?

UNSW Academic Skills and Support Student Life and Learning wants you to make the most of your university studies. Here you will find resources designed to help you develop and refine your academic skills. You can book consultations, register for workshops and courses and browse online resources. Featured support activities Resources Self-help guides to referencing, writing reports, grammar and more. Referencing assignmentsLearn how to reference your assignments using different styles such as Harvard referencing.PlagiarismDiscover what you need to know and how to avoid plagiarism.Writing skillsGuides for grammar, essay and assignment writing, postgraduate writing and more.Critical thinking This guide introduces the idea of critical thinking for university study.Reading and note-taking Lengthy reading lists can be frightening. Attend one of our workshops to develop your study, writing and conversation skills. See upcoming Workshops and Courses orRegister by logging in to the workshop Booking System.
