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Top 10 Logo Design Software To Help You To Design Logo By Yourself Nowadays the importance of custom logo design cannot be really underestimated. It is one of the best ways that can help in marketing a brand and so a lot of companies have started indulging in logo designing. Once your company has a great logo, it creates a good impact on the consumers. Logo is a good way of creating an identity as customers can relate to a particular brand. There are a number of logo design software that will give you lot of prepared icons to use. 1. Page Plus X6 creates logos (including custom logo design) that look great in print and digital publishing. 2. It is considered as one of the best among logo design software. 3. With this software, the process of logo creation becomes very simple. 4. With LogoSmartz, you will have access to a number of things such as high quality templates, vector graphic symbols, fills, filters, fonts, special effects, colors, adjustments and finally great work. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

shelfari Ideas Illustrated » Blog Archive » Visualizing English Word Origins I have been reading a book on the development of the English language recently and I’ve become fascinated with the idea of word etymology — the study of words and their origins. It’s no secret that English is a great borrower of foreign words but I’m not enough of an expert to really understand what that means for my day-to-day use of the language. Simply reading about word history didn’t help me, so I decided that I really needed to see some examples. Using Douglas Harper’s online dictionary of etymology, I paired up words from various passages I found online with entries in the dictionary. The results look like this: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This simple sentence is constructed of eight distinct words and one word suffix. A second example shows more variety: Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. What follows are five excerpts taken from a spectrum of written sources. Passage #1: American Literature

Créer des infographies et des présentations animées avec Easy Web Content Presenter Il existe sur le marché un certain nombre d’outils permettant de créer des présentations, ou des infographies. Easy Web Content Presenter fait partie de ces derniers, avec quelques subtilités intéressantes. Easy Web Content s’est tout d’abord fait connaître grâce à son Site Builder, soit grâce à son outil de création de sites. Presenter est le dernier module de la suite et il se concentre pour sa part sur la création d’éléments visuels. Tout commence par l’habituelle inscription. Il suffira d’un clic sur le bouton vert pour lancer la création d’un nouveau document. Presenter nous demandera ensuite de choisir un modèle. Ensuite, les choses sérieuses vont commencer. La liste n’est pas exhaustive mais voici un aperçu des fonctionnalités proposées : Une fois notre création bouclée, nous pourrons l’enregistrer sur notre tableau de bord, la télécharger en local (différents formats seront alors proposés), l’envoyer sur SlideShare ou l’exporter sur un site à travers un lecteur EMBED.

Startup Tools Startup Tools 1. Startup Tools Click Here 2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here 3. 4. 5. 6. Startup Tools Getting Started Why the Lean Startup Changes Everything – Harvard Business ReviewThe Lean LaunchPad Online Class – FREEHow to Build a Web Startup – Lean Launchpad EditionHow to Create a $1M Web Business – Noah KaganWeb Fundamentals – Google developersQuickMVP – test your ideasFoundersSuite – Startup Mgmt SoftwareThe U.S. Lists of Tools from Others Groups Startup Weekend – Launch a Startup in 54 hoursThe Lean Startup Machine – Launch a Startup in 48 hoursStartup Monthly – Launch a Startup in a monthStartup Grind – community looking to be educated, and network with the smartest startup mindsLean Startup Circle – Google Group for startup adviceWomen 2.0 – Launch a startup for womenMeetup – Meet people you’re interested inTop Startup Conferences (North America) Find a Co-Founder Developer Bootcamps Programing Bootcamp Finder – Thinkful “How Big is the Market?” “How Do I Contact Customers?” Surveys

The Ultimate YA Bookshelf YALSA's Ultimate Teen Bookshelf (PDF) highlights must-have teen materials for libraries. The Ultimate Teen Bookshelf, with titles listed on this webpage and as a PDF download, was developed in conjunction with the United We Serve initiative. The list includes 50 books, five magazines and five audio books. Librarians can use this collection to ensure they have quality materials to attract teens; parents and teens can use it to find interesting books and materials to keep reading skills sharp between school years. “During the summer months it is critical for young people to continue to read and visit the library. Download the full list (PDF)! Books Acceleration by Graham McNamee Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix Beauty by Robin McKinley Black and White by Paul Volponi Blizzard! Magazines Game Pro Seventeen Rolling Stone Shonen Jump Mad

Representing gender in children's reading materials would a boy have been shown with flowers in the 1970s? Are girls and boys portrayed differently in children’s reading materials today than in the past? During the 1970s and 80s, studies of children’s reading materials found that males not only featured more than females but also they tended to take the lead roles and were more active than their female counterparts, who were often restricted to traditional stereotyped roles. Many of these earlier studies of gender in children’s reading material analysed the texts based on their content, which meant that researchers made their own judgements about what was sexist and what was not. Macalister based his study on New Zealand’s School Journal, a multi-authored journal of prose, drama and poetry, published and distributed to New Zealand school children every year. In the first three issues of the Journal, Macalister found that ‘boy/s’ outnumbered ‘girl/s’.

Colorhexa un outil en ligne pour mettre de la couleur dans vos créations ! - service-web Découvrez aujourd'hui sur le BlogDuWebdesign une petite présentation d'un outil qui pourra vous aider à choisir vos couleurs avec Ce service en ligne est très simple et complet pour connaître les informations liées à une couleur. L'utilisation passe par un champ de recherche où vous pourrez indiquer votre couleur en Hexadécimal, RGB, ou bien d'autres formats. Ensuite le site Colorhexa va générer une page entière avec différentes informations qui sont regroupées avec cette structure : - Informations sur la couleur - Conversion de couleurs - Schémas de couleurs - Alternatives - Preview - Nuances et teintes - Tonalités - Color Blindness Simulator Durant la création de maquettes ou de visuels il arrive souvent d'hésiter sur le choix d'une couleur ou d'une gamme de couleurs pour être en harmonie et en équilibre, ce type d'outil est toujours très utile pour vous aider à faire les bons choix.

Content Strategy Generator Tool - V2 Update > Please give me the tool now! Way back in September we released the first version of our content strategy tool, and due to popular demand and awesome feedback I’m excited to be releasing an even hotter version of the tool! This blog post takes a quick look at some of the cool new features in this latest update. Since the launch of the first version of the tool, there have been numerous updates across a number of websites forcing the xpath to return a null value, or to change the value returned. More Insight from Google Insights We all know how useful and powerful Google Insights can be for identifying trends and finding out what is ‘hot’ right now to provide you with the ability to spot opportunities to create new content. Both sets of data for ‘Top Searches’ and ‘Rising Searches’ can now be found within the content tool: Find out what’s growing in popularity relating to your niche, pop the keyword/phrase into the content tool and be inspired for a unique angle on a hot topic!

The United States of YA A while back, I posted in the forums asking for people to help me find a YA book for every single state in the US. A lot of you helped me out, and so did this list when I needed to fill in the gaps. I didn’t tell you what I was using the info for, but now I’m finally able to reveal my true intentions. NEW! How many states have you read?
