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8 Pinterest Alternatives You May Not Know About Pinterest has garnered a reputation (whether incidentally or intentionally) as a website geared mostly towards females who need ideas for weddings, home décor, and recreation. Maybe you like the idea of Pinterest but not its subject matter. Maybe Pinterest just isn’t for you. Is there hope for you? Yes, there is. As it turns out, there are many sites out there that have taken the core concept of Pinterest and spun it in unique ways. Juxtapost Juxtapost is a Pinterest knockoff but in a good way. The feature I like best in Juxtapost is the “More Like This” button. Use Juxtapost if you want to use a Pinterest-like site with many of the same features but presented in a different way. We Heart It If I had to describe We Heart It in one sentence, I’d call it the baby of Pinterest and Tumblr, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. There’s an undercurrent beneath all of the We Heart It posts which indicates that this site is mainly used by teens and college girls. Dribbble FoodGawker

sookooroo Print your identity photos without software Don't miss anymore your . IdPhotoLand is the tool that you need. While being completely free, you will appreciate his ergonomics and its functionalities. It will remain you to print them on your photo printer, on any self-service digital photo kiosk or by online digital photo developing service. - Easy cropping compliant to the ISO/IEC 19794-5 standard - Choice of the final photo size - Resolution control - Red-eye removal - Brightness, contrast and saturation adjustments - Photo quantity on the board settings - Possibility of taking part in the gallery contests - Saving file of the board in jpeg format - Completely Free use - No subscribe needed - No software installation - No cookie needed - No javascript needed - No Java use - The pictures uploaded in the application remain confidential and are immediately deleted of our server - Only the photos to the gallery destination become public on your request

Kaizena · Give Great Feedback Prismatic Google Adds Waze's Crowdsourced Traffic Data to Apps Google Maps is already using data from its newly-acquired mapping service Waze to give users access to crowdsourced traffic reports and satellite imagery. Just two months after Google bought Waze for a reported $1.03 billion, it was announced on Tuesday that the two companies are already sharing data. From details about traffic jams and accidents to construction and road closures, Google Maps users can now submit traffic-related information to the app.

Edmodo I originally wrote this post in September 2012. With a new school year beginning in Australia and plans to ramp up blogging and Edmodo at our school this year, I have updated this post to use with my staff with more screenshots, new ideas and some additional references to the iPad use of these tools with dedicated apps. For those who have seen it before, you may like to revisit. When introducing transformative teaching practices involving technology, you have to be careful not to overload the senses of the tech novices on your staff. The Grade 6s have taken to blogging this term, although more as private digital portfolios rather than true blogging with a global audience. In a nutshell, I see Edmodo as an all encompassing classroom management/teaching and learning/collaboration system. EDMODOGroups – My favorite feature of Edmodo and a big difference between itself and blogging. Collaborative Discussion – the simplicity of the Edmodo discussion wins me over compared to blogging. - Make Money Writing Tutorials, Guides, Reviews & More! Photovisi - Photo Collage Maker Quick Screen Share 10 Websites Guaranteed To Press Your Buttons [Weird & Wonderful Web] We humans are naturally curious creatures. We see something, almost anything, and we want to reach out and grab it, touch it, feel it, and interact with it. Which is all good as long as the thing we’re reaching for isn’t going to bite us or trigger a nuclear holocaust. Contrary to popular belief, the latter isn’t as easy as pressing a big red button. NB: If you hate Adobe Flash then you should probably stop scrolling right now. Make Everything OK Life sometimes sucks. It turns out such a button does exist, and it’s sitting unloved on the Web, just waiting to be pressed. Nooooooooooooooo Star Wars is never going to go away, especially now that the fun factory that is Disney owns the franchise. Also not going away are the stupid decisions George Lucas has made over the years. Enter The Hatch The TV series Lost ended a while ago, but thanks to people binge-watching shows on media streaming services it will never truly die. Will You Press The Button? Will You Press The Button? Bored Button

Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces

Można go wykorzystać do tworzenia lekcji. by hannabasaj May 20

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