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Patatap Print your identity photos without software Don't miss anymore your . IdPhotoLand is the tool that you need. While being completely free, you will appreciate his ergonomics and its functionalities. It will remain you to print them on your photo printer, on any self-service digital photo kiosk or by online digital photo developing service. - Easy cropping compliant to the ISO/IEC 19794-5 standard - Choice of the final photo size - Resolution control - Red-eye removal - Brightness, contrast and saturation adjustments - Photo quantity on the board settings - Possibility of taking part in the gallery contests - Saving file of the board in jpeg format - Completely Free use - No subscribe needed - No software installation - No cookie needed - No javascript needed - No Java use - The pictures uploaded in the application remain confidential and are immediately deleted of our server - Only the photos to the gallery destination become public on your request

Marqueed - Simple image collaboration and markup tool. Share, annotate and discuss images. Welcome - Ommwriter 8 Pinterest Alternatives You May Not Know About Pinterest has garnered a reputation (whether incidentally or intentionally) as a website geared mostly towards females who need ideas for weddings, home décor, and recreation. Maybe you like the idea of Pinterest but not its subject matter. Maybe Pinterest just isn’t for you. Is there hope for you? Yes, there is. As it turns out, there are many sites out there that have taken the core concept of Pinterest and spun it in unique ways. Juxtapost Juxtapost is a Pinterest knockoff but in a good way. The feature I like best in Juxtapost is the “More Like This” button. Use Juxtapost if you want to use a Pinterest-like site with many of the same features but presented in a different way. We Heart It If I had to describe We Heart It in one sentence, I’d call it the baby of Pinterest and Tumblr, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. There’s an undercurrent beneath all of the We Heart It posts which indicates that this site is mainly used by teens and college girls. Dribbble FoodGawker - Make Money Writing Tutorials, Guides, Reviews & More! ¿Cómo crear tableros y pines geolocalizados en Pinterest? Podemos coleccionar y compartir información visual geolocalizada gracias a la función Place Pins y Place Boards que Pinterest ha habilitado tanto en la web como en sus aplicaciones iOS y Android. Vamos a aprender a crear estos tableros y pines geolocalizados. Recordaros que En La Nube TIC os hemos hablado de Pinterest en otras ocasiones, así que si aún no os habéis aventurado a investigar esta fantástica red, os recomiendo que antes de seguir, leáis los artículos de mis compañeros Inés Andrés y Antonio Garrido donde os explican su utilidad y cómo sacar partido a sus funciones. ¿Qué son los place pins y los place boards? Un Place Pin, o Pin de Lugar, es un tipo de pin enriquecido (rich pin) que está geolocalizado, es decir, contiene información sobre una localización geográfica que hayamos señalado en un mapa. Pinterest utiliza la tecnología de Foursquare para poder geolocalizar los pines, sin embargo, no es necesario ser usuario de la aplicación para poder disfrutar de esta función.

Lightning Bug - Finish Your Story Another perspective Most writers give their work to somebody else to read when they finish their first draft. A fresh perspective is always valuable. Find a friend that will give you honest feedback to read your story. It can be hard reading somebody else’s work and giving feedback. ‘Tell me something I want to hear!’ When your buddy is ready to give you some feedback, tell them to give you one piece of good news with every piece of bad news. It will make them feel more relaxed, and you won’t feel as defensive when you get your feedback! Fame and fortune If you’re happy with the story, and you’re ready to show it to the world, why not enter it in a short story competition? Please use Google to access further details on these competitions. Where ‘various levels of application’ appears there are a number of different entry categories for submissions. Be sure to check ALL the entry requirements, and good luck!! Martha Richardson Poetry Medal 10 – 14 and 15 – 20 age group entries. (03) 53592759

Prismatic Google Adds Waze's Crowdsourced Traffic Data to Apps Google Maps is already using data from its newly-acquired mapping service Waze to give users access to crowdsourced traffic reports and satellite imagery. Just two months after Google bought Waze for a reported $1.03 billion, it was announced on Tuesday that the two companies are already sharing data. From details about traffic jams and accidents to construction and road closures, Google Maps users can now submit traffic-related information to the app.

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