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Jean Michel Billaut Video Sharing Network How we share revenue Yeah, you can earn money by making an awesome video and putting it on Revver. But did you know you can also earn just by sharing other people’s videos? Just find a few of your faves and you can send them to friends, embed them in your blog or website, or even make your very own podcast with them -- and earn for sharing! But wait, there’s more! The usual sharing tools Email videos using the "Email it" button on the video watch pages. Embed videos in your blog, website, or social networking profile. RSS Feeds - let your fans stay updated by subscribing to RSS feeds of your videos. Podcasting - are you a podcaster? The Revver Platform and API Not to brag or anything, but the Revver API is by far THE most powerful and flexible video-sharing API in existence. Visit our Developer Center for more » The Revver Widget The widget helps you share multiple videos at one time. How does this work? The Revver Video Plugin for WordPress Get more info here » How to promote your videos

Original Signal - Diffuse le Web 2.0 Créer un blog gratuit avec EklaBlog InfoTangle :: The Hype and the Hullabaloo of Web 2.0 :: January by Ellyssa Kroski Phase Two of the World Wide Web has begun and with it comes a renaissance of participation and regeneration. What is Web 2.0 all about? Proponents of the concept claim that it is the second generation of the Internet. The Web 2.0 mindset is about using the wisdom of crowds to develop better software, designing simple and straightforward applications efficiently in response to user inclination, and sharing that technology so that others can build upon it. There has been a fundamental shift in the paradigm of how we think about and use the Web. But what some consider a rally cry; others deem a lot of “bunk”. The Hype Tech media guru Tim O’Reilly and cohort Dale Dougherty of MediaLive conceived of the term “Web 2.0” in 2004 as a way to designate the post-crash Web, and at the same time name an upcoming conference. The term has since developed a robust definition with O’Reilly and others elucidating its finer points. The Web is a Platform. The Network Effect. Less is More.

Page de démarrage Mozilla Firefox Video Sharing Network General Questions Your Profile and Preferences Uploading Sharing Making Money Copyright/Licenses API and Open Source What is Revver? Revver is the first viral video network that pays. How does Revver work? It's really simple: you upload a video to Revver, and we attach an ad and our unique tracking technology to "Revverize" the video. You can then track your video's performance through your Revver account, which tells you exactly how many times your video is watched, and how much money you're earning. To increase the value of the entire Revver network, we also reward people for sharing videos. What does "Revverized" mean? Your video + our ad-matching and tracking technology = "Revverized" content. How much does it cost to use Revver? Revver is a completely free service. What is the mission of Revver? Revver supports independent media artists. The Internet is the global connector. How does Most Watched work? How do categories work? How do video responses work? How can I contact Revver?

Livre blanc sur Le Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d'information jeudi 3 janvier 2008 Ce White Paper sur l'utilisation des applications Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d'information est téléchargeable gratuitement sur le site de Digimind : Le Web 2.0 pour la veille et la recherche d'information. L'objectif de ce document est de "démocratiser" le concept de Web 2.0 auprès des "Knowledge Workers". Il s'adresse aux différents collaborateurs de l'entreprise qui n'utilisent pas encore ou peu les différentes applications regroupées sous ce concept. Sommaire : Qu'est-ce que le web 2.0 ? Glossaire du web 2.0Les technologies du web 2.0Les familles d'applications du web 2.0 Typologie Comment identifier un site web 2.0 ? Exemple d'une recherche et veille via le web 2.0 Les limites du web 2.0 La participation Une participation hétérogène Une minorité participative... Pour télécharger le livre blanc
