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How to Make an Interactive Lesson Using Youtube

How to Make an Interactive Lesson Using Youtube

Sky - Digital Learning Environment meets Content Management System Custom Curriculum Publishing is a tool used with the platform that allows you to organize your district’s digital content into ready-to-assign lessons, units, or courses. These curriculum assets can be easily shared across your entire district or with a select number of schools. Easily Organize and Share By sharing your own digital curriculum assets, you can help support your district’s instructional goals, such as supporting new standards, preparing students for online assessments, integrating technology into core instruction, or implementing project-based learning. Custom Curriculum Publishing helps districts increase the availability of digital content and makes it simpler for teachers to implement in the classroom. To help you get started, Custom Curriculum Publishing includes templates, sample course, units, and lessons containing standards-aligned items, as well as training videos and user guides.

Tutoriels Jing Project pour apprendre à réaliser des tutoriels vidéo Consultant e-learning, Stéphane Wattier est l’auteur du blog Si loin si proche spécialisé sur ce même thème et a réalisé une série de 3 vidéos pour apprendre à concevoir un tutoriel vidéo avec l’application gracieuse Jing Project. Ce logiciel dans sa version « gratuite » (« free ») permet de réaliser avec ergonomie et simplicité des screencastings (vidéos de captures d’écran). Disponible en anglais, Jing Project fonctionne sous Windows et Macintosh. Les 3 tutoriels Jing Project de Stéphane Wattier : On peut compléter cette approche pédagogique par le tutoriel texte/images « Faire des captures d’écran ou Vidéo avec Jing Project » figurant sur le portail Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : France

How Khan Academy is using Machine Learning to Assess Student Mastery | David Hu See discussion on Hacker News and Reddit. The Khan Academy is well known for its extensive library of over 2600 video lessons. It should also be known for its rapidly-growing set of now 225 exercises — outnumbering stitches on a baseball — with close to 2 million problems done each day. To determine when a student has finished a certain exercise, we award proficiency to a user who has answered at least 10 problems in a row correctly — known as a streak. It turns out that the streak model has serious flaws. First, if we define proficiency as your chance of getting the next problem correct being above a certain threshold, then the streak becomes a poor binary classifier. False positives is not our only problem, but also false negatives. In Search of a Better Model These findings, presented by one of our full-time volunteers Jace, led us to investigate whether we could construct a better proficiency model. to this: and when full: % likely to get the next problem correct, for some threshold . .

Tutorials | AWN In the first excerpt from the second chapter, Rhoda Draws talks about drawing what you see. In the first part of a three-part chapter excerpt, Stephen Burns begins with a tutorial on creating the initial landscape using auto align layers. Reed Hastings And John Doerr Put $11M In Adaptive Online Math Learning Platform DreamBox DreamBox Learning, an adaptive e-learning platform for students, has raised $11 million in new funding led by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings (who is investing through the Charter School Growth Fund), and Kleiner Perkins partner John Doerr (this is a personal investment for Doerr). GSV Capital Corp. and Deborah Quazzo also participated round. This brings DreamBox’s total funding to $18 million. Launched in 2008, DreamBox Learning offers more than 500 online math lessons, puzzles, games and curriculums for schools and home schools, targeting young students in kindergarten through fifth grade. DreamBox assesses each student’s mathematical understanding on an ongoing basis, providing the most suitable hints and encouragement at the right pace for that child, and offers the next personally appropriate activities as subsequent choices. The company also offers assessment tools for teachers to understand a student’s comprehension and proficiency.

How to Create a Captivating Presentation “Creativity” isn’t the first word you’d associate with the average business presentation. The phrase “Death by PowerPoint” has been a cliché for years, but sadly the same clichés are being perpetuated day in day out – slides “designed” using hideous templates, crawling with bullet points and paragraphs in tiny fonts, which presenters then read out in a monotone (turning their backs to the audience), using interchangeable meaningless corporate jargon. But there is an alternative – and you hold the keys to it.Now, you may not consider yourself a natural presenter. Maybe, like many creatives, you are slightly shy by nature, at your most comfortable when seated at your desk or alone in the studio with your work. But I managed to transform myself from someone who was terrified of standing up in front of an audience to an in-demand public speaker and workshop leader. Treat the presentation as a creative project in its own right. 1. 2. 3. You have the same opportunity. 4. 5. 6. Over To You

The Ingenious Business Model Behind Coursekit, A Tumblr For Higher Education At universities, educational software largely means enterprise-scale, expensive, feature-stuffed "learning management systems." Blackboard has the majority of the market, but professors and students are about as enthusiastic about its various updates, crashes, and bugs as people are with the latest version of Windows (Blackboard scores a whopping 93% "hated" rating on website Amplicate). Last week, a new alternative was launched--built by students--that looks and works a lot more like the social platforms people actually choose to use in their spare time. The core of the site is a constantly updated social Stream where instructors and students can conduct discussions or easily post rich media. Picture a cleaner-looking Facebook news feed, centered on a single academic theme, or a group Tumblr blog where each picture, question, or video can accumulate its own discussion in the attached comment thread. The second ingenious part of their pitch may also turn out to be a pitfall.

ShowMe - The Online Learning Community Faciliter la production d'un groupe de travail en ligne Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) Stimuler et organiser les contributions d'un groupe de travail Si vous avez déjà été membre d'un groupe de travail en ligne, vous savez qu'une petite fraction des membres seulement participe activement, et qu'il est indispensable que le groupe soit animé. Si vous avez déjà été animateur d'un groupe de travail en ligne, vous savez qu'il s'agit d'une tâche difficile, chronophage, et qu'on manque parfois d'idées pour relancer les contributions. Voici un texte qui fournit des pistes d'action très concrètes pour mieux animer un groupe de travail en ligne. Ce texte a été produit pour être utilisé par les membres des différents projets d'Imagination for People, mais il présente une méthode d'animation utile à tous les groupes de travail en ligne. Trois fonctions-clés d'animation du groupe et de structuration des contributions L'animation du groupe de travail est donc assurée au travers de trois fonctions, personnifiées de la manière suivante :

BigBlueButton -- Open Source Web Conferencing | Google Analytics : 10 outils pour mieux l'utiliser Daniel que je remercie m’a généreusement proposé d’écrire un article sur SEOmix. Etant Web Analyst et fan d’outils permettant d’accroître sa productivité, je me suis proposé de faire une sélection d’outils Google Analytics : 1- Firebug Firebug est une extension Firefox bien connue des développeurs web. Elle est très utile en Web Analytics puisqu’elle permet de vérifier en 1 clic le code source d’un élément. Admettons par exemple que je souhaite vérifier le code source du marqueur de clic que Daniel a intégré sur le bouton pour s’abonner à son flux RSS : Activez Firebug pour voir le code source d'un élément Un simple clic droit me permet de consulter le code source de l’événement Google Analytics : Firebug affiche notamment le code source d'Analytics 2- Firecookie Firecookie est une extension pour l’extension Firebug. Firecookie permet de visionner les cookies d'Analytics 3- Httpfox Httpfox est un debugger qui analyse les interactions entre le site et le serveur : 5- Raven GA Configuration Tool

How to Name a Course to Encourage Enrollment « Absorb LMS Blog Home > Best Practices > How to Name a Course to Encourage Enrollment You may create the best, most engaging content in the world. Unfortunately, if you name the course something like “Establishing Guidelines and Policies for Inter-Departmental Budgetary Reporting,” you’ll have created the courseware equivalent of the kid we knew at school who ate lunch alone. Sure, children would attend his birthday party if they had to but secretly, they wished he’d be a bit more fun to be around. At least one of our clients uses an off-the-shelf courseware library by Leadership IQ. Career Discussions with Un-Promotable EmployeesManaging Narcissists, Blamers, Drama Queens and MorePut the Spark Back in Your CultureHiring Stars with Great AttitudesManaging Talented People with Bad Attitudes Kudos to LeadershipIQ for great topics and fantastic titles. If you’re a course developer, consider giving your courses titles that will make them stand out in a course catalog. Like this: Like Loading...
