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10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation

10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation
10 Ways Teacher Planning Should Adjust To The Google Generation by Terry Heick For the Google Generation, information isn’t scarce, and knowing has the illusion of only being a search away. I’ve written before about how Google impacts the way students think. Curriculum maps are helpful little documents that standardize learning. The problem is, now more than ever, critical knowledge is changing. In the presence of Google, predictive search, digital communities, social media, Quora, adaptive apps, and other technology, information is less scarce than it has ever been in human history. There is a subreddit for transhumanism. That’s pretty incredible. There’s also one for education, science, the future, the past, self-directed learning, teaching, books, technology, and almost any other topic you can think of. The age of knowing is slowing giving way to an age of data navigation, and what students need help with should be adjusted accordingly–even if in ways other than the ideas below. 1. 2.

[Infographie] Comment rédiger le tweet parfait Pas facile d’être lu sur Twitter quand on sait que 500 millions de tweets sont publiés chaque jour. Et avec 115 millions d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels dans le monde, on serait tenté de penser qu’il y a peu de chances pour que son contenu soit vu. Comment faire en sorte que vos messages émergent de la masse ? Beaucoup de méthodes existent pour cela. Message : le poids des mots Ce n’est pas parce que vous écrivez en 140 signes que vous devez utiliser des abréviations, réservées aux chiffres et à quelques mentions spéciales, ou oublier les règles du français. Ton : détendez-vous, vous êtes sur Twitter ! Certes, il ne faut pas dire n’importe quoi dans un tweet. Signes : 120 signes max (moins que 140) Vous le savez par cœur : un tweet c’est 140 signes. 100 signes pour le corps du message20 signes pour le lien (amplement suffisant si vous utilisez un raccourcisseur type signes non utilisés pour les retweets avec mentions Mentions : la pêche au @ Hashtags : trop de # tue le #

6 Platforms to Create Augmented Reality When most people first try augmented reality(AR) in education, they start with applications that have the AR content already built into the app. Apps like AR Flashcards, PBS Kids CyberChase Shape Quest, and Crayola Color Alive have this, and are a great way to get your feet wet. As educators, we know the power of creation. Hopefully one of the following 6 platforms will help you and your students dive in to creating your own augmented reality! The first creation platform is from our friends at DAQRI! * DAQRI 4D Studio is currently being updated and is* unavailable to new users. tuned for more exciting information later this year! Screenshots from 4D Studio Next is the augmented reality platform from Aurasma. *Metaio was acquired by Apple and is no longer available* Junaio Developer powered byMetaio Creatoris an online platform thatallows you to create AR content to view using the Junaio mobile application. I. II. Layar Creator is an easy to use free online platform.

Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator Understand what you read La classification en ligne du Serious Game Sometimes a Chat Is Just a Chat January 27, 2014 by tomwhitby I recently attended a provocative session at Educon. For those who don’t know Educon is an annual education Conference held at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia each year on the week before the Super Bowl. It is a conference of discussion as opposed to a conference of presentation. Each of the sessions is a facilitated discussion that involves the participants. It was in one such session that #Edchat received what I thought was an unwarranted criticism from one of the participants in the session. For those who may be new to social media scheduled chats take place on Twitter on various topics in education throughout the week. The Edchat criticism came in a discussion that I attended on The Privileged Voices in Education; facilitated by two people I greatly admire Jose Vilson, and Audrey Watters. Like this: Like Loading...

Création d'un jeu vidéo littéraire - Ecole numerique Description succincte de l'activité Dans un premier temps, les élèves exploitent différents univers littéraires à travers la lecture de romans de genres variés (on varie également les propositions de lecture pour un même genre). Les lectures sont évidemment exploitées en classe grâce à différentes stratégies (notamment les cercles de lecture). Ensuite, les élèves sont invités à construire, pour chaque univers étudié, une nouvelle intrigue (inédite) en reprenant les caractéristiques de l'univers étudié (cadre spatiotemporel, personnages, thèmes, ...). Détail du contexte, des objectifs, du déroulement Présenter le projet aux élèves et construire une intrigue de base : Une vieille légende raconte qu'il existe, quelque part dans le ciel, un monde qui vit à la lumière de nos étoiles... À partir de là, les élèves vont devoir imaginer les aventures d'un héros qui devra parcourir plusieurs niveaux pour recharger la lumière des étoiles pour sauver l'imagination. Comment rédiger ces intrigues? 1. 2.

Teaching Websites “4 Stars and Editors Choice.” MacUser Dec. 2013 "Awesome!... It's intuitive and it has a wider selection of title treatments and templates - love the retro look!" Chris Shoemaker, Co-Founder of Freshi Media "Outstanding." Ever wanted to be a character in a comic book? It's the app with everything you need to make a stunning photo comic.Fonts, templates, panels, balloons, captions and lettering art. Comic Life is also great for doing school projects, how to guides, flyers for your business or group, storyboarding, lesson plans, book reports, Internet memes; and that's just to name a few! Creating an original work is easy with the script editor. Photo filter effects and all our lettering options really make your photos come alive. When you're done you can share your masterpiece with your fans in a variety ways. Make it your story. Script Editor Get your words straight before starting your layout.
