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Tvärvägen - Dans för två

Tvärvägen - Dans för två
Related:  my pearls

The Misguided Monk - A Lesson Of Principles Animation clip-beautiful-RibA Un pequeño pájaro! A moment of silence for the Western Black Rhino Officially extinct Another beautiful species that we won't see again. The western black rhino, which is a sub-species of black rhino, was was once widespread in the savanna of sub-Saharan Africa, but no more. Wikimedia/Public Domain The IUCN warns that other rhinos could follow saying Africa's northern white rhino is "teetering on the brink of extinction" while Asia's Javan rhino is "making its last stand" due to continued poaching and lack of conservation." Conservation efforts certainly are not futile! Here are some black rhinos (though obviously not western black rhinos...) filmed by the BBC: Via CNN See also: Aw, cute!

PRESTO Disney and Pixar Short Film Watch lune et l autre animated video on aniboom Au Bout Du Monde - Konstantin Bronzit (1998).avi The Last Great Auk The black and white Great Auk was a beautiful bird of bizarre proportions. Its ribbed beak was huge and unwieldy, its legs were too short and its stubby wings were far too small to carry its big body into the air. In these regards, the Great Auk’s clumsy appearance rivals that of the Dodo. And that’s not the only thing these two birds have in common. The Icelandic fishermen Sigurðr Islefsson, Jón Brandsson and Ketil Ketilsson saw the last living Great Auks, in June 1844. Almost tangible, but not quite. Life If Great Auks looked out of place on land, this is because they belonged in the water, where they caught fish and crustaceans. The flippers of Penguins have a similar shape as the wings of the Great Auk. Great Auks could be found throughout the subarctic Atlantic ocean. Great Auks lived in large breeding colonies. Not much is known about the way the Great Auk raised their chicks. Extinction There is evidence that Great Auks were already hunted in prehistoric times. A Great Auk egg.

Bolide - Michel Gondry Walt Disney - Le Dragon Récalcitrant (1941) Les Contes de la Ferme Sign into Flipboard — Flipboard No account? Sign up for a Flipboard account through the Flipboard app Sign up in the app Download the app for iOS Download the app for Android Christopher, je t'en prie, nettoie ta chambre! par Vincent Gauthier Générique réalisation Vincent Gauthier animation Jo Meuris conseiller pour le storyboard Sheldon Cohen supervision de la production de l'animation Marie Renaud spécialiste en imagerie numérique Normand Gauthier adaptation pour le cinéma Sugith Varughese narrateur Maka Kotto montage José Heppell montage sonore Don Ayer André Chaput musique originale Chris Crilly paroles Jamie Mason bruitage Monique Vézina mixage Serge Boivin Jean Paul Vialard producteur exécutif David Verrall Isobel Marks producteur Tamara Lynch

Origins, un merveilleux film d’animation! | L'HumanosphèreL'Humanosphère - Site d'actualités positives Animation – Art : Il y a des gens vraiment doués sur cette planéte et je pense que Monsieur Robert Showalter du Collège Ringling d’art et de design en fait partie! Il nous conte ici la merveilleuse histoire d’un petit robot en quête d’identité! A voir Enjoy origins from Robert Showalter on Vimeo. WordPress: J'aime chargement… Connexe Un puma demande l'hospitalité! Animaux - Insolite : Grosse surprise pour Monsieur Robert Nielsen qui a vu un gros, gros chat gratter sa porte! Dans "Actu Insolite"
