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The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

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6 Q’S ABOUT THE NEWS - The Learning Network Blog Photo In “Jerome Jarre: The Making of a Vine Celebrity,” Nick Bilton writes about how a 20-something with $400 to his name became an international celebrity through social media. WHO is Jerome Jarre? WHAT is Vine? HOW many followers does Mr. Jarre have on Vine? hitRECord NEWS QUIZ - The Learning Network Blog Photo Have you been following the news? Take our quiz to see what you know and to learn more, and look for a new edition each week on Tuesday morning. Read more… Read more…

Film, TV, Gaming, Music, Sport, Comics. ESCAPE GAME THE STOLEN RECIPE by araujo_dulce on READ :,Someone has stolen (a dérobé) your recipe and you must find it to be a candidate for the competition "Junior Kédange Chefs" organised by your English teacher Miss Araujo,AN ESCAPE GAME : the stolen recipecreated by Miss D. Araujo,objectives : discover Jamie Oliver, learn new words and how to express quantities or ask questions, understand a recipe,Who is this man ?,ingredients and utensils,STEP 1 : learn your vocabulary,Watch the video, then test your memory with Quizlet,do the exercise about the vocabulary, note down the clue at the end,STEP 2,Watch Buddy, Jamie Oliver's son and his recipe,STEP 3,learn your grammar,STEP 4,HOW MUCH / HOW MANY,Note down the letter given at the end,2 activities to get a new letter,les quantifieurs / some et any,double click here to have a bigger picture,FINAL STEP 5,b.

Interactive Calendar – Speakeasy News Les rituels de début de cours, particulièrement importants pour les jeunes apprenants sont parfois réalisés de façon mécanique sans que les élèves comprennent toujours l’intérêt de donner la date ou de dire le temps qu’il fait. Voici un exemple d’activité introductive qui enrichit le rituel de la date et donne l’occasion d’élargir les horizons culturels des élèves. Pourquoi un calendrier interactif ? L’idée même du calendrier n’est pas de moi.

Breaking News English Lessons: Easy English News
