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Skeptic The Drinking Water Advisor | Commentary on water resources, quality, treatment, and recent news by Dr. Fred Pontius conflict The Persecution of Galileo "The Earth is firmly fixed; it shall not be moved."-Psalms 104:5 The bible verse shackled the minds of men for thousands of years, and held back the advance of science. "But to affirm that the Sun is really fixed in the center of the heavens and that the Earth revolves very swiftly around the Sun is a dangerous thing, not only irritating the theologians and philosophers, but injuring our holy faith and making the sacred scriptures false." Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and the foremost Vatican theologian of the seventeeth century. "Facts which at first sight seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which had hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty." Galileo "Freedom of belief is pernicious. Cardinal Bellarmine Formal Church declaration in its indictment of Galileo To which Galileo replied: "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin."

Evil Bible Home Page Tutorial: Add an iFrame Application to your Facebook Fan Page – 2011 If you’re NOT on the HyperArts Blog, CLICK HERE! This post was updated on 3/19/11 to reflect change to Tab URL and Secure Tab URL settings. New Tutorial: Add the Reveal Fan-gating Feature to your iFrame Page Tab Facebook recently announced that on March 11, 2011, the Static FBML application will no longer be available to be added to Pages and that no new FBML applications can be created after that date. While Facebook indicates that current Static FBML and FBML tab applications will continue to function for now, it strongly encourages everyone to move from FBML to using iFrame applications. Over the coming weeks, we will be posting a series of tutorials to help you get started with using iFrame applications on your Fan Page. iFrames are now supported on Page tabs Prior to February 10, 2011, Facebook had disallowed iFrames on Page tabs and, although allowed on Canvas pages, iFrames required a user to click activation text or an image to load the iFramed content. What is an iFrame application?

The Skeptic's Dictionary Extraordinary Claims American Indian Use of Fire in Ecosystems References Gerald W. Williams, Ph.D., Historical Analyst USDA Forest Service Washington, D.C. 2001(pdf file of the Williams Bibliography, 1.03 MB) (With contributions by William Reed, Boise NF, Sandra Morris, Region 1, and Henry T. Lewis) May 18, 2001 Evidence for the purposeful use of fire by American Indians (also termed Native Americans, Indigenous People, and First Nations/People) in many ecosystems has been easy to document but difficult to substantiate. It often seems that the common impression about the American West is that, before the arrival of people of European descent, Native Americans had essentially no effect on the land, the wildlife, or the ecosystems, except that they harvested trivial amounts that did not affect the "natural" abundances of plants and animals. Fire scientists often attribute old fire scars found in tree rings to natural causes, such as lightning rather than anthropogenic caused. Arrival of the Europeans Settlers and the Rich Prairies Role of Fire by Indians

Near-death experiences ’caused by cascade of electrical activity in dying brain’ London, May 30 (ANI): The mystery of why people “brought back from the dead” report powerful spiritual experiences may have been solved by scientists. In the study, researchers, who studied brainwaves of dying patients, found a surge of electrical activity in the brain moments before their lives ended. According to the boffins, this surge may be the cause of near-death experiences, the mysterious medical phenomena in which patients who have been revived when close to death report sensations such as walking towards a bright light or a feeling that they are floating above their body, reports The Times. Individuals who experience the sensation, call it a religious vision and treat it as confirmation of an afterlife. However, the scientists behind the new research believe that is wrong. “As blood flow slows down and oxygen levels fall, the brain cells fire one last electrical impulse.

The Crucial Role of Predators: A New Perspective on Ecology by Caroline Fraser 15 Sep 2011: Analysis by caroline fraser Found in the North Palace at Ninevah, stone panels depicting the Royal Lion Hunt of the last Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal, are as violent as any video game: A female lion flies upside down, arrows protruding from her back and belly. Beneath her, a male rears back, arrows piercing his nasal passages while another male drags his hindquarters behind him. From the king’s chariot, attendants drive spears through the chest of another. The panels are two-and-a-half thousand years old, and the story they tell is nearly over. Just as the world’s lions, tigers, and bears are disappearing worldwide, a scientific consensus is emerging that they are critical to ecosystem function, exerting control over smaller predators, prey, and the plant world. Experts on predation have become increasingly convinced that ecosystems are ruled from the top. These are hardly new ideas: Both publications catalogue decades of work examining the power of predators. U.S.

Horseshoe Cock Ring | Superior Male Enhancer | My Hard Wear Essential Vein Oil: EVO Similar to many other penis oils, Essential Vein Oil (EVO) was made for the sole purpose of penile exercising. For that reason, EVO is a more beneficial lubricant than the standard Vaseline, baby oil, and other commonly used lubricants. The downfall of EVO is that you have to make it yourself, making it a tad more expensive. But that hasn't stopped hundreds of men from making it their lubrication of choice. Created by a penile exerciser who uses the online alias Eroset, EVO combines several essential oils and herbs that are vasodilators—meaning they open your blood vessels and increase blood flow. The Benefits of Essential Vein Oil Choosing a proper penis lubricant is important. Regardless if you create your own lubricant or buy one, you'll want a lubricant that encourages healthy, flexible skin. Ingredients Needed to Make EVO You should be able to find these ingredients in most natural health stores. 1 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a base carrier for the essential oils.

ScienceSeeker Giving Rocket | More Money for Ministry
