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The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize

The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize

mattberridge/Proportional-Grids WriteWords - Writing Community - jobs, directory, forums, articles for writers ElasticSearch: Boosting score for content relevancy « Jai’s Weblog – Tech, Security & Fun… Every search solution is build to serve relevant content to the users. Each of these search solutions provide different algorithms and mechanism for you to serve the relevant content matching your business requirements. The flexibility provided in terms of affecting and manipulating the relevancy of search results for your content allows business to serve end customers better. Content Relevance Ranking Content relevancy is to return the relevant documents for a search query. You would like each product to score differently based on different criteria. Lucene Relevancy Ranking Lucene is information retrieval library allowing users to index data and search on the same. Have a look at lucene scoring formula which allows us to retrieve relevant documents matching our query Lucene scoring algorithm Lucene computes the score for each document based on different matching parameters and the weight. OpenRelevance project allows you to do the relevancy testing for information retrieval. Index Boost

Shinybinary - Art and illustrations of Nik Ainley ElasticSearch 101 - A getting started tutorial ElasticSearch is a highly scalable open source search engine with a REST API that is hard not to love. In this tutorial we'll look at some of the key concepts when getting started with ElasticSearch. Downloading and running ElasticSearch ElasticSearch can be downloaded packaged in various formats such as ZIP and TAR.GZ from Running ElasticSearch on Windows To run ElasticSearch on Windows we run elasticsearch.bat located in the bin folder from a command window. If we don't have a Java runtime installed or not correctly configured we'll not see output like the one above but instead a message saying "JAVA_HOME environment variable must be set!". Running ElasticSearch on OS X To run ElasticSearch on OS X we run the shell script elasticsearch in the bin folder. If the script is unable to find a suitable Java runtime it will help you download it (nice!). Using the REST API with Sense Even more convenient is the Chrome plug-in Sense. Indexing The index name is arbitrary. Searching

Free Software Alternatives – OpenOffice and Other Free Software Man, software can be expensive. With a fully loaded Microsoft Office suite costing up to $350, and the pro-level version of Adobe Photoshop costing an extra $1300, the price of basic software utilities can easily trump the cost of even a high-powered new computer. So, much as doctors may find themselves recommending generic drugs over pricey name-brand pills, I increasingly find myself advising people to procure free, open-source or Web-based alternatives to expensive programs. For most users, these applications should serve as adequate replacements for big-name apps. On the downside, their (lack of a) price tag means you can’t expect on-call tech-support agents to walk you through problems—but the programs tend to have legions of devoted users who are willing to fill this role for free on Web-based tech-support forums. Virtually every type of program has a free alternative—from word processors to image-editing programs to time-wasting Tetris clones. Instead of Buying:

Fun with elasticsearch's children and nested documents - Space Vatican When you’re indexing data, the world is rarely as simple as each document existing in isolation. Sometimes, you’re better off denormalizing all data into the child documents. For example if you were modelling books, adding an author field to books could be a sensible choice (even if in the database that is your authoritative datasource the data is split into separate authors and books table). It’s simple and you can easily construct queries on both attributes of the book and the author’s name. That’s not always practical – there might be too much data in the parent document to duplicate it in each child document. Another option is to place child documents inside the parent document, for example you can have documents of the form One drawback here is that adding a child requires reindexing the entire document. If our index contains then the most obvious query finds both authors – you can’t express that your conditions on published and genre need to match against the same book. This query | Top 100 downloads of free software & freeware for Windows XP, Windows 7 & Vista Social Bookmarking Sharing Button Widget >Share 100zakladokAdftyAdifniADV QRAmazonAmen Me! false C Guide--1.6 Statements The if statement evaluates an expression. If that expression is true, then a statement is executed. If an else clause is given and if the expression is false, then the else's statement is executed. Syntax: if( expression ) statement1;orif( expression ) statement1; else statement2 ; Examples: if(loop<3) counter++; if(x==y) x++; else y++; if(z>x) { z=5; x=3; } else { z=3; x=5; } A switch statement allows a single variable to be compared with several possible constants. Examples: If betty is 1, then two lines are printed: betty=1 and betty=2. The while statement provides an iterative loop. while( expression ) statement... statement is executed repeatedly as long as expression is true. while(*pointer! The do...while construct provides an iterative loop. do statement... while( expression ); statement is executed repeatedly as long as expression is true. do { betty++; printf("%i",betty); } while (betty<100); The for statement allows for a controlled loop. Syntax: Examples: Prints numbers 0 through 999.

47 Mind-Blowing Psychology-Proven Facts You Should Know About Yourself I’ve decided to start a series called 100 Things You Should Know about People. As in: 100 things you should know if you are going to design an effective and persuasive website, web application or software application. Or maybe just 100 things that everyone should know about humans! The order that I’ll present these 100 things is going to be pretty random. Dr. How To Make Rage Faces on Facebook Chat Simply type the above code that corresponds to the appropriate rage face into Facebook chat, and the image of the rage face you chose will appear, emoticon-like in its existence. Facebook didn’t suddenly become hip to the Internet and add rage face emoticons (something from which Google Chat would greatly benefit), but the ability to add rage faces to Facebook chat is more of a hack than anything else, and something to which you can add. Reddit user daychilde explains that these aren’t actually some form of ragemoticon, but that the double bracket and code corresponds to a user profile or page, and when put into Facebook chat, will show the thumbnail of the profile or page that the code links to. So, all one has to do to make any picture a Facebook chat emoticon, is to simply create a user profile or page that uses the desired picture as the profile picture, then enter the double brackets and corresponding code into Facebook chat. Here’s a tidy list of some more rage face codes:
