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Retargeting: 5 Tactics from Drip Email to Lead GenerationB2B Lead Generation, Appointment Setting, Telemarketing

Retargeting: 5 Tactics from Drip Email to Lead GenerationB2B Lead Generation, Appointment Setting, Telemarketing
Before anything else, let us define drip email: According to, drip marketing is a strategy employed by many direct marketers where a constant flow of marketing material is sent to customers over a period of time. David Kirkpatrick, Senior Reporter at provides these 5 tactics for retargeting in multiple marketing channels including email, online advertising and paid search: Tactic #1. Lead nurturing and drip email campaigns are retargeting Lead nurturing campaigns combining content marketing with email, or drip email campaigns based on specific trigger events, may not be discussed in these terms all the time, but both are retargeting tactics. One way retargeting emails can help is with lead generation forms. Tactic #2. In tactic #1 above, the retargeted prospect has already raised their hand enough to provide an email address. Tactic #3. A conversion path looks like this: Home pageFeatures page (a product resource)Plans and pricing pageCart/Billing page

Telemarketing: What Not to Say | Callbox Telemarketing Telemarketing is all about the right words and the right time to say them. Communicating effectively is most essential part of effectively close a deal. And communicating efficiently means choosing the phrases that needs to be said and the phrases that needs to be verbally held off. Although most companies hire telemarketing services, you must take responsibility in picking not just the right people but also the right words that would represent your company. Closing the deal before opening. Avoid straying from the objective. Sell to the unlikely customer. Most of the time, you’ll have to deal with the final decision makers, or the executives, and insisting on a product or service that they can’t entirely benefit from will never work. Avoid Jargons! Bottom-line is you need to prepare a script that fits your target customers.

Healthcare Lead Generation and Appointment Setting Callbox designs and implements a solid healthcare lead generation platform to produce warm sales leads for healthcare products and services. We deploy professional telemarketers with extensive experience in appointment setting and lead generation for the healthcare industry to segment profitable markets, generate warm healthcare leads, and set appointments with qualified targets. We market to the healthcare industry targeting managers, directors, and other decision makers in various healthcare institutions such as doctors’ offices, health clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes, veterinary clinics, hospitals, and medical centers. We customize and fine tune our lead generation and appointment setting strategies to match your goals, campaign preferences, and concurrent market trends. Use our expertise to enhance your brand and ensure wide exposure for your healthcare products and services including: Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox representative or fill out that form on the left.

Keep Your Company Blog Alive And Exciting Just imagine that your company blog was like an open store, the readers are your customers and to keep them coming back you have to provide them what they need and give them proper customer service. Now that 2014 has started, there are external factors that could add some charm on your blog and lure audience. Bring your blog to stardom and let the camera rolling. Here is a slide share of how to keep it alive and exciting throughout the year. 15 Ways To Keep Your Company Blog Alive And Exciting from Belinda Summers Over all, it means keeping the flow of engagement constant and retaining reader’s interest should be the main objectives. Nurturing Lead Generation Prospects – Is it worth the effort? Between the sunny skies that wrap around the success of closing a lead prospect into a sale or a contract, there is a cloud of uncertainty that can sometimes come inevitable in a typical lead generation funnel. When a lead is not “ripe” enough to progress into the next stage, there would be a need for “nurturing”. The question is: is it really a necessary step? Slowly but surely To evaluate its worth, let’s first take a look at the good things it brings to the table. Nurturing a prospect also gives an impression of service. This kind of image can help boost a brand in the awareness of the people who would turn out to be the target market. The faster lane On the other hand, skipping the nurturing part also has its perks. Sales people would be talking more on the phones, yes, but it also heightens the probability of a good outcome, since the marketing aspect of it already relies on selling skills and not entirely on the definite need of a prospect. Quality versus quantity

Client Profiling Services Selling to people you don’t know is like shooting in the dark. While a few pitches actually hit the target, most are not even near-misses. Client profiling can quickly solve this problem. Unlike your typical company profiling technique, we don’t simply split business leads by differences in income, status, or age bracket. Could your lead generation campaign be more targeted if your client profile had the following additional information? Employment HistoryInterests and hobbiesProduct or service preferencesPurchase historyAverage spendingCredit worthiness, etc. Put more life into your customer prospecting campaign. Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox representative or fill out that form on the left. Callbox and Software Leader Spell Success The Client The Client is a professional business software consulting firm based in Irvine, CA. They specialize in the Sage Software family of products – Sage MAS 90 and 200, Sage BusinessWorks, Sage CRM, and JobOps Job management software. The Client helps businesses increase productivity and profitability through the application of integrated accounting, distribution and management software. Their reporting tools allow users to quickly and easily extract, analyze and professionally present business information. The Client’s services include software selection, system design and implementation, user training and support, data conversion, and eCommerce/EDI/CRM consulting. The Challenge Considering the stiff competition and difficulty of marketing business software, it was crucial for the Client to double, even triple their sales and marketing efforts in order to find prospects. system changesystem upgrade or downgradesystem maintenanceadd-ons to current system The Callbox Solution

Marketing Activities you should Outsource to Professionals | Business Marketing Singapore Some things are better left to experts, especially when the fate of a business is on the line. This is certainly true in the world of marketing. No one is really an expert of everything; each person can only specialize in a handful of fields. When we desperately try to be a “Jack of all trades”, we end up not reaching the maximum potential of our efforts. That’s why we need to understand that there are marketing channels that need external help for them to be truly effective. 1. Effective copy goes far beyond attractive wording. Your copy isn’t something to assign to the team member with an English degree. 2. The quality of the media you produce is directly correlated to the status of your company in the eyes of viewers.Average infographics and videos don’t automatically propel a business into prominence. It’s better to hire out quality pieces, even simple ones, than to create your own lacking pieces of media. 3. Long-form content has the capacity to serve as a flagship of your company.

Singapore B2B Lead Generation Company Outbound Marketing: Reaching out to your Target Market Even with the advent of inbound marketing which aims to ‘attract’ audiences instead of chasing them, there’s still a significant need for outbound activities. After all, deliberately reaching out to prospects isn’t just about hard selling; sometimes, outbound efforts help maintain the fluidity of other marketing campaigns. Well, we can’t just wait for leads to come in. That’s a lot of opportunities to waste. We all know that the product or services we are offering is not for everyone. How to target an audience is the main question before launching our product or service. According to a very insightful post at, outbound marketing can be used in different ways to spell success for a business #1: Find a Guest Blogging Partner To Assist You Finding a guest blogger to get instant PR and advertisement for your company is profitable. Aside from branding, this will also send traffic back to your site and grow your search engine rank. #3: Use Social Media To Attract Customers

What Will SMBs Focus on in 2014? Greater Online Presence We’ve all heard about the brouhaha about how mobile usage will take over desktop particularly starting in 2014. That’s why businesses have started giving more focus on making their strategies compatible to mobile devices. But that’s only for huge businesses. Small and medium-sized businesses apparently are rather behind their larger counterparts when it comes to going mobile. So why aren’t they joining the mobile revolution? j2 Global’s research, as reported by, indicated that a common increase in online presence, including things as basic as setting up a website or online store, was the top priority for 2014 for nearly three in 10 SMB professionals surveyed. “More than 45% of the US population will use the mobile internet at least monthly this year, eMarketer estimates, a figure set to rise to nearly two-thirds by 2017. This goes to show that not all sectors of the business chain are able to go with the changing times.

The stuff your Dad taught you – and how they became pure Marketing wisdom Our fathers are most often the subtle versions of our mothers, yet with the same noble intentions. They tend to be more lax with their rules, and they’re the ones who always remind us to keep our cool in times of struggle. They don’t speak a lot – but when they do, their words stick to our hearts like glue, so that wherever we go and whatever we go through, we’d always remember ‘that thing’ Dad taught us. But apparently, there are more to these words than just ‘fatherly’ advice. Even when talking about the ins and outs of marketing, Dad’s words may just be an excellent source of business acumen: Don’t take yourself too seriously – Again, this is always the ultimate pillar of ‘Dad’s teachings’. Be open to change – Fathers are more accepting of going out of one’s comfort zones. Always take your best shot – Fathers may not be the best cheerleaders but their message is always for us to give our best in whatever we undertake. Some businesses strike gold, while others stink. Happy Father’s Day!
